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Raven has visited many websites that have touched her heart. And many of them had graphics, banners,and poetry that she wanted to bring to her pages to share with her visitors. Some of them are here, and some of them are links. Many of them are social issues, and all of them are spiritual ones. A few of them will make you cry, I hope all of them make you remember. Please join with Raven and let them touch your hearts as well.

Beloved, let us love one another:

for love is of GOD;

and everyone that Loveth is born of GOD,

and knoweth GOD.

And we have known and believed the Love that GOD hath to us.

GOD is Love;

and he that dwelleth in Love dwelleth in GOD,

and GOD in him.

Herein is our Love made perfect,

that we may have the boldness in the Day of Judgement:

because as he is,

so are we in this world.

1 JOHN 4:6, 16, 17

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