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I now have a mated pair of ravens living in my yard. Therefore I have done quite a lot of online research on raven mythology. They are very mystical.Click on this image for a webpage that tells about these haunting creatures.

I have heard it said that ravens do not move, when grounded as other birds. For they do not hop about, but walk as men do, hence the name 'Raven's Walk".These are intelligent and clever observers, for when ever I am in my garden, they comment upon my every move, from their vantage point high in the pines. And heaven forbid, that I should trip or drop a flowerpot, for they erupt into a raucous laughter, that I swear can be heard for miles.

And whenever a dark shadow crosses overhead in the garden, I do not have cause for worry, for it's just my " guardian ravens".

The 'Raven' card from The Druid Animal Oracle The set done by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, is a set of cards which can be laid out and used as an 'oracle' (rather like a Tarot deck).The incredible artwork is done by Bill Worthington, who illustrated the entire set. Click on the image to go to the Druid Animal Oracle. It is also interesting to note, that the image of raven's tracks, were once thought by ancient Europeans to be a language, and the Runic symbol for Life is identical to a raven's print. Perhaps that is why these noisy, mischievous creatures are so full of life.


The raven has always been the favorite bird in all the pagan sagas, symbolizing the power of the fates to take life at the peak of battle. They represented the Morrigan, the goddesses of war, and after ancient battles, it was said "And after this, they were all food for ravens." In Runic Lore this creature represented: Protection, Healing and Initiation. The Nordic Deity Odin had two faithful ravens, Click on Image for their story.

Even the Bible mentions this handsome fellow, with some importance. For God commanded the ravens to bring food to Elijah ( 1 Kings 17:15 ) and the young ravens are fed themselves, when they cry out to God for food. ( Psalms 147:9). But perhaps the most striking referances are those of warning , ( Isaiah 34 ) and ( Proverbs 30:17), which warns all of us to Honor our parents, least a hungry raven get ahold of us.Click on the image for more about this biblical creature.