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Deceiving someone for his own good is a responsible that should be shouldered only by God.

A coincidence is a small miracle where God has chosen to remain anonymous.

The Almighty does not show mercy to the one who does not show mercy to others.

A little while and I will be gone from among you, whither I cannot tell. From nowehere we came, into nowhere we go. What is life? It is a flash of a firefly in the night.

Knowledge of the End is with the Creator alone.

The prayer most acceptable to God comes from a thankful heart.

The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.

Those who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and those who love it are not equal to those who live it.

To seek God means first of all to let yourself be found by Him.

In serving the poorest, we are directly serving God.

The perfect journey is circular - the joy of departure and the joy of return.

Blessed is the person who is too busy to worry during the day and too sleepy to woory at night.

Modern man worships Science, but science tells him only what is possible, not what is right.

Don't get to the end of life and discover that you just lived the lenght of it. Learn now to learn the width of it as well.

No one ever promised us a life free from disappointment. If we can accept this, we will be able to recognize that forgiveness and love are the tools to live fully in this life.

Hurry and fretfulness, hatred and jealousy, too much ambition, and an unwillingness to get involved are among the ways of life that turn us away from God.

Like all God's creatures, enemies have a purpose in this world. They offer a criticism of one's conduct (albeit unsought) that is not always provided by friends.

Some people are so busy that they can no longer concern themselves with fellow men. Even God hasn't reached that stage yet!

Everything free from falsehood is strength.

Jail is a jail for thieves For the Gandhis and Mandelas, it is a place for reflection and worship.

The purpose of life is to be useful, responsible, compassionate, and above all, to have made some different that you lived at all.

It's something all of us can do: We can give our fellow man a little push.

Pray like you see Him, and if you do not see Him, know that He sees you.

No one is true believer until he wishes for others what he wishes for himself.

Solitude in youth is painful because the art of living comfortably with it has not yet been learned; it is only in maturity that solitude becomes delicious.

Drive carefully. It's not only cars that can be recalled by their maker.

In some way, your deepest self is the self of all men - that you are in them as they are in you.

Experience of transcendence come from prayer, poetry, happiness, sorrow, courage and love. They offer answers to what our lives are about.

Face difficult moments by reaching out to those around you. We all benefit when we share our sorrow and need, if only to say, "Pray for me."

There are reservoirs of strength in the touch of a healing hand, a sympathetic glance.

Some people treat faith like a slot machine trying to put in as little as possible and hoping to hit a jackpot!.

When I am perplexed, I seek seclusion, and in the eloquence of silence, I wait for the answers to arrive. And they do.

A dying man needs to die, as a sleepy person needs to sleep, and there comes a time when it is wrong, as well as useless, to resist.

Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God will come to know God because they know you.

The End