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SWAY ( 1 full turn omitted)

64count  FOUR Wall   1 tag of 4 hips RLRL after 4th wall      Start on RIGHT FOOT   Choreographed by Carl Sullivan    MUSIC   “Sway” by Michael Buble   NB  In this dance shuffles are regarded as cha chas  * full pivot



1,2,3, 4&5, 6,7 8&1 

Step fwd on R sway LR, shuffle L, rock fwd R, back onto L, 1/2 turn shuffle  RLR

2,3, 4&5  6,7, 8&1

Step L, pivot onto R,1/2 turn shuffle, rock back on R, fwd onto L, Step R, rock onto L, back onto R

2,3, 4&5  6,7, 8&1

Cross L, step R to side, hinge 1/2 turn L side shuffle LRL, cross rock R, rock back, side shuffle

2,3  4,5  6,7,  8

Cross L   * step onto R,  step L to L, large step to R on R, drag L for 2 to behind rock on L, come fwd onto R

1,2 3&4  5,6  7&8

Step L, together, side shuffle,  rock back, side shuffle RLR

1,2 3&4  5,6  7&8

Touch L behind, unwind (wt on L),  1/2 turn sh  RLR, rock R back, fwd,  L KB Cross

1,2 3&4  5,6  7&8

Rock L side, sway onto R, L sailor,  1/4 R rock back R, Fwd L, shuffle fwd RLR

1,2 3&4  5,6  7&8

Step L fwd, sweep 1/2 R, R coaster cross, Rock side L, R, behind and fwd onto L