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To My Special Friend...

Our Four legged friends, we hold to our hearts, oh so dear,
And when they pass on,oh,how we do shed the tears.

Their love for us, comes unconditional, a little food, water and some kind of shelter,
but most of all they wish, a "Hi there guy" and maybe a blown kiss,
a pat of approval, with such a soft touch, and my how they love us, so very much.

God loves all our creatures amd sometimes I guess, He knows when they are due for a much needed rest.
This leaves our hearts heavy and tears in our eyes, but one things for sure, they really brightened our lives.

And so my special friend, we look to the sky, for just one more glance from your faithful eyes. The love you gave us, will not go untold, for I'm sure your reward is much better than gold.
Hay, oh so rich and green, with carrots and grain, much more than you need.
Shade from the sun, cool water to drink and the warmth of a stall, for I now that you deserve it all.

Please don't forget that we will miss you a lot, and thank you "my special friend" for a love not forgot.

Til we meet again, run free in green pastures.....