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This site is lovingly dedicated to a great online friend!!

Some of you may have known him, when he chatted in Yahoo. His online name there was Firesharky, or Firesharky34. For others, who met him later in Excite chat, he was known as Denver_fire_cowboy

SEPT/1964 - JUNE/2000

It is with a sad and heavy heart, that I announce the passing of a fellow chatter. I first met ~Fire~ while chatting in Yahoo. At that time he was living in San Francisco, and was a Firefighter/EMT. He was a gentleman with a great sense of humor, and also one who could spit out fast one-liners, as good as the rest of them. We also spent a lot of time in Yahoo games, where we would play Hearts, or a rousing game of Cribbage. We talked often, and became fast friends. I don't think anyone would have let me beat him as often in Hearts as I did.... and still come back for more!! Don later moved to Denver, Colorado. And even though he had his truck stolen, and some other misfortunes... I know he truly LOVED it there. Don had two special friends he shared his life with. They were his cats.

I remember a saying.... "Only the good die young".. and I see in this case, how TRUE this saying is. I send my heart-felt condolences to Don's family. And to let them know, he has some people here online.. who sadly miss his sense of humor, and especially his friendship.

A banner of Don's favorite hockey team.

GO.....Colorado Avalanche

I scanned this image from
my Garth Brooks 6 CD set....
and added a few of
my own personal touches.

Don enjoyed Garth's music
just about as much as I do.

Don, this image is just for YOU.

Even though I never met Don in person, I like to think I am a pretty good judge of character. One who is willing to sacrifice his life, to save another.......... takes a pretty special kind of person. Below is a poem I found, which says it all.

*Please read the left side first, and then the right side.*


One day my son asked me, Dad?
What does courage mean?
At first I simply answered
No fear of certain things

Then in that same instant
I looked across the street
I saw my neighbors running
And jumped up from my seat

As I ran out the front door
I saw what had torn their lives
The house that they had built and loved
Was burning before my eyes

We quickly called the firemen
And the minutes seemed like years
Then they came from everywhere
To battle our biggest fears

They swiftly set up their weapons
And clad their armor in a flash
Then they faced the dragon
A monster of fire and ash

They boldly rushed into the flames
To face the devil and pick a fight
Risking the very life they held
For another on that night

No one was trapped inside that home
But a life was still at stake
For they have seen many homes lost
And have seen many hearts break

So once again they fight their enemy
A War they can never win
For if they win the battle
The devil runs to burn again

But while the devil was in that house
they walked into his lair
Facing his evil Talons
With water and a stare

They saved my neighbor's home
And the houses all around
They then cleaned their weapons
Letting their armor fall to the ground

It wasn't until the morning
That I realized what all had taken place
When I went into the house
I saw the scar of the devil's face

That is when I turned to my son
And answered question again
Now a wiser man I said
When you think of courage, son

Think ALWAYS of the firemen

~~~Author Unknown~~~

*This poem taken from poems submitted at...

Don, you are sadly missed... and will never be forgotten. May the Angels watch over and keep you.

If you have any comments regarding this page....... please email them to me HERE

*Avalanche logo is a ® of the Colorado Avalanche.