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Mommy's Little Shadow

  There was a young mother whos eyes were full of love, She came walking down the street And a little shadow came following after.

Wherever she moved, Her shadow was always right there, Moving from behind her to beside her, but always there. Holding onto her hand, Hiding behind her chair.

"Don't you ever get tired As, day after day, as time goes by? Doesnt your shadow get in your way?" She smiled as she shook head, And the words that she said were filled with love,

"It's good to have a little shadow That follows where I go, For when my shadow is with me , I know that it is safe." As the years go on that shadow never fades, always right there when Mother looks to her side.

Her shadow will always be there to lend a helping hand. A shadow is bound to leave one day, But this one never will. A shadow is only as strong as the sun, The stronger the sun burns the stronger, The shadow will be.

As more time passes I look and see that the now older Mother still has her shadow by her side. "You still have that shadow I see." As she looked up she smiled and said, "Yes I do, My shadow is always here with me, I wouldnt have it any other way."

And away they go, The sun and shadow. The Sun is the Mother, The Shadow is the Daughter. My Mother..... the Sun. I know I can never be as strong as she is, Or as wise, Kind, And many more things I can never compare to.

She is my Light, She continues where I fall short. My only dream is to shine as strong as she, My sun, My Mother.

For you my Mommy love aways, From, You Little Shadow

Poem and Design by..... §usie Q


Realm of the Wolves


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