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Short History

Before Red Jewel Farms was even called Red Jewel Farms, there was a horse called Justin Time. He started my deep, true love for horses, and, sadly, he died of old age after a very long life. He inspired Red Jewel Farms.

RJF originated with Cola, who was boarded at a local stable. Then came Ceazar, who we bought and boarded at another stable. When we got Murphy and Scout, we decided to get a place of our own and actually go into business.

But we never knew we'd become such a huge and prosperous farm when we started building. My parents and I bought this HUGE piece of land from the government, and we started building this beautiful stable, barn, and our house on it. At first we thought we'd have more land than we'd know what to do with, but that idea quickly vanished..

When we bought Calvin, we boarded him at Red Jewel Farms. The original four horses came along during the next week. We reached 15 horses rather quickly, and started giving lessons every day of the week. Working with horses, it's not WORK, it's FUN!!!!

Well, Red Jewel Farms grew and grew, and now we have all of our stalls full. Fifty horses.... Wow..

Along with the horses came a bunch of dogs, and cats, and other farm animals. Today we run not only a riding center, but a free petting zoo for visitors and students of the farm, as well as an animal shelter. Red Jewel Farms is AMAZING.. A dream come true.

NOW We give lessons and trail rides, and we also rent out our horses to the more experienced riders. They can either ride the horse they rent for the type of riding in which the horse is qualified OR for just pleasure riding around our property. In addition to this, renters of RJF horses and lesson-takers (who sometimes ride the show horses in the most advanced lessons) also have the oppurtunities to show our horses for us if they wish, and keep 10% of the winnings. We also show the horses on our own, our trainers, myself, or friends as the riders.

Here are some pictures of the original Justin: Justin Time:
