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Catch Ty And His Furry Friends in this new book...

Now Available Online And
Everywhere Where Books Are Sold...
Pick Up Your Copy Today!!!
What Ty Fans Are saying...
I have a copy of the book "Music Row Dogs and Nashville Cats", and it does have a very heartfelt story about Ty and his dogs, Jake and Cowboy. It's Ty's telling of how he got his dogs and a little about their personalities and what he and the dogs liked to do when they lived in CA. Then he talks about how they helped him get through a particularly tough time in his life. The story is about a page and it has two really special photos of Ty and the dogs. The book came out the week of the CMA Fanfest and was available at Tower Records in Nashville. I understand Ty autographed copies of it one afternoon there. It's also available on-line from Barnes and Noble.
I would highly recommend it to anyone who's thinking about getting it. It's full of great stories and pictures of country music artists and their pets and part of the proceeds go to animal rights organizations in Nashville. I actually got a chance to meet the authors of the book at a charity auction lunch with Ty and some other fans, and they are both very dedicated to animal rights and have done a lot in the Nashville area to improve the conditions for shelter animals. (robertatyhfan)
Nashville Cats and Music Row Dogs is a wonderful book for any country music fan or animal lover to have. There are so many heartwarming stories from the artists and some really great pictures of the artists and their pets. Ty's page is one of the pages that made me cry reading it.. The final paragraph is something we should all read over and over, and then put it into practice. Thanks Ty (Lee Jeddrey)

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