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Here is a page of my favorite tv/movie bad guys and girls. What is it about the bad boys? *Sigh* Anyway let me get this out disclaimer out of the way.

This site is for educational and entertainment purposes. I take no credits for the charaters or for the shows which they are on.

Now... on to the bad boys and girls :-)~

This is Kenneth Irons. He is on the show Witchblade. He has money... power... and he is 96 years old. I think he looks very good for his age. He gets what he wants when he wants it... except for the Witchblade. Dont stand in his way or he will have Nottingham come after you.

Ian Nottingham... also from Witchblade. Lurking in shadows... watching and waiting for the right moment. He does what his master{Irons} tells him to do. He does have a heart and would be a nice guy if he wasnt stuck under Irons thumb all the time. He is one of the best fighters I have ever seen.

Billy{right} and Stu{left} are good friends from the movie Scream. Stu is the wild... hyper... goofy type and Billy is the quiet... serious type. These two best friends have nothing in common except for one thing... they are both serial killers.

Look who stopped by! Ares the God of War!!! He is on Xena Warrior Princess. He is the one who has it all. He always gets what he wants... except for Xena. He has a huge crush on her... I dont know why... he could do much better...

Autolycus the King of Thieves... also from Xena Warrior Princess. No lock... chain... or rope can hold him. No jewel... coin... or anything of value is safe when he is near. He never lets on that he has a good side. He gives over half of what he steals to the poor and keeps very little for himself.

Deacon Frost from the movie Blade. He is smart and he has ambition. He means to rule the world by killing the Daywalker and becoming the Blood God. Dont get in his way though or you will end up his snack.

William the Bloody aka Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He was called "The Bloody" because when he was human he wrote bloody bad poetry and "Spike" because after Drusilla came along and turned him into a vampire he would torture his victims with railroad spikes. He once said he thought of humans as "Happy meals with legs." He is thought to be harmless now because he has a chip in his head that makes it so he cannot hurt humans.

Sheriff Lucas Buck. Thats Buck... with a B. He was on American Gothic before it was canceled :-(
He ruled his town with an iron fist. People jumped when he said jump and didnt stop until he said to stop. Some say he is pure evil but... his soft Southern accent and his stylish way of dressing... Do not stand in his way... or you will die.

You should know these guys from Star Wars. Darth Vader{left} is very strong in the force and second only to the Emperor in the chain of command. Stay out of his way or he will use the force on you. Boba Fett{right} is a bounty hunter who was the one who caught Hans Solo. He has no problem with anyone unless he is payed to bring you in. But beware... even Darth Vader backs down from this guy.

Meet Michael from La Femme Nikita. He shows no emotion. He is very efficiant when it comes to getting the job done. He does what he has to do with out asking questions or raising qualms. Operations gives him a job... he gets it done.

Callisto from Xena Warrior Princess. She hates Xena with a passion and will do anything to see her dead. When Callisto was younger Xena killed her family. Since then she went a little... uh... insane. She has powers of a demi-godess and can turn herself into fire and throw fire balls. Sadly... she never got her revenge on Xena...

This is the Sheriff of Nottingham from Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. You might have seen him before and youve might not but surely you have heard one of his most famous quotes. "Wait a minute. Robin Hood steals money from my pocket, forcing me to hurt the public, and they love him for it? Thats it then. Cancel the kitchen scraps for the lepers and orphans, no more merciful beheadings, and call off Christmas!"

The Headless Horseman from Legend of Sleepy Hollow is pretty mellow for a ghost. He will leave you alone unless the person who holds his head orders him to kill you. He mostly likes to hang out and scare people when he isnt under some one elses control. Give the guy a break... all he wants is his head back.

All the way from the center of the Labyrinth it is Jareth the Goblin King. He rules all of the goblins and has a great singing voice. All he really did was do as Sara asked and took the baby... the only trouble he gave her was giving it back.

Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars. He is sort of like an intergalactic crime boss. He was the one who was after Hans Solo for so long. Dont get in his way or he might hire Boba Fett to come after you... and Boba Fett always gets who he is after.

Not much is known about Darth Maul from Star Wars. He worked for the same Emperor as Darth Vader. He was very skilled at using his double bladed light saber. Sadly he will make no more apperances in Star Wars... he was killed by Ob-won Kinobi.

This is Faith. She has been seen on both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and on Angel. She is a rouge slayer. Human... vampire... makes no differance to her. Last we seen of her she could have been turning to the good side though... she turned herself into the police. Although... it could have just been another one of her tricks.

Sheriff Melivn of Rottingham{left} who when angry speaks backwards like... "Do that cant you." And on the right is King John whos mole never stays in the same place on his face. These two are from Robin Hood: Men In Tights.

Meet The Kurgan. Fearsome fighter... master swordsman... immortal. He was in the original Highlander movie where sadly Connor took his head. He was a wonderfull driver who would put the petal to the metal and drive head on into a mac truck. His style was strange... one arm wrapped in black leather... the other arm bare. He has a scar on his throat that makes his voice... very gravely... and it was always very deep.

Doctor Hannible Lecter... from the movies Silence of the Lambs and Hannible. He is brilliant... and he is also a cold blooded killer. He is a good listener if you dont mind the mind games he will play with you. Also... if he invites you to dinner... DO NOT GO... or you will end up his main course.

Imhotep from The Mummy and The Mummy Returns. He has awesome powers and turns sand and water into walls hundreds of feet high and also... he puts his face imprint into them to swallow who he is after. His one love Anak-su-namun left him to die in The Mummy Returns... but who knows... he may return again.

Griffelkin... all around nice guy and demon trying to earn his horns comes to us all the way from HE Double Hockey Sticks. He is out to get Dave... a hockey players soul in return for the Stanely Cup. He is very funny. But... by the end of the movie he gives up his horns and trys to earn his wings... angel wings that is.

Sonny Walker from UC: Undercover. He is an all around nice guy as long as you remain loyal to him. He is a high tech bank robber. He follows a code of honor. To him the Honor Among Theives still stands. He will take you in as a part of his family and you will get your share of the money. Just stay on schedule, dont talk to the cops, and all will be well.

Drusilla also known by Dru from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She is Spikessire. She was bored one day and needed a play mate so she made him. She is a little out there and likes to talk about the voices in her head and play with dolls. She left Spike a few seasons back when she said he had gone soft. She doesnt know what she left behind.

Prepare for trouble! And make it double! Jesse{left} and James{right} of Team Rocket from the kids show Pokemon. I dont much like Pokemon but I like these two. They are funny as can be and the best part is... even if they are loosers they never give up!


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