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Raven's FAQ About Compost

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And Their Answers:

Raven has utilized compost to assist her in breaking up her hardened red Alabama clay dirt. Without compost she would have NEVER had her garden.

She also wishes to remind her readers that first and most importantly to always start your compost heap in the Fall of the year. It is always cooler then, and leaves are easy to collect, and in most cases grass clippings can still be had. And two, NEVER "dump and run" when adding food scaps. ALWAYS bury food scaps 6"- 12" below the surface, OR cover with leaves, straw, or composting materals. This prevents scavengers, lke racoons from finding the scaps, and prevents odors. Also covering the scraps encourages composting to begin.

Also keep your compost MOIST, not wringing wet. Cover the pile during torrents of rain, and water it during dry periods. And remember, keeping the pile turned speeds the composting process, however if left alone composting HAPPENS, if the pile is correctly made. It just takes 1 -2 years longer that way. And thirdly, to always remember to LAYER the "Greens" and the "Browns", evenly thoughout the pile.

And, lastly, NEVER to get discouraged, Compost Happens, whether it takes as little as two weeks or two years. It is always worth the effort!!


1.Begin the pile with a layer of coarse material like branches and twigs to allow air flow to the pile.

2.For a "BROWNS", add 6 inches of leaves and other woody materials. For a "GREENS", add 2-3 inches of grass clippings, kitchen wastes and garden wastes. Mix these two layers to speed up the processs and then cover with 2 inches of dirt to control odors. Also add an activator such as astore-bought compost activator OR just ordinary wood soil.)

3.Dampen the pile with water as new layers are added or more frequently if the weather is dry.Cover the pile with cover , if the weather is rainy, otherwise nutrients could be lost.

  4.The pile itself should be concave in the center to prevent excessive runoff of water. The moisture content is sufficient when the the gamp is damp to touch, not soggy.

5.To speed up the process, mix/turn the pile once a week and periodically sprinkle it with water to keep it moist.( or if you aren't in a hurry, just wait compost HAPPENS)

6.When the center of the pile is no longer hot( piles can reach tempertures of 160 degrees, which kills weed seeds) and the material has broken down into dark, crumbly soil, the composting is done. The process usually takes 3-6 months. ( or if you are really energetic just two weeks)


1.When added to your garden, compost improves the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of the soil.

2.Compost can be used in: -- Flower beds ( as a soil additive or a top dressing) -- Vegetable gardens -- Lawns ( as a top dressing or a fertilizer) -- Planting a new tree or shrub -- Seed starting mix ( very finly ground) Add 1-2 inches of compost to the top 6-8 inches of topsoil and mix.

3. Rough, well-seasoned Compost can also be used as a mulch which adds nutrients and improves soil structure. ( remember it does hold water, so keep away from woody stems)

4.Its main job is to help conserve moisture, prevent erosion and reduce weed growth. Apply a GENEROUSLY around your garden. And Enjoy the results!!

Raven Says That This Is The Best Overall Design For A Homemade Compost Bin

Even Store-bought Compost Bins Can't Discourage Ricky And His Family