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*~The Word~**~The Word~**~The Word~**~The Word~*

Issue: 9
Part: 1
Date: May 22nd 2001
Member Count: 237
President: Tracey
Vice President: Michelle
Editor: Vanessa
News Reporter: Tiffany

Table of Contents:

A Word >From Da Prez
Late Breakin Word News
Yes We've Got It...The Wilks Latest News
Everyone Loves A Promo
We've Seen Em, We've Read Em, We Wanna Share Em
Where They Gonna Be??

A Word From Da President...

Hey everyone!  Hope you're all enjoying the warmer weather, I sure am.
Sorry we didn't have an issue out last month, but we were working on
getting the new site up and a lot of other changes to make this
newsletter even better than before.  Welcome back Vanessa as editor, and
welcome aboard Tiffany as News Reporter.  I saw the Wilkinson's last month in
Lima, Ohio- 5 great shows! And Tiffany recently saw them at a few different
Canadian shows, so we have lots of new pix for ya'll and
plenty of news too :0)


Late Breakin Word News

We have a new site! Check it out at:

Let us know what YOU think!

Check out this issue online if you'd rather read it that way :)

-B-Day Card Update-

Gave Tyler his Birthday card (those of you that sent in messages for it,
thank you).  He was reading it backstage and asked what site I got all
the messages from and I said The Word's newsletter.  He got all excited
because his aunt sent in a message for it, it was cute.  Grandma says
everyone was reading it on the bus and liked it :0)


We, here at the Word thought it'd be cool to have merchandise so we've
gotten the OK to make laminates.  For those of you that don't know what
a laminate is, it looks exactly like a backstage pass (yeah like you see
the merchandise lady and ppl that work with the Wilkinson's wearing).
You can't use these to get backstage or nothing, they're just for fun.
Wear 'em to concerts to show your Wilkinson pride, meet up with other
members, and let the Wilkinson's know you're a part of The Word.  The
laminates have a pic of the Wilkinson's, along with The Word - Member
(we'll make one's that say The Word - Staff for us so you can find us at
concerts).   If you would like a laminate we are asking for a dollar per
laminate (Tracey has to go out and buy a laminate machine and inserts
and string so the cost will cover that).  If you're interested...

Mail a dollar (per laminate) in a SASE (self addressed stamped envelope,
this is so Tracey doesn't have to charge for stamps and write out a
billion addresses) to:

Tracey Ecklund
578 Witt Ct.
Vadnais Hgts. MN 55127

Please email us at to let us know if you're ordering so Tracey can be sure to look for your order in the mail.  If you are going to a Wilkinson concert soon let us know and we'll try to do your order first, so you can have the laminate by then.

~Membership Contest~

The membership contest is back!  Get people to join the Word and win


1. All entries must be received at by June.
2.  Each email address counts as one (in other words if a family of 5
joins at one address it will only count once).
3.  The person must tell us you reffered them. (so when you tell people
to join The Word be sure to tell them to tell us you told them about us)

Whats a contest without a prize?? Have a look and see what YOU can win!

1st place- an autographed 8 x 10 pic of the Wilkinson's
2nd place-
3rd place-

Random Drawing- We will be having a random drawing for everyone to win
pix.  So even if you don't think you can get the most people get all you
can because your name just might get picked.  We will pick 3 names out
of all our entrants and they will each receive 3 pics in the mail.

Thanks and good luck!  We'll post the results in next month's issue :0)

Yes We've Got It...The Wilks Latest News

Giant Records officially closed its doors on April 13th.
A few different record labels are looking at signing the Wilkinson's so keep your ears
open, we'll keep you updated on that :0) Good luck Steve, Amanda, and Tyler!

Shine has been delayed again (don't know till when, the Wilkinson's
don't want to rush anything right now with all the label changing and
such so please stay patient).

Tom Bentley (keyboardist, formerly of Bryan White's band) has left.
Chris told Tracey in Lima that he's gotten studio work (way to go Tom!)
so he will no longer be with the Wilkinson's (or Bryan White for that
matter).  A new guy (Gary Schrilla?) has replaced him.

The Wilkinson's wrote a new song entitled "Dallas Didn't Do It" on
April 20th.  Tyler sings lead on this great new ballad.

The Wilkinsons horse had her colt (yes one, she didn't have twins).

The Wilkinsons got a new dog.  She is an Akita, and her name is Maggie.
(look for an exclusive pic of Amanda & Maggie coming soon)

Faith Hill, Jo Dee Messina and a new recording artist are looking at
cutting "Somewhere Before"

Tyler cut his hair, April 30th.  A fan told him he should the nite
before and Steve and Amanda dragged him to the barbers.

The Wilkinsons did not attend the ACM's as

Tyler sings lead on "It Could Never Hold A Candle To Love"  Look for it
on Shine!

The Wilkinson's have a new tour bus, it's black and bigger than their
old one.

Songs on Shine have the possiblity of changing. But will most likely
remain with the following tracks:

Outside Providence - Amanda
I Had A Dream - Amanda
IT Could Never Hold Candel To Love - Tyler
Real Bad Mood - Amanda
Can't Do A Thing Without My Heart  - Amanda (featuring Patty Loveless)
Feel - Amanda
I Wanna Be That Girl - Amanda

Everyone Loves A Promo!

Vote for "I Wanna Be That Girl" on GAC.
Go to ----> and click on GAC's Top 15.
The Wilkinson's are currently #7, let's make them #1!

Keep calling your local stations (far away one's won't do you any good
because stations usually have caller id and can tell if you're not in
listening range, email those LOL) and requesting "IWBTG"  We have a
complete listing on the Word's site if you'd like to go emailing some
stations :0)

We've Seen Em, We've Read Em, We Wanna Share Em

None that we know of right now...If you, or know someone that knows of and up
comin appearance or has read about them please feel free to send us a shout!
It would be much appriciated!

Where They Gonna Be??

Sat 06/23/01 Griggsville, IL Western Illinoios Fair
Sun 07/01/01 Dauphin, MB Dauphin Countryfest
Tue 07/03/01 Dixon, IL Petunia Festival
Wed 07/04/01 Junction City, KS Dedication Point
Fri 07/06/01 Hallock, MN Kittson County Fair
Sat 07/07/01 Rabbit Lake, SK Carlton Trail Jamboree
Tue 07/10/01 Calgary, AB Calgary Stampede
Fri 07/13/01 Summersville, WV Nicholas County Fair
Sat 07/14/01 Eleanor, WV Putnam County Fair
Fri 07/20/01 Merritt, BC Mountain Music Festival
Sat 07/21/01 Gypsum, CO Gypsum Days
Wed 07/25/01 Sidney, OH Shelby County Fair
Fri 07/27/01 East Falmouth, MA Barnstable County Fair
Sat 07/28/01 North Haverhill, NH North Haverhill Fair
Sun 08/05/01 National, IA Clayton County Fair
Fri 08/17/01 Port Angeles, WA Clallam County Fair
Sat 08/18/01 Lynden, WA NW Washington Fair
Fri 08/24/01 Shelbyville, IN Blue River Festival
Sat 08/25/01 Windsor, ON Tecumseh Corn Festival
Mon 08/27/01 Centre Hall, PA Grange Encampment Fair
Sun 09/02/01 Shawville, QC Shawville Fairgrounds
Sun 09/16/01 Upper Sandusky, OH Wyandot County Fair
Mon 09/17/01 Anderson, SC Anderson County Fair
Sat 10/06/01 Aurora, IN Farmers Fair
Sat 11/10/01 Paducah, KY Executive Inn
Sun 11/11/01 Paducah, KY Executive Inn

The Word
Date: 5/22/01
Issue: 9
Part: 2
Table Of Contents...
You've Seen Em...Reviews
Good Ole Articles
You've Seen Em...Reviews

Lima, Ohio
April 21st & 22nd, 2001
by Tracey (

 Saturday morning I went to the mall and met up with Ethan, David and Sara, and Elizabeth.  Ethan had saved me a spot in front row (by Tyler's mike since the Chris fans had center). Right before the Wilkinson's first show their mom, Chris was over by the stage so I went to say hi (I hadn't seen her since August because she wasn't in St. Catharine's, North Dakota, or Red Wing).  She hugged me and introduced me to her mom (what a nice lady) and she pointed out her dad who was off walking around the mall. At noon The Wilkinson's came onstage and sang 9 songs.  Chris was watching for a few songs, she kept smiling at me (probably wondering how I knew the words to all the new songs like that).  For those of you wondering the new songs they sang were "Feel", and "Real Bad Mood". Great songs!  After the show they did a public signing and a fan club signing.  Hardly anyone was at the fan club one (just our crew and 2 other ppl). David mentioned me calling into CRL and Tyler said he knew it was me so that was cool :0)  He liked his B-Day card too! (the whole family was looking at it on the bus after, I heard). Managed to save our spots for the 2nd show, by this time Brian had showed up so he sat with us.  The 3 o'clock show was the same set but "I Had A Dream" replaced "Outside Providence".  After that came another signing and a meet and greet.  Showed the Wilkinson's pics from North Dakota and Red Wing and got a pic of all them posing for my camera, it turned out great! Third show Saturday was the same, except for an encore of Doobie Brothers songs (love that encore!)   Then another meet and greet...this one brief since everyone was tired.  Talked to Chris and Grandma, showed them my pics and went back to my uncle's. Sunday we all got to the mall at 9 and found a side door already open so went in and helped set up chairs, claiming spots for ourselves first of course LOL.  My uncle came and sat with Ethan and I for the first show, which they did the encore in again.  After that they had the last fan club meet and greet, and I said my goodbyes and got a pic of Tyler you gurls are going to love (DT took it cuz he still had my camera so thanks DT!) The last show they didn't sing Fly, but instead sang "A Little More Love".  I love that song!  I was so happy to hear it again :0)  We went and talked to Chris and Kiaya and Grandma by the bus while the Wilkinson's did a public signing, bid our goodbyes to them and left.  I had a blast and I'm glad I went :0)

Red Deer, Alberta
by Tiffany

Well, I arrived at the venue about 1pm..after takeing a Greyhound about 4-5. Adam Gregory was down by the Wilkinsons bus with a bunch of fans, who won to have dinner with him, and go to a listening party, about 1:30 or so, Ty and Manda came out and were chatting with some of Adams fans, by the sounds of the commotion over there, a few of them really like Ty. Anyways I started talking to a few local crew, and they told me to go over to them and not to be shy, ( I wasn't being shy, just polite not to bother them, or I don't think ) Tyler and some of the local crew guys were playing football inside and rollerblading around the venue. (Oh, Kiaya and Chris weren't at this show, they just flew out home from the concert preivous to this one) After talking to Adam, and letting him go in for sound check scince Wilks were just rapping up, it was about 4:30 5-ish and Tyler came out and I was talking to him for about 10min, he was in a hurry to get back inside to get more desert...i think,lol. Then Mandy came out and went to the bus and got Maggie, (their Akita...beautiful dog, Manda says she's a little slow though, hehe) and Mandy and I talked for about 2 hours, she was telling me alot about this whole lable thing, and how it would effect different things,she talked about Maggie and how they didnt have Chap anymore (Chaplin, their cat.) And that General Meet & Greets might be canceled, so join the fan club! And about some other things, then someone, not sure who he was, came and got her and told her she had to hurry up.  After I was done talking to Manda I thought I would walk around the venue to the other side so I could get in. And bumbed into Gary, (he is their new keybordest) he was really sweet and I talked to him for sometime. The concert was suppose to start at 8, but Adam Gregory didnt go on til 8:30, he was pretty good as usual. then there was a 30min intermission, for the Wilks meet and greet. I kept trying to get to the back of the line, but DT kept finding more people some how and I couldnt stay backing up, scince Mandy kept reaching over for me and I back up and say go ahead,lol. Some folks there didnt have pictures, and I had a photo album full so I was handing them out, telling them where and when the pic was taken then when they got up there, Steve would tell them a little peice about that show, Mandy thought I was being Sweet, Tyler just thought I was getting sick of seeing them, yeh like that could happen,lol. After the meet and greet was the show, it was spectacular, we weren't allowed to stand up, or to take pictures, until I wouldnt sit down and stop takeing pictures, then the venue ppl said it was fine (go me!). Unfortunaly they didn't play "Dallas Didn't Do It" tyler sang another great song not sure what it was, it isnt on the set list, and it wasnt "Cant Hold A Candel" Steve sang shame on me, but I am sure he added an extra line in the chorus. Either way he and Tyler both sounded awsome. Mandy wouldn't stop moving, and Ty started dancing with a bear, it was too cute, yes dancing with a bear...again they played a 75 min set, they didn't stick to the set list at all, so I'm not sure of the orders or the titles of all the songs. Bad memory.  After the show they had a 30min m&g didnt get through all of the line, unfortunatly that also ment I didnt get back up there, but I did talk to them on there way out, thanks to Margaret. And the said the hoped to see me at another show again soon, as long as I promised Im not getting sick of them, lol.

*LOL Tiffany, you get sick of the Wilks?  I doubt that!  That's like me or David getting sick of them, not gonna happen.

Good Ole Article
We know it's old, but it's a great article.

Father Knows Best
Wilkinsons discover family that plays together, stays together
Entertainment Editor

The Wilkinsons have two hit country songs, 26 cents and Fly. They also enjoy a successful debut album Nothing But Love. The group is nominated for several awards. Yet they remain a normal family. Case in point: The Wilkinsons eagerly await the Star Wars prequel The Phantom Menace. "We'll be the first ones in line," father Steve Wilkinson said via telephone from Nashville, Tenn. "If it was up to Tyler, we'd camp overnight." Tyler is Tyler Wilkinson, 14, one-third of The Wilkinsons and a Star Wars fanatic. "I think he's going to explode before this thing gets out," dad said. "I can tell you right now that in his bedroom he has two spaceships under construction. One's an X-Wing Fighter and the other is the Millennium Falcon." Steve Wilkinson, 43, leads the group with his teen-age children, Amanda, 17, and Tyler. The teens sing lead vocals while dad writes songs and harmonizes. The Ontario trio released its debut album Nothing But Love last year. The first single 26 cents shot to the top of the charts. Follow-up record Fly also became a hit. The family now plans to release a new song Boy Oh Boy and film a video. Country superstars such as Garth Brooks and Shania Twain maintain a stranglehold on album sales and airplay. However, The Wilkinsons managed to steal some of the limelight. The tune 26 cents was the only single out of 35 debut artists to crack country's Top 10 in 1998, reported Billboard Monitor Magazine. "If I knew what the secret was, I could make a million bucks," Steve Wilkinson said. "Maybe it was because we're different - a father and two teen-agers." The Wilkinsons were nominated for a 1999 American Music Award for Favorite New Artist. They also are up for a Grammy Award on Feb. 24. That's not counting the plethora of industry awards and nominations. "It really has been a surprise," Steve Wilkinson said. "I was hoping after our first album they wouldn't run us out of Nashville." Dad dropped out of high school and left home at 16 after a fight with his father. He worked in construction as a contractor and carpenter in Belleville, Ontario, Canada. He wrote songs on the side. A recession hit Canada. The Wilkinsons were strapped. Steve Wilkinson barely could support his wife and three children. He had a few nibbles with his songwriting career but nothing substantial. The family band floundered. He considered giving up music entirely. His children talked him out of it. In September 1997, the Wilkinson family packed up and moved to Nashville. Within three weeks, seven record labels engaged in a bidding war for the group. Giant won out. Through hard times and good times, the Wilkinsons remain a family. Even > > on the road, mom Chris and baby sister Kiaya, 8, accompany the three superstars. "We're on like a big family vacation," Steve Wilkinson said. "Ninety percent of the place we go to we travel as a family." The family's humble beginnings keep them down to earth. "If you remember where you came from, you can keep a level head," Steve Wilkinson said. "If you remember buying your clothes at second-hand stores, if you remember stretching your dollar as far as humanly possible, it helps keep us grounded." But fame has its drawbacks. The family misses friends and relatives in Ontario. Steve Wilkinson hasn't fished in a year. Yet he's proud of the way family has held together. "They're still the same kids they were," he said. "My wife and I are pretty careful that our kids don't get crazy." May the force be with you.

Hehe Gotta love that last line!
Sorry, Tracey just had to comment there.

The Word
Date: 5/22/01
Issue: 9
Part: 3
Table of Contents
The $100 Question...Right here!
The Pole Without Limits
The Special Person of the Month
It's YOUR Birthday
Want Ads...Find Other Wilkinsons Fans
Links...You Want Em?  We Got Em!
Ads...Check out other clubs
So One Wilkinson Said to the Other...
And So Another Newsletter Comes To An End...
Attachment: a pic of

The $100 Question..
This months question...*drum roll please* If the Wilkinsons could do a cover for their next albumn of your choice what would if be and why??

Dont be shy....share your answers with us and da rest of the word at

Last months...
We all know that the new album is called Shine, but if you had the chance to name it, what would you call it?

YOUR answers...

If they didn't want it to do with any of their songs or anything, I think it'd be cool to call it something like "we've only just begun" hmm...where have I heard that before????
- Kellyn

hmm lets see how about FANTACY? I don't know maybe because tyler is a girls fantacy and amanda for the guys? i know its dumb but you asked for our anwsers - love Angel

How bout happy 18th birthday this is a toughy *racks brain*...yah know what i like what they are planning on callin it..cause it kinda goes with my favourite quote..the sun is always SHINing you just cant always see it....and i think Shine fits it perfectly cause its their time to shine! -Me (aka...Vanessa)

Tyler and The Cheeseball Factory - Valecia

Catching Raindrops (from the song "Feel") - Tracey

Episode 3 - Michelle

If I could name the album it would be "Runnin' On A Rail" because this album could be the album that gets them radio and tv play back on track. Right now they dont get radio or tv play..but people still show up for their the dedicated fans :)

P.S. Hehe..then for a few pics I'd have Amanda in Jeff Gordon's race car because its a perfect fit and Tyler in Earnhardt Jr's race car because Tyler is kinda shy like Junior and then Steve in Dale Earnhardt's car because he was and still is the father figure to many drivers - Brian :)

Dream -Tiffany

Oooh wesa like Michelle :)  Star Wars theme!

The Pole Without Limits

This months poll...
What do you think the next single should be?
Send us a shout

A) Real Bad Mood
B) Feel
C) A Little More Love
D) Nobody Ever Died From a Broken Heart
E) Haven't heard any of them (just pretend! heh!)

Last months...

What do you think about the Fan Club party being earlier in the week than Fan Fair this year?

A) I love it!
B) I don't like it.
C) I really don't care either way.
D) It doesn't matter because I'm not going to the party anyways.

Your answers...
A- 2
B- 3
C- 1
D- 6

We wanted to publish this one cuz we think it stands out :0)
I choose B. My best friend is graduating that sunday, so I'm going to have to leave his graduation party at nine o'clock that night to make it down to nashville by 7 o'clock their time so that I will be able to go...which kind of stinks, but I've never pulled an all-nighter before, so I'm thinkin, "hey, new experience, cool". -Kellyn

Wow, have fun Kellyn :0)

The Special Person of The Month


Name: Loralie
Current residence: MN
Age: 18
How did you become a Wilkinson fan?: saw 26 Cents on CMT and washook
Fav Wilk: All...Amanda is very sweet and shares a like of South 65 and Rascal Flatts with me, Tyler is a cutie and fun to talk to, and Steve is just AWESOME!- can he be MY dad too? Chris is so sweet and I love Kiaya! Now fav NON Wilkinson would have to be Chad- he's so sweet! :)

Check out her full entry on the Word's site :0) Congrats!

Would you like to be member of the month?  Check out our site, fill out the form on the member of the month page, and email us.

It's YOUR Birthday

We're doing Aprils too since we didn't get out an issue then.
April 13th- Kellyn turned 17
April 15th- Ami turned 13
April 27th- Suzie
May 16th- Vanessa (our editor) turned 18 YAY! *balloons drop* *loud music blares* *tears open all the presents!* heh...this is the advantage of bein editor! i get to add my own lil shindig!
June 4th- Lauren

Happy Birthday Guys!  If you have a birthday coming up let us know. Email today with your name and birthday.

Want Ads...Find Other Wilkinsons Fans

Want to be listed? Let us know your Name, Age, Residence, Hobbies, Email address, and any chat programs you might have.  Email

Name: Danielle Langevin
Age: 16
Where do you live: Minnesota
Hobbies: 4-H, FFA, horses, country music
Email address:
IM: Sundance72652222

Sara Lassiter
Selma, NC
Riden horses,listen to country music(wilks are my favorite),play guitar,and paino,sing,in a youth group call the Young Disciples,fish, and hunt some but not alot.
IM: Sportsgrl1112

My name is kellyn zimmer.  I just turned seventeen on april 13th...not a very lucky day for the wilkinsons : my e-mail address is (......I live in Northern Indiana, and in the summer time I live on the lake and eat a lot of corn.  I play soccer and music.  next year though, I think instead of soccer, a couple girls at my high school are going to start a dance team with me and our first song to choreograph will be "back on my feet", that song kicks ass.  I do most water sports.  for anyone who hasn't ever tried them, they're a rush....  umm, lets see.  A huge part of my life is animals, because my father has been a veterinarian since I was 6 years old.  He owns his own practice now, and it's right in my very own back yard.  (that way I'll get to see him every once in a while).

My name is Jessica Wheeler, I'm 16 and live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. My hobbies are dancing, shopping, chilling with my friends and listening to music! My e-mail is, and my ICQ number is 108075004 and my nickname is hottie_magnet!

my name is Ami Bowlin. I turned 13 on April 15. I like to cheer,dance, swim talk on the net and all sorts of other things. My email is I have MSN and ICQ and Yahoo. My Yahoo email is My ICQ number is 81667435. My nickname is **born**to **fly** .

oh..oh my turn! just call me Vanessa...cause thats my name! heh...HUGE wilks fan over here! go me go!! now if only they would make their way over here la la! heh...i love music! everyone from da wilks to good charlotte (check em out! rock on!) currently im attendin a super fantabulous outdoors program where all we do is thats what i call school!...and in my free time i get to edit some super awesome fantabulous newsletter that maybe you've all heard of....called summtin like..."The Word" heh!

Links...You Want Em?  We Got Em!

The Word's Official Site:
The Wilkinson's Official Site: > >
Wilkinson High:
Wilkinson Village:
The Greatest Unofficial Fan Web Site -Wilkinsons:
Brian's Wilkinson Empire:
Brian's Amanda Wilkinson Palace:
A Great Picture Page:

If you want to be listed email with your website address and title.


The Wilkinson's now have an official street team!
Visit (click on Wilkinson's) or email and join today. (hotmail users must go to the site because the email will not work with hotmail).

It's sure to be a lot of fun and the President's a sweetie :0)

Dont Get Mad...Just thought id Ad (heh..get it....anywho)...on a side note..if you saw the wilks recently and saw that super talented and cute openin act Adam Gregory and are wanting to know more...why not join "the Yet to be Determined Adam Gregory Newsletter" comin soon..join before June 1st and have your say in the name (sorry..dats when the contest ends!)...all you gots to do it email and now back to the wilks!

So One Wilkinson Said to the Other...

"So remember this song and phone your radio stations and annoy them." - Steve (about I Wanna Be That Girl coming out)

"Take me to the home it's green jello nite." - Steve

"And happy hour's in what 20 minutes?" - Tyler

"You know what? I got a question to ask you ladies in the audience and tell me if I'm wrong, but somedays do you just wake up and your in one of those moods where your just like don't look at me, don't talk to me, I don't want to have anything to do with you right now, do you know what I'm talking about?"-Amanda

"I know what your talkin' bout. I have to put up with you every morning." - Tyler

"We'll talk about this later Tyler." - Amanda

"And the good thing is our fans, I think, still treat us like normal people. They know that we're a family. It's more like having your relatives out there. Really, they're cool about it. - Amanda (on fame)

"Tyler and I are from the Planet Dave. - Steve
Tyler: I thought I was from Bob. - Tyler
Planet Bob. - Steve

And So Another Newsletter Comes To An End...

*Sob* and so another issue has come to an end..... but wait..whats that you say?? There will be another one next month? *rain clouds go away, gray skies are replaced with rainbows* Well folks until next time..and yes there will be a next time...until then... We hope everything just "Shines" for you!

Copyright The Word @ 2001
If you'd like to be removed email
All of you have requested this newsletter.
