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Welcome! This is Raven's special place for children. A secret, hidden glen full of magic and wonder. Here Raven's friends, the Pixies, the Elves, and the Fairies, play the time away, both day and night. They climb aboard butterflies to soar thru the garden, tend all Raven's flowers, and hold tortoise races everyday. It was their fastest tortoise that beat that silly hare in that famous race, as I'm sure you have heard. These mystical folk are only seen by those who truely Believe and if you are very quiet they will tell you some fantastic tales.

Raven's Flash banner compliments of

Lady Jane


The Fairies are a charming folk,

If all the tales are true,

And I believe them ev'ry one,

And doubtless you do, too,

They live in a land enchanted,

With their dear little Queen,

Bewitching in her loveliness,

And dress of silv'ry sheen.

They dance in the fragrant meadows,

And frolic half the night away,

When the moonlight clothes the heavens,

In raiment soft and white,

And carpets all the dells and glens,

With tapestries of gold,

In which are woven diamond,

Bright in ev'ry length and fold.

And when the mystic clock strikes twelve,

The Cricket's Minstrel Band,

Composed of the Court musicians,

The greatest in the land,

Send forth its sweet melody,

From bagpipe, flute, and horn,

In welcome to their Fairy Queen,

The Daughter of the Morn.

Who comes with all her maidens fair,

To spend the night in mirth,

And dance until another day,

Is ready for its birth,

But when the light begins to fail,

In firmament above,

They bid their dainty Queen good-night,

With words of fondest love.

And then they climb the jeweled arch,

Up through the Milky Way,

To kiss the Moon and Stars goodnight,

Ere breaks the light of day,

Then scamper down the moonbeams pale,

Until they reach their home,

Ere God Snuffs out the stars' soft light,

In the heavens's matchless dome.

by John G. Herndon....

Ever wonder what

Fairies DO in the dark???



to find out....wicked grin!

The wee folk have a saying that they wish to share with you.

And it goes like this:


Kind hearts are the gardens,

Kind thoughts are the roots,

Kind words are the flowers,

Kind deeds are the fruits.

Take care of the gardens,

And keep them from weeds,

Fill, fill them with flowers,

Kind words and kind deeds.

by Henry W. Longfellow

Finally, Raven has gotten her resident family of fairies,

The Aryries,

to pose so ya'll can see them. They are sooo very shy!!

Raven had to promise them a brand-new Fairie Cottage to get them to agree.

But aren't they adoreable!!!!....Scroll down to see them...they are hiding again!!!!









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I'd Love to be a Fairy's Child

CHILDREN born of fairy stock Never need for shirt or frock, Never want for food or fire, Always get their heart's desire: Jingle pockets full of gold, Marry when they're seven years old. Every fairy child may keep Two strong ponies and ten sheep; All have houses, each his own, Built of brick or granite stone; They live on cherries, they run wild-- I'd love to be a Fairy's child.

Robert Graves. (1918) Fairies and Fusiliers.

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