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Lila McCann

Full Name: Lila Elaine McCann

Age: 18

Birthday: 12/4/81

Hometown: Tacoma, WA

Height: 5'5"

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Blue

Parents: Father, Pat McCann, Mother, Gretchen McCann

Siblings: 4 brothers, Shane, Chad, Billy, and Patrick

Pets: Dog named Savana- half Cocker Spaniel, half Springer Spaniel, Cat named Studly

Education: Steilacoom High School

Record Label: Asylum Records

Manager: Kasey Walker

Hobbies: Cheerleading, Photography

Car: '98 GMC Jimmy

Dream Car: BMW 526 convertible (purple with peanut butter color top)

Favorite Food: Pepperoni Pizza dipped in Ranch dressing

Favorite Movie: Empire Records

Favorite TV Show: South Park and The Family Guy

Lila McCann Pictures
