Well I made a Bad Guys page now I think its time for a Good Guys page, what do you think? Again with the disclaimer.
I take no credit for the characters or for the shows they are on. This page is for entertainment and educational purposes only.
I am still working on this page but I thought I might share the what I have done... so please excuse the mess in here.
Now... on to the good guys and gals 8-}~
This is Tyr from the hit series Andromeda. Who knows where his loyalties lie but so far he seems to have given up his past and works for good now.
Here comes Joxer The Mighty, hes very tighty, he always cleans up his toys... ooopppss.. I got carried away singing one of his songs lol. All he wants to be is a great war lord but lets just say he always ends up being the clown.
Here they are all the way from Touched By An Angel... Tess... Monica and Andrew. Andrew is the angel of death. Monica is the main helper who will stand by you. Tess... now she is the boss angel... shes happy as long as you dont mess with her little red car lol.
There can be only one... may it be Duncan Mcleod of the clan Mcleod! This guy has it all... the moves... the voice... and he is a great sword fighter too! He is also over 400 years old... he is an immortal. There are other immortals and they all fight each other for the prize of the world is at stake. The only way to kill an immortal is to cut off their heads... so dont lose your head!
Strider to some... Aragorn to others. He travels with Frodo to guard the One Ring. He is strong... true... and loyal.