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Here are some of Raven's favorite bird species, featured on pop-up cards, compliments of eNature.com.(see Banner below)

Perhaps some of these same birds can be found in your neck of the woods. Enjoy!!

Common Raven

Abert's Towhee

American Crow

American Goldfinch

American Redstart

American Robin

American Tree Sparrow

Bald Eagle

Barn Owl

Barn Swallow

Black Vulture

Black-capped Chickadee

Blue Jay

Cedar Waxwing

Common Nighthawk

Eastern Bluebird

Evening Grosbeak

Gray Catbird

House Finch

House Sparrow

House Wren

Peregrine Falcon

Pine Siskin

Purple Martin

Red-winged Blackbird

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Tufted Titmouse


Whooping Crane

Wild Turkey

Are these all of Raven's favorites?? No way!! These are but a few, for the list grows daily. Birdwatching is such a interesting hobby, especially when the birds are so accommodating.

So PLEASE help the birds out this Winter, and go ahead and set up your feeding stations. Perhaps some of your favorites will stay the Winter with you, instead of flying South to see Raven, on their way to their Winter homes.

Like what you see?? You too, can have pop-up cards for your website/email, like Raven does. Click below, and go to "Free Nature Content" on eNature.com.