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SERENITY ( 1 full turn omitted)

WALTZ  48count  FOUR Wall       Start on RIGHT FOOT  

MUSIC   “Never, Ever and Forever” by Lee Ann Womack & Mark Wills   Choreography  masters in Line 2003



 1 - 12

Walk R,L 1/2 turn onto R, (3)    L twinkle, (3)   R twinkle 1/2 turn, (3)   L twinkle  (3)

13 - 18

R twinkle 1/2 turn (3),  L cross rock, side (3)  

18 - 24

Step R across (1)  full turn L spin (2) down onto L (3)  cross  R rock ,1/4 turn (3)

25 - 30

Step L (1), pivot 3/4 on L (2)  sweep R (3) R behind, side across (3)

31 - 36

Big step L, drag R to L (3)   Vine L or rolling turn (3)

37 -42

L cross rock,1/4 turn (3)  step R pivot onto L, turn 1/4L on L and Hitch R  (3)

43 - 48

Cross R rock side (3) L across, side, behind 1/4 turn R (3)