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TheraPets is actively recruiting members for our Board of Advisors and Directors (also known as officers).

The positions we have available are as follows. We need one or more of each of the following to serve on our board (the more members, the better!):

For the Board of Advisors, we are specifically seeking:

  • An Attorney
  • A Certified Public Accountant
  • A Veterinarian
  • An Animal Trainer
  • An Animal Behavioral Specialist
  • A Financial Planner
  • An individual in the Marketing or Advertising fields
  • Four physicians (one adult general practitioner, one pediatrician, one specializing in geriatrics, and one specializing in palliative care/pain control
  • A Psychotherapist
  • A Physical Therapist
  • A Recreational Therapist
  • An Occupational Therapist
  • A Homeless shelter coordinator
  • Two teachers (one elementary, one high school)
  • A Licensed Social Worker

    For the Board of Directors, we are seeking individuals over 18 years of age who are permanent residents of the United States to serve as officers. They need not have any special training or abilities.

    If you or someone you know would like to help TheraPets by becoming an Advisor or Officer, please contact us via email or telephone right away! Our advisors and officers are here to give us guidance and direction so that our operation may reach its fullest potential. We appreciate their help!

    Some frequently asked questions are listed below, in regards to becoming an advisor or officer with TheraPets:

    What does the process of becoming an advisor involve? An officer?

    The process is the same for each, and is kept short and simple. Email or call us for more information and to discuss what you might be interested in doing. There is no set length of time for which one must serve as a board member, so no obligations are necessary.

    Board members are appointed, not elected. We'll send you via email, fax, or mail a board member application. Fill it out, return it to us, and we will review your application and get back to you. Most board members who apply are approved within a week or less.

    What does being a board member involve? Does it require a lot of time and commitments? Travel? Money?

    We do not ask you to outlay any money as a board member. While we will certainly appreciate financial support from our members after our 501(c)3 status is approved, we do not request it.

    Board members have minimal obligations. We will have meetings of the members every six months to discuss programs, plans, strategies, share interests and ideas, etc. All members in the area and who are available will be asked to come to the meetings, while those who cannot make it or live a distance away can join us via the internet or telephone. Therefore, no travel is required to be a board member. Board members (advisors and officers) may meet together or separately.

    Aside from our meetings, there are no other set requirements of being a board member. During the meetings, we will discuss topics regarding the shelter's operation and future, vote on certain issues, etc. If we have questions or concerns, we may contact the officers or advisors at other times during the year to get their opinions (by phone, mail, or email). Some of our officers or advisors may volunteer in the facility and/or at fundraisers, and all are welcome to visit the facility during our regular business hours.

    What are some of the advantages of being a board member?

    There are several advantages to being a board member, for both advisors and officers.

    For the advisors:

  • A chance to make a difference in the lives of adults, children, the elderly, and animals in need, with no financial involvements required.

  • The opportunity to have your services advertised at no cost. Board members and other donors that have professional services will be given several photo-style frames. In the frames, a flyer or notice from your company will be placed, or we can design one for you. Business cards or other promotional materials may also be attached. One frame will receive a spot in our hallway, and the other will be displayed at our fundraising events. If