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While TheraPets operates primarily by the help of its un-paid directors and volunteers, it does offer a few positions providing monetary compensation, as the budget allows. These positions will be filled by persons over the age of 18 who are legal US residents. They are called "associates," and will work as independent contractors as defined under the law. These positions include two or more General Associates, two or more Cleaners, and two or more Shelter Sitters. You will find more information about the positions and other important data below. The application may be accessed via this page as well.

Although these positions won't start until the shelter is opened, we are taking applications now! Those with kids, disabilities, or seniors are welcome to apply. If you have any questions, please contact us by phone or email

General Associates

TheraPets will be seeking one or two individuals to work as General Associates in the shelter. General Associates will be perform operational tasks in the shelter while it is open. It will be open between 2-6 pm Tues-Friday, 12-5pm Saturday, and 1-5pm Sunday. They may choose which days and hours they want to work. Some of the tasks may include opening the facility, answering phones, processing mail, checking on the animals, assisting visitors, feeding the animals, putting the animals in exercise pens or outdoors, etc. Some of these tasks will be taken over by volunteers and directors as they are available. General Associates are simply here to help with whatever tasks aren't all ready being taken care of. General Associates will have a listing of tasks that need to be completed. They may develop their own order for doing these tasks. They will submit the sheets for payment purposes, and to verify the tasks have been completed for our records. General Associates will stay in the facility to answer phones and assist visitors until closing, but once the other listed tasks are completed, they may read, work on the computer, visit with the animals, or do other activities until closing. Children may accompany their parents, provided they behave appropriately and do not hamper their work. Since weekdays run through supper hour, General Associates may bring meals for themselves or their children to heat up if they wish. All people helping in the facility (associates/volunteers/other members) are welcome to drinks and refreshments supplied in the kitchen. General Associates are paid $25/job. A job is considered one day of completed tasks.

Cleaning Associates

TheraPets will be seeking two or more individuals to work as cleaners. Two days a week, Cleaners will come in and clean out the animals' cages, the restrooms, surfaces, floors, and windows. The work is very simple, and no dangerous chemicals are used in this job. Cleaners may bring gloves and masks if concerned about exposure to animals or mild cleaning agents. Our cages are quite simple to clean, and as the person gets used to the task, she or he will be able to do it fairly quickly. Cages are simply dumped of their bedding, wiped clean, and refilled. Floors and surfaces are vaccumed and steamed. Restrooms are sanitized with foaming cleaners, which makes cleaning fast and scrubbing rarely necessary. Once Cleaners are through with their work, they may leave the facility. They need not submit any sheets or reports. Children may accompany them, but must behave appropriately and stay away from cleaning products and machines. The pay for Cleaning Associates is $40/job. A job is considered one day of cleaning.

Sitter Associates

Occasionally, TheraPets may need to call on the help of a "Sitter," or associate who can oversee tasks within the facility or animals' care for a period of time. They will be called on when necessary on short notice, and generally, those with the most availability will be called first. Sitters may be needed for a variety of reasons: If a General Associate is unable to work and his or her alternates aren't available, a Sitter may be called to perform the minimum tasks necessary. If the President is away and special tasks need finishing, a Sitter may be called. If facing a volunteer shortage and help is needed beyond what the General Associate and directors can provide, a Sitter may be called. Or, if animals are sick, need special care, or observation, the Sitter may be called as well. This is the ideal position for a person who would like occasional extra spending money, without commitment to a regular job. The pay is $20/job, and a job is considered one day of completed tasks at the shelter.

How Do I Apply?

You may apply for any of these positions by filling out an Associate Application. We are taking applications now and will set up interviews shortly. We will then contact you as soon as the shelter is about to open. These positions are offered on a first-come basis. You may contact us and request one be mailed or faxed to you, or you may access it online here

What's Independent Contracting?

Many companies hire employees to fill their available positions. Employees are specially trained for their jobs, get benefits, must report to work on a fixed schedule and perform tasks under someone's direction, oftencan only work for one company at a time, and have taxes and social security taken out of their pay.

Due to the nature of the positions available, TheraPets feels independent contractors will work out best. We will select people for our positions, and they will choose which days they can work each week, and set their schedules from there. While there are certain guidelines of when the work needs to be completed (such as needing to work on the days and times we're open) they will have freedom to choose which of those days they come in, the order in which they do their tasks, and they may leave or do other things when finished.

They will work independently without further guidance after a brief introduction/orientation. They will take their own taxes out of their pay, and may work for other companies while working with us. They sign no contracts to work any specific length of time, so therefore, they may stop work when they wish. They need to have their own transportation, bring their own materials (such as gloves or a mask if desired when cleaning,) etc. They are not paid by the hour, they're paid by the job, which in this case, is considered a "day" of completed tasks. Task sheets are submitted after each job/day is finished, but this is done to ensure that the job has been completed for our records.

If you'd like to read more about independent contracting, please click on these sources listed below:

Independent Contractor FAQ

Independent Contractor Test