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Hello everyone!

     My full name is Ong Yeong Aun and I'm 21 going on 22. I was born and bred in Kuala Lumpur all my life, and yet I realise that I don't know much about this beautiful city. That is why I decided to create a KL homepage. It has been an interesting and fun project. I found many insightful information of the places that we as KLians are sometimes guilty of taking them for granted.

     I'm currently studying in Dunedin at both the Otago University and the College of Education. It's an education degree program in collaboration with the teachers' college in Cheras, KL (Maktab Perguruan Ilmu Khas). I'll be coming home soon, but Dunedin will be sorely missed. It's a great place to study and have fun, really. I love the Recreation Services provided by the University. I got to do stuff that I only imagined about when I was back home...ballroom dancing, pottery, martial arts, scuba...the list is endless.

     Thank you very much for visiting my website.