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I have met so many friends over the last 11 months on this mysterious medium called the web.

They have made me laugh and cry and THINK! This page is dedicated to FRIENDS,dear and near,old and new.We all need them,don't we? No matter what we say!

I am very greatful to them all.They make my life complete. I feel very fortunate to have a loving husband,three beautiful children AND friends too!

Cherished Friends

God must have known there would be times we'd need a word of cheer,
Someone to praise a triumph or brush away a tear.

He must have known we'd need to share the joy of "little things"
In order to appreciate the happiness life brings.

I think He knew our troubled hearts would sometimes throb with pain,
At trials and misfortunes,
or goals we can't attain.

He knew we'd need the comfort of an understanding heart
To give us strength and courage
to make a fresh, new start.

He knew we'd need companionship,
And so God answered the heart's great need
with Cherished you!!

A special THANK YOU to: Ralph,Vee,Janet,JJ,Shana,Bruce and Jim.

You all have been so helpful and I am soooo glad I have had the chance to "meet" you.

That is what is so wonderful about the web. I feel like I have known you all FOREVER! ( And we have never even seen each other!)Is that strange or what!! LOL!

God Bless~~~~~

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Some of these graphics are by Shanaleah. Go visit. She is one talented young lady!

The background for this page is provided by Hobos Graphics.Here is her link!! Great site!

If any of you have stories or poems that have to do with friendship,I would love to see them. Just send them to me at:TnSuzie1@

Visit my other pages:

This one is about motherly love and pieces that have touched my heart.It is dedicated to my children.(you might want to get out the kleenex for this one)

~by suzie

"Heart & Home,is really an extension my first page,Suzie's Tennessee Corner.Unfortunately the server for that site went under and I lost all that hard work....H&H is full of humor,handy tips,etc.

Here it is again!!This has become my personal motto....... You will see it on all my pages......and it is my wish for you all.

Add Me!

~Other Holler Pages!~

~Lean On Me!~

~Quotes from the Holler!~

~Friendship & More~

~~Man's Best..~~

~Old Shep~

~Maybe God....~

~Portrait of A Friend~04/30/00

~Friendship & More II~ 05/17/00

~My Sweet Lucy~Our precious "furbaby"

~Doggyisms~For all you dog lovers!

God Bless!~~~~~~~suzie