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Jemima the Rebel

Long ago but, not too long ago. A sweet little kitten was born, it was strange she was not born with siblings at all. In fact her father never laid a hand on her mother. And that my friend is where our story starts…

Chapter 1 The naming of Innocence:

A cat was awakened by the sound of bars clanging, one of Macavity’s henchmen strolled in. You don’t know who Macavity is? He’s called the Napoleon of crime. Some call him the hidden paw. He’s a cat who catnaps cats and makes them evil. But this cat had a different fate, she was involved in a more sinister plan. This beautiful cat’s name was Demeter, an Esther of her time. She was gold and black .She had a ruby collar on. Her beauty entranced him. He catnapped her on the night of the Jellicle Ball. She passed out halfway back to his evil lair. Back to where we were… The evil cat placed a nasty looking bowl of milk in front of Demeter, little to know what it contained. She gave a smart remark “Oh, thanks so much”, biting her tongue. The cat who did not like her tone of voice said “Be grateful, you’re lucky it was milk.” Demeter gulped and began to disdainfully drink the milk and later fell into a deep sleep. She awoke to a couple of familiar faces Jennyanydots the cat who loved like her own daughter and Cassandra the one who took her in when no one else would. She heard a voice “Let me in I’m her tom friend,” she couldn’t believe it! It was the love of her life Munkustrap second in line to be leader after his father Old Deuteronomy goes on to the Heavyside Layer. Almost out of breath Munkustrap ran into the room and asked” How are you?”.” I don’t know, how did I get here?” Demeter asked. “You’d be surprised but Macavity just dropped you off here. You‘ve been gone for a month or two now ” answered Munkustrap. Demeter’s mouth dropped, she’d never known Macavity to set free a prisoner. Gone for two months! Something must have gone terribly wrong or horribly right. Suddenly Skimbleshanks walked in. He motioned for Jennyanydots to come outside. Away from the others Skimbleshanks explained the report to Jennyanydots. ”When we took her to Old Deuteronomy he said he sensed not one but two souls in his presence. I didn’t know what he meant. Then he told me what it meant. He told me the horrible truth. Demeter ,” Skimbleshanks sighed and continued,” Demeter is pregnant .” “What?” Jennyanydots asked confused,” She’s what?!” “But how, how could this happen?” she asked confused more than ever. “Old Deuteronomy said he used a potion of some sort to do it he never hurt her.” he said while patting her on the back, for she was now crying so hard she could hardly breath. She managed to calm down after a good long cry. “So that explains the two months. That means she’s almost due. But that doesn’t explain why he let her go.”

Meanwhile inside:

“They’ve been out for a while,” Demeter said,” I’m starting to get worried.” “Don’t worry about it I’m sure their just talking.” Munkustrap said trying to comfort her. “Ok, if say so. I guess I’m just tense.” Then Jennyanydots returned. “Where’s Skimbleshanks?” Demeter asked. “He had to leave. Listen did you drink anything unusual while you where there?” Jennyanydots asked. “Well I don’t remember much. Wait! I did drink this nasty bowl of milk. But that was when I just got there. Infact that’s the last thing I remember. So how did I get there to here if I’ve been gone for two months?” Demeter asked not truly understanding Jennyanydots question. “What he gave you was a potion.” she said sternly. “A what?” asked Demeter. “A potion to make you sleep. But it didn’t just do that it made you,” she paused. “It did what?” asked Munkustrap. “It made you pregnant.” she said quietly but loud enough to here. Demeter’s face turned a shade of green. “I thought he was low now he’s even lower. I want to strangle him!” Demeter shouted. “Demeter calm down!” Munkustrap and Cassandra said together. “She’s do in a couple of days but, that could change to hours anytime. So be on your toes.” said Jennyanydots then left. Everyone slept that night except for Demeter who thought of only how evil this child would be. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain then it became more intense. She was giving birth. “Ah! Help! Help me! Great Heavyside!” she screamed. Of course this woke up the rest. Cassandra finally after an hour and a half saw two little ears. Then after thirty more minutes the black and red kitten was born. All of Demeter’s fears melted away she saw no evil in her. The kitten mewed for mother and milk. She was so innocent. So she named her the most innocent thing in the world. She named her beautiful blind kitten Jemima.

Chapter 2 Hiding the truth:

A week passed and Jemima had finally opened her eyes. She had beautiful brown eyes that would make a king stare. “I don’t think we should tell her about her father. At least not until her first Jellicle Ball.” said Demeter. “Why? She deserves to know.” Cassandra asked. “I just think she needs to be older that’s all.” Demeter answered. “Whatever.” said Cassandra. Munkustrap entered the room, “I have good news. Jennyanydots said that she can go play with the other kittens in about a week. Isn’t it great?!” Munkustrap asked excitedly. “Yeah, I guess.” Demeter said sounding sad. “What’s wrong Demeter?” asked Munkustrap. “Well I’m just afraid Macavity’s planning something horrible for her.” said Demeter,” I think she should be separated from me. Because Macavity knows where I live, but doesn’t know where Jennyanydots lives. So I think after she starts eating meat she should go live with Jennyanydots. She’ll treat her like her own daughter. And her sister has kittens so she’ll have friends to play with. I think it’ll be safe to reunite after the next Jellicle Ball. I’ll be living with Bombalurina by then.” Demeter finished. “Wait, why are you going to live with her?” asked Cassandra. “Old Deuteronomy said it would be safer.” answered Demeter. After this Munkustrap and Cassandra left to find Jennyanydots, to ask her about the proposal. When they found her she was talking with her sister at the Jellicle Junkyard. “Hello Jennyanydots, hello Jellylorum.” said Munkustrap. Then he began to tell her of Demeter’s plan. “Well that sounds reasonable. I think Jellylorum has an extra collar on hand. Right?” Jennyanydots asked her sister. “No ,but Pouncival doesn’t need one. She can have his.” answered Jellylorum. “Alright we have a deal.” said Jennyanydots smiling. Weeks later the kitten had grown to be very beautiful. She had her mother’s eyes. She had a birthmark like her father, a black line on the right side of her face. “It’s almost time Demeter.” said Cassandra coming up behind her. “I know. Jennyanydots is coming over tonight to get her.” said Demeter watching her daughter play with her friends. A tear came to Demeter’s eye, but she quickly rubbed it away. “Ok, time to come in Jemima!” shouted Demeter. Jemima ran towards her mother. She jumped on her mother’s back and licked her ears. Demeter giggled for she was being tickled. She put her daughter in bed and kissed her head good night. Late that night Jennyanydots arrived to take Jemima. She was greeted by Demeter, Cassandra and Tumblebrutus her nephew, Jellylorum’s oldest son. He was there to help her since it’s a long way back to the house. She was lead by Demeter to the place where Jemima was sleeping. She bid them farewell then picked up Jemima and the three walked into the darkness. Months passed and Jemima grew up being told how wonderful her mother was but they never told her who here father was. Not even if she asked. For they promised they never would until after her first Jellicle Ball.

“Aunt Jenny! Tumblebrutus won’t give us back our ball!” screamed a sweet voice. “Yeah, and he keeps on teasing us!” said another. “Tumblebrutus be nice! Do I have to go get your father?” said a stern Jennyanydots. “Ok, ok, I’ll stop.” said an embarrassed Tumblebrutus. He gave the ball back to the two kittens and left. “Hey Pouncival I wonder when the next Jellicle Ball is.” said one of the kittens. “I don’t know. Why Jemima?” asked Pouncival. “I wanna know when I get to meet my Mama. I wish I knew where my dad is. I wish Aunt Jenny would just tell me already!” said Jemima frustrated. “It’s ok, I’m sure you’ll meet your dad someday.” said Pouncival trying to comfort her. Of course he didn’t know the truth.

At Cassandra’s House: “Well I think I’ve got everything.” said Demeter looking around. “Yeah, Demeter you know how when you leave a family you give back your collar?” asked Cassandra. “Yeah.” answered Demeter. “And you know how you get a new one when you join another?” again asked Cassandra. “Yeah.” said Demeter wishing she would get to the point. “Well I got you this uh, this oh, just take it!” said Cassandra shoving a box at Demeter. Demeter opened the box, it was a spiked collar with beautiful diamonds. “Cassandra, I don’t know what to say. It’s beautiful, how can I thank you?” asked Demeter. “Just be happy at Bombalurina’s place. You know she can be a little weird sometimes.” said Cassandra. “I think I can survive. Oh, I’m going to miss you so much.” Demeter said while hugging Cassandra tightly. “I know, I’ll miss you too.” said Cassandra in tears. “I’ll see you and Alonzo at the ball, see you in two weeks.” said Demeter starting to cry herself. She then took off her beautiful ruby collar and placed her new one on her neck. She gave her another even tighter hug, picked up her things and left the house. Even though she knew she would see Cassandra soon she cried hard as she left the home she had first lived in. And soon she will be reunited with her daughter, at least she hoped.

Chapter 3 The Jellicle Ball:

Jemima was very nervous, she was afraid of two things. One, embarrassing her mother because she didn’t know the songs or what to do even though her Aunt Jenny had told her there was nothing to worry about. Two, meeting her mother.

The Jellicle Junkyard was a sight to behold, It had stars that shone above it and a beautiful moon. In the center of the junkyard sat an old beat up tire where Old Deuteronomy sat like a king on his throne. As soon as they reached the edge of the junkyard a train whistle sounded. They stopped, and as soon as they did a beautiful gold and black cat appeared in the middle of the area. “That’s your mother Jemima, that’s Demeter.” whispered Jennyanydots into Jemima’s ear. Jemima’s eyes lit up, she had heard that her mother was beautiful but never imagined this beautiful. Then Demeter ran over to the pipe that was over at the corner of the junkyard. Then a silverish looking tabby entered. “That’s Munkustrap he’s your mother’s tom friend. He’ll also become the leader after his father goes on to the Heavyside Layer.” said Jennyandots quietly. “Maybe he’s my father.” thought Jemima. Next a sleek brown Siamese cat with a cream colored belly entered. “That’s Cassandra, she’s kinda your mother’s sister.” Jennyanydots whispered. “She looks nice.” Jemima thought. Next her Uncle Skimbleshanks entered and sniffed around. “I know who he is.” she said kidding. Pouncival then well, pounced on to a rocking chair that was on top of the large pile of junk. Then two identical cats came in at the same time. “That’s Tantomile and Coricopat they’re psychic cats.” Jennyanydots again whispered to Jemima. Jemima was interested she’d never heard of a psychic cat, especially not twins. Then Electra the fourth oldest of Jellylorum’s children ran to another corner of the junkyard. Then this almost all black cat entered. He had leopard spots on his chest, wrists, and feet. “It’s him! It’s him!” screamed Etcetera but, thankfully no one heard. “It’s who?” Jemima asked Pouncival. Jemima had walked to the chair he was in. “Oh, he’s the Rum Tum Tugger. Etcetera, Electra, and Victoria have kind of a fan club for him. It’s kind of funny.” he answered. “What’s funny?” asked Jemima. “That you don’t like him, just like your mom.” he answered. “Really?” she asked. “Really.” he answered. Then Demeter entered again. Then every thing began. They started off singing and dancing. Now this is where Jemima’s fears came into play. She just stood there. “Jemima, Jemima!” Pouncival said trying to get her to move. She doesn’t know which, if it was his voice calling her name that brought her to reality or, if it was natural instinct. She then started to sing and dance along.

Demeter looked over at her daughter and smiled she was very proud her. Then the song was over, she went over to her daughter and hugged her tightly. Once Jemima relized who was hugging her she hugged her even more tightly. Demeter was about to speak when the twins stood up and anounced that Old Deuteronomy would soon be there. Demeter left and Jemima went over to Pouncival. “Isn’t she great!” she asked him. “Yeah, great.” he answered sounding sad. “What’s wrong Pounci?”she asked sounding innocent. “Well after the ball you’ll go live with her.” he said sounding even sadder. “Yeah, but I’ll come to visit you.” she said smiling. “Yeah, but its just that,” he was cut off short by the Rum Tum Tugger. “Hey Pounce who’s your friend?” He asked while combing his mane. “Her name’s Jemima and you should introduce yourself instead of going through me.” said Pouncival nodding towads Jemima. “Hi my name’s Rum Tum Tugger but you can call me Tugger. I noticed that you’re new around here so if you need anyone to show you around I’m always available.” he said while winking at her. “Sorry, but I already have someone who knows his way around.”said Jemima smiling at Pouncival, who smiled back of course. Demeter was on the opposite side of the junkyard and was watching her talk to Pouncival. “Your daughter’s got a good friend.” said a familiar voice behind her. “Hey Tugger, how’d you know she’s my daughter?” she asked while turning around. “Her personality gave it away immediately.” said Tugger somewhat smiling.

“He’s here! He’s here!” said a black and white cat excitedly. “Oh, I finnaly get to meet the great Old Deuteronomy!” said Jemima more excited than ever. A few moments later an old cat with a large coat came in. Pouncival motioned for Jemima to go up to him, so she did and she bowed then she and Victoria went up and sat with him. Next Munkustrap and some other cats did the entertainment, it was about Pekes and Pollicles. Jemima couldn’t stop laughing it was so funny. But then lightning flashed and an evil laugh sounded. There was no more laughter just fear then the cat appeared. He was a gingerish looking cat who’s whiskers was uncombed. Then Demeter shouted “Macavity!” everyone froze. But Old Deuteronomy was able to calm them down and they all took a catnap. Then an old girl cat entered the junkyard and everyone even Pouncival shunned her and mocked her. Everyone but Demeter, Victoria, and Jemima who showed sympathy for her. Demeter then told her that the cat’s name was Grizabella the glamour cat. She told her that she used to be a jellicle but left to explore the world of humans. Jemima was wondering why they wouldn’t except her, when again her mother shouted, “Macavity!” but this time he got closer. This time catnapped Old Deuteronomy and left. Jemima started to cry hard. Then Macavity returned and attempted to catnap Demeter. But Munkustrap and Alonzo stopped him. Relizing that he was surrounded he made a daring electrical escape which left the area in darkness. Then Tugger got Mr. Mistoffolees to restore the lighting and get back Old Deuteronomy. Mistoffolees was a magical cat who had a big crush on Victoria. He succeeded in restoring the lights and got back Old Deuteronomy. It was that time of the night just before dawn when Old Deuteronomy chooses the cat who goes to the Heayside layer. Then Grizabella appeared again but this time they excepted her and was the one who was chosen to go to the Heavyside layer. Finnaly the ball was over and it was time for Demeter to reveal the truth to her daughter but it would be harder since now she’s seen him and all of his evil.

Chapter 4 Facing the Truth:

Jemima went over to her mother who was talking to Munkustrap. “Hi mom. Hi Munkustrap.” said Jemima with a big smile. “Hi honey, do you know what is special about this day?” asked Demeter. “That it’s the Jellicle Ball?” she asked. “No.” said Demeter. “Ok, um that we we’re being reunited?” she asked scratching her head. “Yes, but no.” said Demeter laughing. “I give up just tell me mom!” said Jemima crossing her arms. “Well Munkustrap and I have been going out for a while, and tonight he finnaly porposed to me and I said yes!” said an excited Demeter. “Really, that’s great! So when will you be married?” asked Jemima jumping. “That’s something to worry about tomorrow I believe it’s time for bed right now.” said Demeter patting Jemima on the head. “Oh, come on mom I’m not even sleepy, yawn, not one bit.” she said rubbing her eye. “Come on Jemima listen to your mother. You girls better get going it’s a long way to Bombalurina’s house.” said Munkustrap kissing Demeter on the head. Jemima saw that Pouncival hadn’t left yet so she went over to say good bye. She went over and hugged him tighly she tried to talk but nothing would come out. “Good bye Jemima I love you.” said Pouncival. Instead of answering like he expected her to she licked him on the cheek. Pouncival let go of her suddenly. When he looked at her she was blushing because of what she did then he blushed for he had thought about doing the same thing. “Jemima! Time to go!” shouted Demeter. Jemima gave him one last hug then left. They soon had left the junkyard “Well?” asked Demeter inquisitively. “Well what?” asked Jemima raising her eyebrow. “Well what’s his name?” she asked smiling. “Who’s name?” Jemima asked confused. “Oh, come on don’t pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about. At the junkyard you and that boy.” said Demeter. “Oh, him that’s Pouncival he’s one of Jellylorum’s sons. You saw that?” asked Jemima. “Oh Yeah. So is he nice?” she asked. “Where’s Aunt Bombalurina? Shouldn’t she be walking home with us?” asked Jemima trying to change the subject. “Tugger took her home don’t worry she’ll be there.” answered Demeter. Suddenly Demeter stopped and looked around. “What’s wrong mother?” asked Jemima. “Nothing, lets go.” said Demeter pushing her daughter along. What she didn’t tell her was that she felt like they were being watched, and they were. For you see Macvity had not really disappeared. He had just waited for them to leave. He had overheard their plan at one time and was there to let his daughter know her father was. Finally when they reached the house it was empty. Sure enough she was at Tugger’s place. Demeter knew that the back door had a cat door. They went around the corner and there was Macavity. “What took you so long dear?” he asked putting his hand underneath her chin. She smacked his hand off. “What are you doing here you weasel? And don’t call me dear.” Demeter told him while pushing Jemima behind her. “Just to visit my little Jemima and tell her who her father is.” he said while looking at Jemima. “You know my dad?” she asked coming out from behind her mother. “Your looking at him darling.” he said while sticking his hand for her to take. Jemima’s eye’s grew wide, she stepped forward to take his hand. “Jemima stop!” screamed Demeter but it was too late she had taken his hand and was now hugging him. Even though she knew he was evil she was so excited to meet her dad. “Jemima let mommy and I talk, ok?” asked Macavity. “Ok but, why did you try to take Old Deuternomy?” she asked him. “Yeah, why did you?” asked Demeter. “That’s not any of your business little one lets just say it was business.” said Macavity letting go of Jemima. Jemima went inside and thought about having a evil mastermind for a dad, she soon fell asleap. Outside Demeter and Macavity were talking. “Why did you really come here I know it wasn’t just to tell her.” asked Demeter frowning. “Your right I really came here to tell you her future.” he said while doing a handstand. “You see you all never figured out why I let you go, reason was because I wanted her to be like me an ex-jellicle. I wanted her to grow up, see someone go to the Heavy- side layer, but then one day she’ll start looking different then start acting different. Soon she’ll be like her good old dad, being bad.” he said. “Dream on if you haven’t noticed she’s to good to be true, so say good bye to your stupid little plan cause it’s not gonna come true.” said Demeter smiling. “That’s going to change all to soon for you isn’t it my dear Demeter? It’s time to face the truth Demeter. Oh, and congratulations with you and Munkustrap it’s about time for you two to tie the knot.” said Macavity laughing as he wondered into the night. “Mabey he’s right.” she thought as she turned to go inside she let out a big sigh and went in.

Chapter 5 the Change:

After this experience Demeter kept a closer eye on Jemima. Nothing had changed, at least not yet. “Mom can we go visit Pouncival sometime soon.” asked Jemima,” I miss him a lot,”. “I know honey and that’s why I’m letting you stay there when Munkustrap and I go on our honeymoon. You like that idea?” she asked Jemima. “Of course! I love it when are you getting married?”she asked her mother jumping up and down. “Exactly in two weeks and I’ve already talked it out with Jellylorum, she’s just waiting for an answer.” answered Demeter. “Well, go over there and tell her yes!” she said bouncing off the walls. “How long will you be gone?” she asked her mother. “About two weeks, but you get to stay two more weeks to spend time with them, you know to catch up.” she said hugging her daughter. Soon they heard a very big yawn from behind them. “Good morning Sleeping Beauty. How’d you sleep last night?” Demeter asked to Bombalurina. “I should be the one saying that to you. I Stayed out to late at Tugger’s last night apparently. Good morning Jemima.” she said, then licked her bowl of milk.

Two weeks later:

“Hurry up Aunt Bombalurina! Were almost there just a few more blocks!” said Jemima running along the sidewalk on the way to Jellylorum’s house. “Why can’t it be a few more feet because my feet are killing me!” said Bombalurina shaking her paws. Halfway there a familiar face came running up to Jemima. “Pounci!” shouted Jemima running up to him. He picked her up and was holding her in his arms. Then she licked him on the cheek and they both blushed. “Well I think it’s time for me to leave, have a good time you two love birds.” said Bombalrina. “Hey!” shouted Pouncival and Jemima together then blushed again. He now put her down on the ground, and they both ran inside the house. There Jemima was greeted with hugs and hugs and more hugs. “Let me show you where you will be sleeping here.” said Jellylorum smiling. After she had gotten settled in, she then went to have fun with her friends and Pouncival. They played till it was time to come inside. Jemima went inside to take a bath. Pouncival came inside and went to his bed. After Jemima had finished taking her bath she went and joined him. “Hey, Jemima remember that song our human’s music box played?” Pouncival asked Jemima. “Yeah, I can remember a little bit. Can you start it off?”she asked him kindly. “Sure,”he said, then started to sing a soft and sweet melody. “Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry your tears. I’m here with you, beside you. To guard you and to guide you.” Jemima started singing. “Say you love me every waking moment. Turn my head with talk of summertime. Say you need me with you now and always. Promise me that all you say is true that’s all I ask of you.” then Pouncival started singing again. “Let me be your shelter. Let me be your light , your safe no one will find you. Your fears are far behind you.” Jemima started singing again. “All I want is daylight a world with no more night, and you always beside me to hold me and to hide me.” she sang. Then Pouncival sang again, ”Then say you‘ll share with me one love, one lifetime. Let me lead you from your solitude. Say you need me with you here beside you. Anywhere you go let me go too, that’s all I ask of you.” he sang then Jemima began. “Say you’ll share with me one love one lifetime. Say the word and I will follow you.” then they sang together. “Share each day with me each night, each morning.” then Jemima sang. “Say you love me.” “You know I do.” then they softly together. “Love me that’s all I ask of you.” then they were about to kiss. “What are doin’?” asked Victoria. “Nothing.” they said at the same time. “Well anyways the humans just put out dinner, so I thought you might want come and eat.” she said still wondering what they were doing. They got up and went to eat. After dinner they all went to bed Jemima and Pouncival had a good night’s sleep.

Two days later:

“I’m going outside for a walk.” said Jemima to Pouncival. She left to go walk she had gone about one block when an angry pollicle came up to her. “I can smell a jellicle from a mile away. Our leader said to destroy any jellicle we came across so it’s lovely that all by yourself.” he said laughing evily. “Stay back my dad’s Macavity he’ll kill you and all of your pack.” she said sternly. “Yeah, if I had a nickel for every time I heard that one.” he said opening his claws to attack. “Help! Pouncival! Help me!” she said screaming. He raised his paw and was ready to kill her when something snapped. Jemima looked him straight in the eye and slashed him across the face hard and deep. She continued to do so until the creature dropped almost dead. “You must be a rebel.” he said then died. She looked at her paw and saw that it was red, blood red like her father’s. Then Jellylorum came running out. “Oh, Jemima what happened? How did you did you do that? Are you ok?” asked a very worried Jellylorum. “I’m fine but, the thing is that I enjoyed it.” she said shaking. Three days later she was awakened by Pouncival. “Hey it’s time for breakfast.” he said as he licked her on the cheek. She got up to go take a bath when Pouncival shouted over to her. “Jemima! Look at your bed! It’s covered in black fur!” “What are you talking about?” she asked coming back into the room. Then he saw what it was, her coat was almost completely red and yellow she had no more black on her she looked just like her father. “Jemima just go into the bathroom and look into the mirror, you’ll see.” he said pointing towards the bathroom. “Ah! What happened to me! I’ve lost my beautiful coat!” she said crying on Pouncival’s chest. “I think your beautiful, in fact I think this coat’s nicer than the last one.” he said patting her on the back. “Really?” she asked in tears. “Would I lie?” he asked holding her head up with his hand. “Thank you Pouncival, I love you.” she said holding him tight. “I love you too.” he said, then she licked him on the cheek. What they didn’t know was that Jellylorum was watching them. She gave them a quick smile and went away. Macavity’s plan was working she had already taken a life and she had changed immensely.

Chapter 6 Big sister:

Soon the four weeks were up, Demeter would be coming soon to pick her up, but what would her reaction be? Jemima was out on the porch on Pouncival’s lap. They wanted to see the sun rise. “I’ll miss you so much.” said a sad Pouncival. “I know why does it have to be so soon that I have to leave?” she asked him. A brief silence was broken when Jemima spoke. “Did I ever tell you that I met my dad?” she asked him. “No! So what’s his name, and do I know him?” he asked her excitedly. “Well I guess in a way you know him, but it’s hard to explain without you either laughing at me or hating me. You see my dad is, the Hidden paw.” she said crying. “Really?” he asked in shock. “Really, and I think that I’m turning in to him. It’ll be a matter of time now. You see that night after the jellicle ball my dad came. He said he wanted to talk to mom alone so I left and went to sleep, but I couldn’t sleep. So I went back to the door and heard everything he said.” she said almost crying. “What did he say?” he asked feeling sad that she was sad. “He said that one day I would be evil, I would be just like him, and I think that I’ve already started to turn in to him.” said Jemima crying even harder. “Jemima, that’s impossible your too good to be bad.” he said drying her tears. “Anything’s possible Pounci, and this is too.” she said starting to cry again. “Jemima! Is that you?” said Demeter in extreme shock. “Mom? Yeah, it’s me.” said Jemima drying her tears. “What happened to you? What happened to your beautiful coat?” asked Demeter almost crying herself. “Well, I guess it shed off. This one is prettier, at least Pouncival thinks so.” she said looking into Pouncival’s eyes with a look of deep love. “Oh really?” she asked raising her eyebrow to Pouncival, “So did anything out of the ordinary happen while I was gone?” this question shocked Jemima. “Um, I think it’s time for us too go, I love you Pouncival”, she said hugging him tightly, “I’ll never forget you.” she said much softer too where her mother couldn’t hear her. “I love you, don’t forget who you are, and when were older we’ll be together forever.” he then kissed her on the cheek. Jemima then returned with a kiss on his cheek. Demeter was about to burst out in tears of joy not sadness anymore, her daughter had found her true love but she still worried about Jemima’s future. Jemima let go of Pouncival and slowly stepped down the stairs to her mother who had dried up her tears by now. Demeter waved good bye to Pouncival. On the way home Jemima kept looking over her shoulder expecting to see Pouncival running after her, but that never happened. “You never answered my question. Did anything unusual happen there?” she asked her daughter on the way home. “Well you see I feel a little uncomfortable talking about it, but if you really want to know..” she paused to take a breath, “I do want to know.” said her mother. “I um, um, I um, I didn’t mean to but I killed a pol, pol, pol, pollicle.” she said very uneasy. “What! What did you do?” she asked while somewhat shaking her daughter. “I didn’t mean to, He was going to kill me and I even told him that my dad was Macavity! He just didn’t believe me, and he raised his paw with his claws out and I just started scratching his face, finally he just fell to the ground and said I that I must be a rebel.” she then started to cry the hardest she ever had before. “It’ll be all right honey, it’ll be all right.” she said trying to comfort her. “Mom stop, I know you don’t mean it. You and I both know what my future is.” she said moving a little bit away from her mother. “I don’t know what your talking about.” said a confused Demeter. “Oh, come on mom! Like you don’t know what I’m talking about! That night that dad came! I heard everything! You of all people should know dad. He never settles for no as an answer. He’ll find a way to make it happen, one way or another I will be like him.” Demeter was so shocked by her daughter. She was thinking how she was having a great time away from home, her daughter was probably having nightmares from the horror she had faced. But she was wrong Jemima had actually been dreaming of wanting to kill again to have that feeling.

“Hey mom, this isn’t where Bombalurina lives. Where are we?” she asked while following her mother up the porch of a large house. “You see honey we won’t be going back to Bombalurina’s house, we’ll be living with Munkustrap now. Is that ok?” she asked her daughter. “Yeah, that’s ok, I just didn’t know.” as Jemima finished talking she saw Munkustrap run out and pick her up. “Hey! How’s my little girl doing?” he asked Jemima still holding her. “I am not your little girl!” she said while trying to escape from his arms. This shocked both Demeter and Munkustrap, for up until then she had somewhat considered him as a father to her. “Did you tell her?” he asked Demeter confused. “Oh! I forgot, you see something came up.” she said looking at Jemima. “Well maybe it’s time to tell her.” he said licking his mate on the cheek, this made Jemima sad to think of Pouncival. “Well, Jemima um, a week ago while we were gone. Munkustrap and I discovered something wonderful, we discovered that you’re going to be a big sister. “Really? When are you due?” she asked feeling happier. “In a few weeks.” answered Munkustrap, “But, right now our two tired girls better go rest.” he said patting Jemima on the back.

Three weeks later:

“Let me go with mom! I want to go with her!” Jemima screamed at Munkustrap. “No, you stay here with Bombalurina and Tugger.” said Munkustrap turning to leave. “But, I don’t want to stay with Tugger! I don’t like him! Why can’t I stay with Pouncival!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. “Because, Pouncival lives too far away from the house, and your mother doesn’t want you there while she’s giving birth. I’ll come get you after it’s over, I’ll come right over.” he said while hugging her. “Ok, but I’m still not thrilled about staying at Tugger’s place.” she said rolling her eyes. After this Munkustrap said good bye to Tugger and Bombalurina, they wished him good luck, he left in a hurry. “Bombalurina, what do think it’ll be like being a big sister?” Jemima asked her. “Well sometimes you love ’em, and sometimes you feel like you just want to break their limbs apart. I had two sisters my sister Miyo, and your mom.” she said smiling. “Do you have any brothers?” she asked her. “Well, there was my brother Nightwish, but he died right after my mom gave birth to us, I never really met him but he would have been my big brother. Mom used to talk about him all the time.” a tear came to her eye but was wiped away when Tugger came back in from his nap. Suddenly Munkustrap entered the room. “Come on they’re here! They’re here! There’s three of them! Come on!” he said while motioning for them to come on. On the way there he was always some five feet ahead of them ( that’s not unusual for someone who just became a dad). When they got there Jemima was the first one to see them. He was right there were three of them one boy he looked a lot like his mother but had a little gray like his dad, the next one looked a lot like her father but had some gold on her, they were like opposites of each other. The other was a girl who’s color was of her mother but her features were of her father. “What are their names?” she asked her mother holding the girl, the second oldest. “Her name is Aphrodite and the boy’s name is Augustus, and this one is Meter. They’re perfect.” she said holding her little Meter (Munkustrap was holding Augustus in another room with Tugger and Bombalurina). “What about me?” She asked her mother sounding sad all of the sudden. “Well, um…” she was cut off by the other three returning from the other room. “Good news! If every thing goes to plan Augustus should get the blessing next week!” said an excited Munkustrap still holding his son. “What blessing?” Jemima asked Munkustrap putting down Aphrodite. “The one that makes him in line to be the leader after Munkustrap goes on, you know kind of like father like son.” answered Demeter smiling at her little Augustus. Suddenly Jemima was enraged, “Why am I not getting the blessing! I’m the oldest!” she said waking Meter. “Because your not in the blood line and he’s the oldest!” said Demeter. “Whatever! I don’t care about the stupid blessing anyway!” she said as she stormed out of the room.

Chapter 7 Blessing of evil:

For the next days Jemima didn’t show as much interest in the kittens as she had at first. One day Jemima was in the room alone with Aphrodite. Aphrodite started crying and her mother could not hear, Jemima tried to calm her down but it did not work. She was getting annoyed, she laid the kitten down and started to slash her knee until bled. When Demeter came in she was about to strike again, but she caught her arm before she struck, which probably would have killed her. “ Jemima! What are you doing! You could have killed her!” she screamed at her own daughter. “She needed to be punished!” she yelled back at her mother. “Why? What did she do?!” she asked angrily as she tried to see what damage had been done to her beautiful daughter. “I’m not sure! But she deserved it!” she said walking over to her mother. “You’re just like your father, killing without a reason.” she said bandaging her daughter carefully. “Well if I’m so much like him then I’ll just go and live with him! Would that make you happy!” she screamed in her mother’s face. “Stop talking like that! I know you don’t mean that!” said a very stern Demeter. “Oh, yes I do!” she said as she ran out the door. Demeter ran after her, “Jemima!” she went back inside and went to Munkustrap and told him everything, they cried together for a good long time and continued to morn for their daughter who they knew would never walk correctly. Jemima wandered the streets until she came across an old rusted shed, she went inside. “Halt! Who goes there!” said a black cat. “Ah, I must have found the right place, tell Macavity that his daughter is here to see him.” she told him with the same evil grin as her father. He returned and said with an evil smile on his grimy face, “Come this way.” he motioned for her to come. He led her into a dark room, “Wait hear.“ he said while exiting the room. So she waited by leaning on the wall. Then the lights in a way magically turned on, there he was her father with his evil grin. “Well would you look at my girl, all grown up with her beautiful coat.” he said while walking towards her end of the room. “Well at least you think so, mom probably rather shave it off than having something to remind her of you.” she said still leaning on the wall. “So, why has my daughter come to me?” he asked her while sitting down on the ground. “I have come to seek a home, for I have been band from the world of my mother nor do I wish to return, and I have information about the jellicles.” she said somewhat kneeling in front of her father. “What information would that be my darling?” he asked evilly interested. “You see my mother had kittens a few days ago, and she had a boy and he will be getting the blessing in a few a days. If I know the jellicles all of them will be there.” when she finished speaking, Macavity got up and went to the door and got the guard that was on the other side. “Plan an attack, if my daughter is telling the truth then we’ll attack soon.” he whispered to him, but Jemima overheard. “If you can’t trust me I won’t stay.” she said getting up. “No, you see I just don’t know if I can trust you, you’re a jellicle, and I don’t trust jellicles.” he said, but really he was testing her to see what her reaction would be. Jemima was enraged, she ran over to him and put her hand around his neck threatening to choke him and pinning him against the wall. “For one I’m your daughter of course you can trust me, and second of all don’t call me a jellicle I’m not one of them anymore.” she said still pinning him to the wall. For once in his life he actually felt threatened by someone. He let out an evil laugh for he was pleased at her. She slowly let go of him. “Tell me dear, what are your previous crimes?” he asked her. “I once was uncomfortable talking about it but I once killed a pollicle and most recently I crippled my own little sister, I slashed her knee with my claws.” she said with an evil smirk on her face. “I’m so glad that you didn’t turn into a goody two shoes like your mother,” he said while circling her, “Tomorrow we will have a feast for your arrival and our anticipated victory over the jellicles.” he said while going towards the door. “Where will I be sleeping?” she asked as he opened the door. “Just follow me and I’ll show you where.” he said while motioning for her to come. She followed him out of the room and into a hallway(she was now realizing that this wasn’t a shed but a warehouse), and was led into a larger room. Her father turned on the lights she could see it was much larger than she thought it was. It had a large human bed, it had no windows but it did have a few large lamps around the room. “I’ve waited for you to come for a while so I thought that you deserved more than an empty room.” he said with not an evil smile but fatherly one.

The next day Jemima was getting ready for the feast when she heard a knock on the door, she went to answer it. When she opened the door there was a very pretty cat. She had brownish color on her legs and wrists she was tannish everywhere else, she looked like she was a Siamese. “Hello!”, said the cat smiling, “Your father sent me to get you.” “Ok, um, come in. Uh, what’s your name?” Jemima asked her. “My name is Amity, after my parents died I wandered the streets until I found this place and your father gave me a home, he said the only way to repay him was to do crime so he taught me how to steal and I’ve been stealing for him ever since.” she said while standing. “Well, lets not keep father waiting,” she said while going towards the door, “You can sit beside me tonight.” she finished. “Really? It would be an honor!” she said curtsying in front of her. “Come on. I don’t know my way around yet so you need to show me how to get there.” she said while starting to go out the door. Amity quickly ran after her. When they got there everyone was lined up. To her shock everyone started to bow to her as she walked up to her father who was at the end of the line. “I see you have met a friend, Amity, do like my daughter?” he asked her. “Oh, yes I really do think I’ve found my first friend.” she said bowing to him. After this her father said for everyone to be seated. During dinner Amity pointed out a handsome tom. “His name’s Quaxo and every girl has a crush on him. I’ve even seen him flirt a little with you.” she said quietly. “Well that can’t do I’m already in love, and he’s much cuter.” she said kind of wanting him to hear. “But, Jemima, he was from the outside world. You can’t love him anymore you’ll probably be fighting him soon.” as she said this she could see Jemima’s eyes start to water. “I have to announce something,” said Macavity standing up, “Ok, you all know that my daughter has come to join us, and just as my father gave to me, I shall give her a right hand place beside me, the same blessing my father gave me I give her. The only thing that she has to do is have the blood of a loved one spilled on her hands.” as he said this Jemima’s tears stopped dry, she knew what she had to do, “Do you except this blessing?” he asked her. Jemima paused but then answered, “I do.”

The next day:

“This is Augustus, my grandson,” said Old Deuteronomy smiling, “Today we are here to give him the blessing that my father gave to me and I gave to my son, and now we are here to do the same for him..” he continued to speak, but all Demeter could hear were her own thoughts about Jemima, how if she hadn’t of given her such a hard time she might have still been there. Her thought was interrupted when she heard an evil laugh. “No,” she said turning around in fear. There was Macavity standing on one of the piles of junk. “Why, who didn’t invite me?” he sarcastically asked. “You weren’t wanted!” said Etcetera being held back by her mother. “Not even me?” asked a voice familiar to all in the group. There was Jemima right beside her father. “Jemima!” said Demeter almost about to faint. “What mother? I told you I was leaving.” she said as she started to get down from the pile of junk. She went over to her mother, but Victoria got in front of her. “Why Jemima? I once considered you as a sister to me but now your just as low as your father!” she said in her face. “Get out of my face Victoria,” she stayed put, “I said get out of my face!” she said as she gave her a hard punch on the side of the chin which sent her flying across the junkyard. Mistoffolees ran to her side. “Don’t get in my face again.” she said giving her an evil glare. “Jemima, why are you here?” asked an enraged Munkustrap. “I’m here for the blessing of course.” she said while walking closer to her mother who was heavily guarding her children. “You can’t get it! You’ve been told before that you’re not in the blood line!” said Munkustrap even more upset. “I’m here for my father’s blessing, and for further notice call me Sillabub. I thought since I’m not a jellicle anymore I thought I needed to change my name.” she said spotting a familiar face. “Hello Pouncival.” she said as she started to move towards him. “Hello Jemi… oh, I mean Sillabub. Why would you do this? I thought we were going to be together forever.” he said as he moved closer to her. “We were but I found something more important than love,” she said as she put her hand on his shoulder, “I’m sorry,” she then extended her claws into his shoulder. “Ow! Jemima stop!” “I said my name is Sillabub!” she then grasped harder. “I don’t care I fell in love with Jemima and I’m not going to love another! What happened to not forgetting who you are!” he said as he tried to ignore the pain. “I didn’t forget who I am I just found out.” she as she let go of him. Pouncival fell to the ground in exhaustion he was still bleeding from his shoulder. Jemima turned to her father and showed her hand which was stained with the blood of her love. “Father, is this acceptable?” she asked him with an evil grin. “Yes my daughter it is acceptable. Sillabub, come our work is done here.” he said as he started to back away. “Yes, father” she then followed him. Pouncival hadn’t lost hope that she would be good again.

Chapter 8 Kittens:

After this unusual day no one saw much of Jemima, or Sillabub people like Pouncival refused to call her Sillabub, but other people didn’t have the amount of hope he did that she would become good again. Augustus, Aphrodite and Meter had now opened their eyes, they all had beautiful green eyes. Augustus and Meter were allowed to play but Demeter was to afraid of Aphrodite hurting her leg. “Mommy, can I go play with big brother and little sister today?” she asked her mother while sitting on her mother’s lap. “No, honey I’m sorry but not today.” she said as Munkustrap came out onto the porch. “Why not we’ll keep an eye on her it’s not like she’s gonna try to jump the fence you know, just let her have some fun.” he said as he kissed her on the forehead. “No Munkustrap I think we should wait until she’s older.” she said as stroked her daughter’s head. “Now where have I heard that before?” he sarcastically asked her. “Ok, I have to go on a little thing with Jennyanydots to see about getting all of the new kittens together and play.” she said as she started to put down Aphrodite and getting up. “Like who? I don’t know of any new kittens.” he said picking up Aphrodite. “You didn’t know? Of all people you didn’t know. Didn’t you know that Tugger and Bomba had their own litter of kittens? And about Mistoffolees and Victoria?” “Victoria?!” he interrupted, “How could Victoria have kittens? She is way to young to have kittens!” he finished, by now he had put down his daughter. “I know, I know, I know. But she had two little kittens the day before we had ours,” she was interrupted by her mate again, “Why weren’t they there the day we had the blessing?” “The reason they weren’t there was because the kittens were sick and had to stay home.” she finished. “Well, ok, but I’m still not happy about her having kittens.” he said crossing his arms. “Well, anyway I’m off to see Jennyanydots, love you,” she said as she kissed both her mate and her daughter, “Bye ya’ll!” she said to her other children. After she went around the corner she was out of site. “Ok, well since mommy’s gone I think you can play with your big brother and little sister.” he said hugging her. “But mommy wouldn’t like that.” she said being innocent. “Well, I don’t think that mommy is right about not having you play.” he said as he put her down on the ground. “Well, if you say so.” she then went off to play with her siblings, she didn’t have any trouble except for a few times she tried to jump on a tree but couldn’t quite make it. After a while Demeter returned. What she saw shocked her completely. “Aphrodite! What are you doing!” she ran over to her daughter, “I told you that you couldn’t play today!” she then saw Munkustrap coming towards her. “Munkustrap! Tell her that she shouldn’t be playing!” she said as she held on to him. “Honey, I think you should go back to playing,” he said as he scooted her along. “What! How can you say that! You know that she can’t walk correctly!” she said about to hit him. “Honey, just look at her. She walks perfectly she just needs to gain some strength in her legs.” he was right she was running fine Demeter couldn’t believe it. “I guess I was so in denial I refused to accept it. Can you forgive me?” she asked him somewhat sounding sad. “Of course.” he then kissed her hard and warm. “Eww!” said Meter joking. “Well, what did you all settle on?” he asked her as he turned to the porch. “Well, if it’s ok, with everyone else we should meet up tomorrow.” she said as she followed him to the porch. “And where are we going to meet?” asked walking up the stairs. “At the junkyard, everyone knows where that is.” she said as she got in his lap. They watched their children play until it was time to go in. The next day they entered the junkyard. They stood still, they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. “Hey, Demeter! Over here!” shouted a familiar voice. Demeter turned around and gave a big smile. “Cassandra!” then they both ran to each other and hugged. “Oh, what are you doing here?” asked Demeter still smiling. “Well, obviously I have a kitten.” when she said this she saw a cute little kitten with brown and white fur, she wasn’t a Siamese like her mother, but she did have mother’s unusual brown eyes. “This is Illusion. Say hi honey.” she said as she nudged her forward. She didn’t say anything but she wave her hand. “She’s a little shy.” she said losing her smile. “Well, would you look at that, Cassandra? Is that you?” asked Bombalurina entering the junkyard with four little(obviously not shy)kittens behind her. There were two girls and two boys, the one who looked the oldest was black on his arms and legs, he like his father had a mane around his neck but his like the other boy’s was brown. The one who looked second in line was a girl she looked a lot like her father around her head and arms, but she had her mother’s color everywhere else. The next was a boy who looked like his father but his face was gray. And the last one in line was like a little version of her mother no one would have guessed that Tugger was her father. “Hi!” shouted the second oldest, “You must be Aunt Demeter! Right?” she said, they all came up to her. “Yeah, that’s me. And what are your names?” she asked them sweetly. “My name’s Mahees I’m the oldest.” he said sounding proud of himself. “And my name’s Leona I’m second oldest.” she said pushing her brother aside. “My name’s Nuada I’m the third in line and just to let you know I’m cooler than the both of them.” he said smirking, which made them both steaming. “My name’s Artemis I’m the baby of us and I think you’re cooler than all three of them put together.” she said smiling, this got a chuckle out of Bombalurina and Demeter. “Well thank you, dear.” said Demeter in laughter. “Well, would you look at ’at dearie’s it’s your mum’s old friends.” said a very heavy British accent behind them. “What da’ matter ya’ll look like you’ve seen a ghost.” she teasing. “Rumpleteaser? Is that you?” asked a very shocked Cassandra. “Yep, better believe it.” she said smiling with her kittens behind her. Rumpleteaser is known because of two reasons she is a jellicle, and she and her mate Mungojerrie are known for being cat-burglars, and they both secretly work for Macavity(but like Amity they only stole). “Hey, I didn’t expect you to be here that’s all.” said Demeter. “Well, anyway go a’ead ’oney and introduce yourself.” she said to her two kittens. “We thought you’d never say so.” they said in unison. There was one girl and one boy, they both were Calicos like their mother and father. “My name is Pettipaws and his name is,” she let her brother continue, “Fiddlestix,” “And we’re..” they paused and did a summersault together, “The Tumble twins!” they said again in unison. This got a little laugh out of everyone in the area. Then there was a puff of smoke. “Sorry, we’re late” said a familiar voice to all of the mothers. “Mistoffolees!” said Rumpleteaser, “Where’s Vickie?” she asked running up to him. “Her owners wouldn’t let her out because she just got groomed, she likes to say It’s hard being a purebred.” he said he then turned around, there were his kittens, they were uneasy about teleporting but were getting used to it. “Dad, can we walk next time?” said the girl of them. “Are you kidding I love it!” the boy said. “That’s easy for you to say! You have magic! You can already do it!” she yelled at her brother. “Kids come on, Mirage be nice to your brother.” he said separating them. “Ok, as long as Adonis doesn’t use his magic today.” she said looking her brother in the eye. “Oh, come on that’s totally unfair!” said Adonis furiously. “Now, Mirage stop being mean, just go and have fun you two.” after he said this they both went different ways. Adonis and Mirage looked like their father though Adonis had more white than his sister. The one person that caught his eye was Aphrodite, he thought she was really pretty. She was thinking the same thing about him. He went over to her and said, “Hi, my name’s Adonis.” he held out his hand out for her to shake. She was hesitant but she finally said, “My name’s Aphrodite,” she then took his hand and when she grabbed it two little daisies magically appeared in her hand. “Wow!” said Aphrodite in amazement she had never seen magic before. After everyone got acquainted the kittens started playing. Adonis and Aphrodite played tag alone. Augustus did cartwheels with Pettipaws and Fiddlestix. Meter played with Artemis on the tire. “Tag! Your it!” said Adonis playing with Aphrodite. “Ok, I’m going to get you!” she ran right towards him, he just stood there. She was so close to tagging him she could just almost touch him. Suddenly right when she was about to tag him, poof! He disappeared in a puff of smoke. “Huh? Where did he go?” she looked around for him. “Are you by chance looking for me?” asked Adonis behind her. “How’d you do that?” she asked him when he didn’t answer she said, “Oh,” in embarrassment. “Ok, I’m going to get you this time!” she said running towards him. Again he disappeared in a puff of smoke. “That’s not fair!” she said looking around, “Come back here!” she said as she spotted him. This continued for a while. “Adonis stop seriously!” she said as she turned looking for him. When she turned around she came face to face with him. “Ok, I’ll stop.” he said smiling. “Hey Aphrodite!” shouted over her brother, “Look at what Pettipaws and Fiddlestix taught me how to do!” he said as he did a triple cartwheel. She clapped for her brother, Meter did also for she had seen the trick also. Demeter was talking to her friend Cassandra, “Hey, Cassandra, does Illusion have any siblings?” she asked her friend. She could see a tear come to Cassandra’s eye, “Well, you see she did have a brother named Apollo, but he died right after I gave birth to him.” she was really starting to cry now and Illusion came up to her. “Mommy, why are you crying?” she asked her mother in her soft voice. “She speaks!” thought Demeter. “Oh, no reason honey, I’m alright,” she told her daughter drying her tears, “Have you met any friends?” “Well…Mirage and Leona are nice, Nuada has been really nice to me. I don’t really like Mahees.” she said grinning. Cassandra smiled to see her daughter happy. “I’m glad your making friends.” she said as she hugged her daughter. “So, what’s it like having Old Deuteronomy as a grandfather?” Fiddlestix asked Augustus. “Well, it’s cool he’s really nice and if you have a problem you can just talk to him about it and he helps you through it.” he said smiling. “Like what kinda problem?” asked Pettipaws. “Well…My mom usually doesn’t like me talking about it, but have you ever heard of Jemima?” he asked them. “No,” they answered together. “She’s more commonly known as Sillabub.” he said uneasily. “Oh! Yeah we’ve heard of her! Mum and pop sometimes work for her!” they said smiling, “Oh! Did we just say that! We are such idiots!” they said as they smacked themselves on the head, “Pretend you didn’t hear that, ok?” they said. “Ok, well anyways you might not believe this but she’s my sister.” he said as he looked around to see if his mother heard. “Really!” they shouted. “Shh! She might hear you! And yes really! She’s my half sister actually and when I found out I wanted to just kill her. But my grandfather helped me out and now I kinda respect her, I just want to know why she turned bad.” he said to them. “Cool!” they said again in unison. “Hey! Look what Adonis can do!” said Aphrodite to her sister. “Ready?” he asked her, “Ready.” she answered. He then sent a cloud of white sparkles over her. It covered her body and before anyone could blink, she was gone. “Where is she?” asked Artemis. “Yeah, she was standing right there!” said Meter. “And now I’m standing right here.” said a calm Aphrodite behind them. “Cool! How’d ya’ do that?” they said together. Aphrodite leaned over to their ears and whispered, “He’s a magical cat.” she had to hold back her laughter for the look on their faces was priceless. “Time to go kids!” shouted over Demeter, “It was good to see you all, Misto say hi to Victoria for me.” “Will do Demeter, will do.” he said getting his children. “Adonis! I’ll miss you.” Aphrodite said as she ran up and hugged him. “Hey! Pettipaws, Fiddlestix! Over here, thanks for being so nice. And I won’t say anything about your mom and dad.” he said as he hugged his friends. “Yeah, and we won’t say anything about you know who.” they said together. Then they all left, they would soon be reunited at the Jellicle Ball.

Chapter 9 Evil’s first kiss:

“Mommy, explain to me again what the Jellicle Ball is.” said Meter following their mother to the junkyard. “Oh, come on you’ve made her say what it is five times since this morning! And when she answers you ask what do I have to do! She will always answer you will know what to do!” said an annoyed Augustus. “Now Augustus don’t yell at your sister. Meter he’s right you’ll know exactly what to do when you get there.” said Demeter turning to her children. “Ok, if you say so. So Where’s daddy? Isn’t he supposed to be going with us?” asked Meter. “He has to go earlier to see when Grandpa is going to get there.” she said still walking. “Aphrodite, honey are you ok you haven’t said a word all night.” she asked her suddenly turning around to face her daughter. “Oh, it’s just that I miss Adonis, that’s all.” she said as she sat down. “Honey he’ll probably be there tonight.” she said patting her on the back. “Really?” she asked sounding sad. “Really.” she said. When they got there the first person she saw was Adonis who immediately saw her too. “Adonis!” she said as she ran to him. “Aphrodite!” he then hugged her tightly. “I was afraid I was never going to see you again.” she said smiling. “Really?” he asked her and she answered, “Uh, huh.” “Well, the funny thing is that I was thinking the same thing about you.” he said as let go of her. “Mommy,” said Meter, “Are you sure that we’ll know what to do?” she asked her mother quietly. “One hundred percent sure.” she answered. Then just like the time Jemima went they started to sing and dance along with everyone else. After that they did a play about Old Deuteronomy when he was young, the kittens found it fun. Then unlike last year Mistoffolees and Victoria did a magic act together. Demeter was glad that Jemima nor her father had showed up, but the night was not over yet. Then the twins as they did every year announced that Old Deuteronomy was near, so Munkustrap went to go get him. A few moments later he entered and the first one to go up to him were his grandchildren. “Grandpa!” shouted Meter as she ran into his arms. “Hello my little Meter!” he said as he squeezed her tightly. “My beautiful Aphrodite!” he said as he hugged her also. Then Augustus came up he did not hug him but he bowed for he thought that was more respectful. “Oh, come here you little prince.” he said as motioned for him to come and give him a hug. Now that he had permission he ran up and hugged him tighter than the rest of them. After this he sat down with Pettipaws and Fiddlestix over on one side of the junkyard, Aphrodite sat with Adonis, and Meter, Artemis and Illusion sat with Old Deuteronomy. Then they had a couples dance, Munkustrap and Demeter danced together, Cassandra and her mate Alonzo danced also. Tugger and Bombalurina danced together. Even Aphrodite and Adonis danced. “Why don’t you go out and dance?” Old Deuteronomy asked Meter. “I don’t have anyone to dance with.” she said. “Well, if it will make you happy I’ll dance with you.” he said as he started to stand up. “Really you would do that!” she said jumping up. “That’s right.” he said as he started to move out to where the others where dancing. She took his hand and started to dance. She was having a good time. Then she noticed something, even though he was smiling there was this sadness about him she couldn’t figure out. She wasn’t the only one her siblings had noticed it and of course the twins noticed as soon as he had entered the junkyard. Then there was a crash, they all stopped dancing. Then Demeter shouted, “Macavity!” she then ran over to her kittens but Aphrodite clung on to Adonis. Then an evil laugh sounded the room but it was not his, it was Jemima’s. “Jemima!” shouted Pouncival. “That’s right love.” she said in the shadows. “Jemima! Don’t do this!” he shouted. There was no reply. There was a deep silence. Then Aphrodite screamed, everyone turned to look and when they did Macavity and his minions came in the other way. “Attack!” he shouted. Now everyone except Aphrodite and Adonis were fighting for their lives(Old Deuteronomy had already been taken away for safety). “Hello, little sister.” said Jemima walking up to her. “Stay away from her freak!” shouted Adonis protecting Aphrodite. “And you stay out of this pip squeak.” she said as she easily knocked him away. “Adonis!” shouted Aphrodite as she started to move towards him. Jemima then grabbed her and pinned her to the ground and said, “Oh, no, I don’t think so. You won’t be going anywhere soon, in fact you won’t be going anywhere ever again.” she said as she raised her paw with her claws extended. “It’s time to finish what I started!” she said as she started to bring her claw down on her, but suddenly she stopped and rememered the time she was almost killed she remembered how deffensless she felt. She remembered how sad she felt that she might never see her love again. She looked at her sister and then at her claws she then let out a tear for she realized that she couldn’t do it. “What are you waiting for! Sillabub, finish her off!” screamed Macavity as he fought Munkustrap. Then she felt someone grab her arm. “Don’t do this.” said Pouncival as calm as ever. She jerked her arm back and ran out of the junkyard. Pouncival followed her. “Jemima! Jemima, stop!” he said as he followed her far away from the junkyard. She stopped at a pond. She ran to the edge and just started to cry heavily. He went up right beside her. “No one loves me anymore!” she said with her hands over her face. “That’s not true.” he said lifting her head up. “Yeah, like who? Who would love someone as evil as me?!” she said as she looked at him straight into his eyes. “I do.” he answered her as he looked at her eyes he saw that she was truly sad. Then thunder crashed and it started to rain. “You can’t still love me after all I’ve done to hurt you.” she said turning away from him. Then he stared to hum the tune from the music box. “I said I would love you forever. I haven’t betrayed my word.” he said as he started to stand up. She started to get up also. “No, but I’ve betrayed you.” she said turning to him. “Jemima, even if you enslaved me I would still love you. Like how I didn’t lose hope in you after the blessing.” he said as he moved towards her. “I didn‘t mean what I said that day. I didn’t find anything more important than love. Nothings more important than love” she said. “I love you.” she said crying. “I love you too.” he as he put his hand underneath her chin. He then kissed her, she was still crying but of joy that he still loved her. They stopped and she looked at him and smiled, they then kissed again. He picked her up and spun her around. He then let go of her. “We should go we should see how the other s are doing.” he said. “You’re right!” she said as they ran back towards the junkyard. When they got there Macavity had left, but it had left the junkyard in ruins. It appeared as if no one had been killed. “What are you doing here?” said Adonis getting up from beside Aphrodite. “I come to ask forgiveness.” she said still standing beside Pouncival. “Oh come on!” said Bombalurina, “Look at what you’ve caused! You are nothing but a low down liar, cheater, crook, and don’t let me forget murderer!” “Bomba!” said Tugger beside her. “It’s true!” she said. This hurt Jemima to see the cat she once called Aunt, would say that about her. “No, she isn’t!” said Augustus and Aphrodite together. “If she was as evil as you say she is she would have killed me when she had the chance!” said Aphrodite standing up. “She has been manipulated by an evil man! She was once good! People like you who once were her closest friends should know more than anyone! No, I take that back, you her own mother should know more than anyone!” he said pointing at his mother. “He’s right!” said Electra, “I grew up with Jemima, there is no possible way in the world that she could be totally evil!” “Yeah!” piped in Tumblbrutus, “That girl was like a sister to me! I won’t say that she is evil!” “Me too!” said Victoria. “Me three!” said Etcetera. “I say that Jemima, if she wishes to can rejoin the jellicles.” said Old Deuteronomy standing with them. “I do! I do wish to rejoin the jellicles!” she said crying tears of happiness. “Then let us invite you to join us for the rest of the ball.” he said motioning for her to come. “I will gladfully join you!” she said running down with Pouncival. Of course other people didn’t feel like they should just let her back in after what she had done, so they shunned her.

Chapter 10 Tears to be Shed:

She enjoyed her second Jellicle Ball, then the time came for someone to go up to the Heayside Layer no one knew who it would be. “My friends, family,” said Old Deuteronomy, “As you all know the dawn will soon be here so it is time for me usually to pick someone to go onto the Heavyside Layer. I know that it has been a hectic evening, but I think that it is time for things to change.” this confused everyone but Jemima. “What does he mean?” Pouncival asked Jemima. “He means that he,” she was interrupted by Old Deuteronomy, “I know this will shock some of you, but I have decided to go on to the Heavyside Layer myself this year.” he said sadly. “But, Father!” shouted Munkustrap, “Who will be the protector of the tribe?” “Why Augustus of course.” he said. “But, Grandfather! I am not fit to protect the tribe!” said a very worried Augustus. “I think that your perfect to do it. I saw the way you fought off Macavity’s men, I’m very proud of you.” he said as the tire he was standing on began to rise into the air. “Don’t leave me!” said Augustus. “Grandpa!” said Meter and Aphrodite together. Aphrodite then began to cry on Adonis’ shoulder, who was crying himself. Then the beautiful staircase to the Heavyside Layer came down. “Remember Augustus,” said Old Deuteronomy starting to climb the great staircase, “I’ll always be with you, no matter what.” “Please! Don’t leave me!” shouted Augustus in tears. “Adonis,” said Old Deuteronomy, “Take care of my little Aphrodite.” “I will sir, I will.” he said choking on tears. “Goodbye my friends I hope to see you all up here with me someday.” he said, then he disappeared and the staircase with him. “I can’t believe that he’s gone.” said Jemima. “What would you know?!” said Augustus, “You didn’t even know him!” “For your information! I knew him better than my own mother!” said Jemima stepping away from Pouncival. “Yeah, right! You barely know yourself!” he yelled at her. “You know if you hadn’t had been so nice earlier, I would so claw you right now!” she said getting very aggravated. “No, you wouldn’t!” said Meter. “You’re right I wouldn’t, I’d punch him!” she said kidding. “Just leave me alone!” he said as he ran out of the junkyard. “Augustus!” shouted Demeter. “I should probably go talk to him.” said Pettipaws following him. “Augustus! Augustus where you? Augustus!” she said as she looked around for him. All of the sudden she heard someone crying, “Augustus?” she asked as she found a little fountain that was in a human’s backyard. “Leave me alone.” he said crying hard. “No, Augustus I would never leave you.” she said as she sat beside him, “Now, what seems to be the problem?” she asked him softly. “What do you think it is! I’ll never see my Grandfather again! He’s gone forever!” he said mad and sad at the same time. “That’s not true! You’ll see him when you go to the Heavyside Layer, and he said that he’d always be with you. I know how it feels to lose someone you love.” “Really?” he asked her wiping his tears. “Yeah, you see right after the day we met my Grandma died. It devastated me, I thought that my life was going to just completely go away. Then my dad told me something. He said that these are things in life that we need to expect, that if someone is murdered, grieve a little longer. But these are things that come, these are tears to be shed. After that I felt a lot better and I realized that her spirit would always be with me.” once she finished he hugged her tight, “Thank you, Pettipaws. You made me feel a lot better.” “Really, I did?” she asked him happily. “Yeah, I see that what you say is right that he is with me always, and I see that even though I can’t go to him anymore, I have friends like you I can trust to talk to.” he said smiling. “I’m your friend?” she asked him blushing. “Actually I kinda like you more than a friend.” this made her blush even more. “Oh! Did I say that out loud!” he asked her, she nodded her head yes. “Well, a.. what I meant to say was that I…” he was cut off short when Pettipaws came up and kissed him on the cheek. He blushed bright red, he then lost his balance and fell into the fountain behind him. “Oh! Augustus! I’m so sorry!” she said helping him out. “It’s ok, I’m ok. I think that we should be returning now, how about you?” he said getting up. “Uh, yeah!” she said, then they ran together back to the junkyard. Everyone had left except for his mom, dad, sisters(including Jemima), and Pettipaw’s mom, dad and brother, and Pouncival had stuck around. “Feeling better little guy?” asked Demeter. “Yeah, a lot.” he said as he looked at Pettipaws. “Well then I think we better get going then. Mungo, it was good to see you, you too Rumpleteaser.” said Munkustrap gathering his children. “It was good to see you too.” said Mungojerrie smiling. “Bye, Augustus.” said the twins together. “Bye Pettipaws, bye Fiddlestix.” said Augustus waving goodbye. Then they all left for home, Jemima followed Pouncival home. “So are you going in?” he asked her softly. “No, I have something to do before I can come home.” she said as she hugged him, “I’ll be home before you know it. Ok?” she said as she let go of him. “Alright, but don’t take to long, I’ll start to worry.” he said as he started to go up the stairs of the porch. “Oh! And I’ll have a friend with me when I come back!” she said as she started to back away. “Wait who would that be? Jemima?” he asked as he turned around, but she wasn’t there. “Huh, I shouldn’t be surprised, after all she is the daughter of Macavity.” he said as he entered the house.

At Macavity’s:

“Ok, if I remember correctly her room should be right around here.” said Jemima as she went up the halls of the warehouse. “Hello, daughter.” said a voice she truly did not want to hear. “I was beginning to think that you weren’t coming back,” said her father as he walked up to her. “I’m just here to get something, I’m not staying!” she said as she kept walking through the hall. “Oh, I’m afraid that’s not going to happen, you see you came to me saying that you never wished to return to your mother’s house.” he was cut short, “I’m not going to my mothers house!” then he said, “Well, who’s would you go to? Who in their right mind would trust you or me!” he said grabbing her arm. “My future mate! And he’s always trusted me!” she said as she retrieved her arm. “Oh, my dear I’m afraid that won’t do! For you see I’ve already arranged for you to mate Quaxo!” he said moving closer to her. “I will not do such a thing!” she said as she kicked him. “My dear, I’m afraid you have no choice!” he said as he grabbed her leg which was still where she had kicked him, he then spun her onto the ground. All of the commotion woke up Amity. “Sillabub?” she said as she ran to her. “Sorry, to confuse you but I’m back to Jemima.” she said as she started to get up. “Amity go back in your room.” he ordered, but she didn’t move, “Amity now!” “No! I won’t leave my only friend!” she said with more confidence in her voice. “How dare you defy me! You will pay for that, but right now I must finish teaching my daughter some respect for her father!” he said as he raised his paw to strike her, but right before he could Amity jumped on his back and bit his ear. “Ah! Amity Let go now! I said let go!” he said as he flung her off. “Ow!” she said she landed on the ground. “How dare you, after all I’ve done for you!” he said turning his attention to her instead of Jemima. “What have you done for me! All you’ve done is make people fear me!” she said scooting backwards. As he was about to do with Jemima he was about to strike down, but what he did not see was Jemima getting up and moving towards him. “It’s time to end this nonsense, Amity!” he said as he raised his paw to strike, “Your right father! It’s time to end this!” she said as she extended her claws. “What are you talking about Jemima?” he said he turned to face her but when he did he found himself being clawed in the face hard by his daughter. “Ah!” he then fell to the ground. “Rule number one dad, never take your eyes off an enemy!” she rushed over to Amity and they both started to run as fast as they could. “This isn’t over daughter! Someday, somehow! I will get you! And you Amity!” he said as they ran out of sight. “Where are we going?” she asked Jemima as they ran the fastest they had ever ran. “Remember when I first came? And I told you about my tom friend?” she asked as she stared to slow down a bit. “Yeah, we’re going there?” she asked breathing deeply. “Yeah, and we’re here.” she said as she turned onto the porch, Amity timidly followed her. Jemima entered the house through the pet door. “Hey, Amity.” “What Jemima?” she asked her friend. “What you did back there has got to be the single most bravest thing I have ever seen.” she said smiling at her friend. “Thanks, I really thought I was gonna die there for a second.” she said quietly as she followed her into the house. “Pouncival? Pouncival you up?” whispered Jemima looking around. “Pouncival? What kind of a stupid name is that?” she said raising her eyebrow. “And I suppose that your name’s any better?” he said surprising Amity. “Pounci!” said Jemima as she ran into his arms. “Hey! I thought you said you’d be back before I started to worry?” he said joking. “We ran into a little problem on the way.” she said frowning. “Well, whatever it was I’m just glad that you’re back, and that’s what matters.” he then kissed her on the cheek. “So what is your name?” he asked letting go of Jemima. “My name’s Amity.” she said curtsying to him, “She’s right her name is better than mine.” he playfully whispered to Jemima. They all slept well that night.

Chapter 11 Becoming a Jellicle:

“Can you just tell me where we’re going already?” said Amity as Pouncival and Jemima dragged her by the arm. “It’s a secret! And that’s all your getting out of us.” said Jemima smiling. “You’re really gonna like the place we’re taking you to, Amity.” said Pouncival. “Can you just tell me a little bit about it, please?” she asked kindly as she was be tugged along by her friends. “Don’t worry, Amity, we’ll be there soon,” Jemima said. “And you’ll see why we dragged you out so quickly.” said Pouncival. “Whatever you say guys, I guess it must be really important if you’re pulling me this hard!” she said meaning for them to stop, and they did. “Oh! Sorry!” they said together, “I guess we we’re a little to excited about it, and we got a little carried away.” said Pouncival. “Hey I can see the gate! We’re almost there!” said Jemima pointing to a large rusted looking chain fence up ahead. “Weird place to be going guys don’t you think?” she asked them. “Just wait till you see it though it’s amazing.” said Jemima as they grew closer to the gate. As they entered the junkyard she saw what they meant by amazing. “Cool!” she said as they entered the center of the junkyard, “So what is this place?” “Well, you know how Pouncival and I are jellicles?” she asked her as they went to sit down on the tire. “Yeah, I think it’s cool that you guys have people, besides your humans that care for you so much!” she answered. “Well, this is where we usually meet for things like the Jellilce Ball.” she was interrupted by Amity, “What’s the Jellicle Ball?” she asked her inquisitively. “Ok, well it’s something we do once a year, it’s when we all get together and sing, dance and occasionally they do a play or two.” explained Jemima, “But everyone’s favorite part is when the leader of the tribe chooses someone to go up to the Heavyside Layer.” again she was interrupted by her friend, “What’s the Heavyside Layer?” she asked her smiling, “Well, it’s hard to explain. You see it’s a place where the chosen jellicle lives in peace, there are no problems and it’s just too beautiful to imagine.” she said smiling. “So this is, Amity?” said Munkustrap surprising them all. “Yes, I’m honored to be here. Jemima, has told me all about you and your people.” she said, and as she with every new person she met she curtsied to him. “And, what do you know about us?” he asked her. “Jemima and Pouncival were just filling me in on what it is you do.” she answered. “Well, I have also been told that you want to join us.” she then interrupted him, “Who told you that?” she then looked at Jemima who laughed out of embarrassment. “Never mind, I know who.” she said smiling. “Well, is it true? Do you want to?” he asked her confused. “Oh, yes, yes I would!” she said trying to hold herself together. “Then I have a few questions, one do you have any family?” he asked, “Well, no I suppose my mother and father died when I was very little.” then Munkustrap continued, “Ok, now I kind of know the answer to this but, do you have any friends to live with, or someone to live with until you find someone to live with?” then she answered, “Like you said you know the answer to that.” then he again continued, “And my final question is, do you or have you had any affiliation with Macavity?” she did not answer, she turned to Jemima who nodded to say that it was ok, to say it. “Well, I um, I did work for him until about a week ago, till Jemima rescued me.” then he spoke again, “I have to ask, but what did you do for him?” “I stole that’s it! I didn’t do anything else for him, I promise!” she said letting out a tear or two. “It’s ok! You’re not in trouble!” he said trying to calm her. “I’m so used to being in trouble, I guess I just expected to be.” she said kidding. “I just needed to know for certain that you’re not with him anymore.” he said. “So, am I a jellicle?” she asked him smiling. “Well, you will officially be one once you attend your first Jellicle Ball, but until then yes you are.” he said smiling also, actually they all were smiling. “Thank you! Thank you so much!” she said running up and hugging him. “Oh! Sorry about that, I guess I overreacted a little?” she said letting go. “No, you reacted perfectly.” he said returning the hug. On their way home, they stopped by Demeter’s house. “Hello! You must be Amity, Jemima’s told me all about you!” she said hugging her. “Cool!” said Meter running up to Amity, “Are you big sister’s friend we’ve heard so much about!” “Well, aren’t I the popular subject around here?” she said smiling. “Not as much as Pouncvial!” she said which made everyone laugh, and it made both Pouncival and Jemima blush very bright. “Oh, it’s ok, Aphrodite talks about Adonis about every other sentence.” said Augustus smirking which enraged her, “Well, you can’t stop talking about Pettipaws!” she said getting up in his face. “How about you both try to stop talking completely!” said Meter again making them laugh, but made Aphrodite and Augustus blush this time. After they left Demeter was thinking how long Jemima and Pouncival had been together, she wondered why he hadn’t already asked her to marry him.

Chapter 12 The marriage of a Jellicle, Courtship Dance:

A few days later Amity was still jumping up and down about being a jellicle. Jemima and Pouncival had been going out alone a little more than usually, but Amity didn’t think much of it. One day on one of their walks he brought her to the place where they first kissed. “Jemima,” said Pouncival, “You know we’ve been going out with each other for a long time.” “Yeah, what about it?” she asked him. “Well, I think it may be time to take our relationship to the next level.” he said smiling, “Really? You mean?” she said grabbing his hands gently, “Yes, Jemima, will you marry me?” he asked her. “Yes, no doubt about it! Yes!” she said, then she kissed him. After this happy moment they ran home and told Amity about it, she totally forgot about becoming a jellicle and started to congratulate them. They then of course went around telling everyone about it, and started inviting them to come.

A couple weeks later:

Jemima woke up and found that Pouncival had already woken up, she went into the room where he was waiting for her. “Jemima?” he said, “Remember the time your coat changed?” “Yeah? What about it?” she asked confused. “Well, lets just say that you got your old coat back,” he said while pointed to the mirror that was behind her. When she turned around she gave out a little shriek, she was shocked that it had changed because usually cats her age, their coat did not change. But she was glad that she did not have it anymore, she like her mother did not want anything that related them to Macavity. “You, know what,” she said, “Unlike last time this happened, I’m happy about it this time.” “Yeah, even though the last one was nice, too.” he said kissing her on the cheek. Suddenly Victoria and Amity rushed into the room. “Jemima! Jemima!” shouted Victoria as she ran up and squeezed her tight. “Hey, Vicky.” she said as she hugged her back. “I know you said you didn’t want anything too special from Misto and me.” she said, “But I did get you this nice collar to wear on your wedding day.” she then handed her a beautiful collar that had lots of small diamonds hanging off of it. “Isn’t that mom’s?” Pouncival asked his sister. “Yes, she gave it to me for when I got married. I think that you should have it now, since you are practically my sister.” she said. “Thank you, Victoria, you really are like a sister to me.” she said as she again hugged her. “Hey, Jemima,” said Amity, “Victoria and I are going to go for a walk in the park, it’s too nice of a day to stay inside. Wanna come with?” “If it’s ok with Pounci. Honey?” she asked him. “Of course. Oh, and Victoria say hi to Misto for me.” he said hugging his sister. “Ok, Pounce I will. See you.” she said as she stepped away from him. They then left for the park, leaving Pouncival at home alone. Pouncival then left to visit his brother, their original owners couldn’t keep all of them so the siblings were all separated. At the park Jemima and her friends were chasing the ducks around the pond. At Tumblebrutus’s house, Pouncival and his brother played like brothers. Later back at home Pouncival and Jemima talked about what a wonderful time they had. Then Munkustrap entered the room. “Munkustrap?” said Pouncival very confused, “What are you doing here?” “Well, I just thought you might want to know that your mother is pregnant!” he said happier than ever. “Really?!” asked Jemima, “When did you find out?” “About three hours ago, we took the kids to see Jennyanydots, and Demeter got sick. So she checked her out, and that’s when we found out!” he said excitedly. “That’s great! So do you think you’ll be able to come to the wedding?” asked Pouncival. “Oh, yes it would be horrible if they came that early, no we should be there, if we’re not just go on without us.” he answered. “Well thank you for telling us, have you told anyone else?” asked Jemima. “No, but you know Jenny, she’ll tell everyone she knows.” kidded Munkustrap. He then left the couple feeling like everything was going right for once.

A few days later:

Jemima was getting ready for the wedding she put on her new collar she got from Victoria. “Are you ready?” Etcetera asked Jemima on her toes, “Yeah, I’m ready… Oh, who am I kidding! I am as nervous as someone getting married could be! Maybe even more!” said a once confident Jemima, but now was now very shaky. “It’s ok,” said Victoria, “I was probably twice as nervous as you when I got married.” “Thanks for trying Victoria, but I’m just scared to death!” she said. Meanwhile over with the boys, “Listen there is no way I’m going to be able to go out there without freezing up!” said a worried Pouncival, “Come on Pouncival!” said Mistoffolees, “You need to have some confidence in yourself! I know Jemima does,” “Your right, I need to be like her, be brave.” he said. Over with the girls, “I can not do this mom!” said Jemima sitting down. “Yes you can I have confidence in you!” said Demeter, “What do you know about getting married?” she said on the brink of starting to cry. “If you’ve forgotten, I already have a mate and have kittens! And more on the way!” she said. “Oh,” Jemima said in embarrassment, “Sorry, I guess I went a little overboard, I’m just really stressed out.” “Honey it’s ok, I was the same way when I got married, you’ve got nothing to worry about.” she said hugging her mother. “Now, Pouncival you need to be calm.” said Asparagus(Pouncival’s father) “You just need to calm down!” “You’re right dad, I just need to be calm. Just need to be cool…not working, still nervous.” he said trying to calm down. “It’s ok, it’s not unusual to be a little nervous. I was just like you when I married your mother.” he said comforting him. “That’s what everyone says,” he said joking. “They say that because it’s true. Listen there is one thing that every guy getting married has in common.” he said, “And what would that be?” asked Pouncival. “A girl that makes his legs shake, and their teeth chatter.” he said kidding with his son. Pouncival then laughed, “Thanks dad, you always knew how to cheer me up.” he said hugging his father tight. “Now I think that it’s time Pouncival, go ahead.” he said as he pushed his son out to where the others were waiting. There was Jemima standing, waiting for him. “And now the moment we’ve all been waiting for,” said Munkustrap, “The couple will do their courtship dance, the dance of love as others call it. Now we join these two together as one body, one mind, one soul.” “Ready?” Pouncival whispered. “Are you?” she kidded. She then started off the dance by curtsying to him, he returned with a bow. She then lifted her leg high into the air, she then put it down and went into a split. He then ran over to her and picked her up out of her split. He then lifted her into the air she looked like she was doing a handstand on his shoulders, she then did a split in the air. He lowered her slowly and he did a cartwheel, she returned with a back flip into his arms which they did a double cartwheel together. She kicked her leg up and he did also, he spinned her around a few times. “Mommy, did you have to do the dance when you got married?” Aphrodite asked her mother quietly. “Yes, your father was quite nervous he could barely pick me up.” she said laughing. “Shh! Mom be quiet!” said Augustus. By now Jemima and Pouncival were rapping up there dance. Jemima ran to Pouncival and jumped into his arms, he held her tight and kissed her. Everyone clapped and cried for them. “And now we’ll be together forever.” she said, then he kissed her again. “Oh, my baby!” said Jellylorum coming up and hugging her son extremely tight. “Hey, mom great to see you... Mom?” he said struggling to break free. “Yes son?” she said hugging tighter. “Could you please stop you’re choking me, I can’t breath.” he said trying to stay calm. “Oh! I am so sorry, I suppose I went a little overboard.” she then let go of him. “Hi, Jelly” said Jemima hugging her mother inlaw softly. “Hello my little Jemima, I’m so proud of you.” she said shedding a tear or two. “Big sister got a mate!” said Meter running up to her with arms wide open. “Hey!” said Jemima getting down to hug her. “How’d I do?” she asked her playfully. “You did pretty!” she said, but it still got a laugh out of everyone. “Why do you guys always laugh at what I say?!” she said seriously, “We only laugh because it’s funny, we’re not laughing at you just your sense of humor.” said Pouncival. “Ok,” she said grinning. “Jemima! You were so beautiful!” said Victoria running up to her. “And how was I?” asked Pouncival. “You were great big brother.” she said hugging him. “Thanks.. Cetti! over here!” he said shouting over to his other little sister. “Big brother!” she said charging towards him. “Uh-oh,” he said bracing himself, then she ran into him and they both fell onto the ground. “I thought you said you weren’t going to break my ribs today,” he said. “I wasn’t trying to break your ribs, I was trying to get your back” she kidded with him. After this everyone congratulated the couple and afterwards they left for their honeymoon. On their way they stopped at their home to get a few things, what they found shocked them. “Hello, daughter,” yes, it was Macavity he was back, but why? “You,” said Pouncival digusted, “Why are you here?” “I told you daughter that one day I was going to get you.. Then I thought I should just leave it to her mate,” he was interrupted by Pouncival, “I am her mate now so what kind of nonsense are you talking about!” “Macavity doesn’t speak nonsense, he speaks the evil truth.” said a voice from the shadows that Pouncival did not recognize, but Jemima did. “Quaxo?!” she said scared more than ever. “Well would you looky here, why it’s the run away bride.” he said evilly. “What are you talking about you idiot?” shouted a ready to battle Pouncival. “I’d supposed she didn’t tell you. You see before you and Jem over there were even reunited I was supposed to be her mate!” Pouncival reacted to this by punching him in the face “Liar!” he said as he did. “Pouncival!” shouted Jemima, “He’s not lying! It’s true, but my dad had arranged it! I didn’t want to! But I returned before he was going to do it! I don’t want him! I want you!” she said clinging on to him. “I know,” he said, “You wouldn’t do a thing like that. But he would!” said Pouncival as she loosened her grip. “Wanna do something about it, punk?” said Quaxo, “Oh, Yeah!” he said getting ready to charge, “I am so gonna do something to ya!” then he ran towards him and he threw out his fist to hit, but Quaxo caught his fist and twisted it around, but apparently he forgot he had another arm. He took his other arm and hit him on the chin which made him release his grip. “Wanna play dirty ay?” he said regaining his balance, “Then dirty we’ll play!” he then dropped to the floor and tripped Pouncival, he then fell onto his back but he quickly sprung back up. Pouncival then ran as if he were going to run right into him, but halfway he jumped and he kicked him dead center in the chest which knocked the wind out of him slightly. Pouncival then took his fist and hit him on the chin. “Ok, now I’m not gonna go easy on ya!” he said getting angrier. “You weren’t before?” said Pouncival. “Nope!” he then took his fist and hit Pouncival on the chin. He hit him in the same spot but with more power. Then he launched an attack of unending punches on him, Pouncival then was knocked unconscious. “Well, I have to say,” said Quaxo wiping a bleeding lip, “That he’s the first guy in a while to hit me that hard.” “Quaxo!” said Jemima running up to him crying, “Why? Why did you have to do this?” she said half angry, and half sad at the same time. “Because you’re supposed to be mine! I love you, as much as this wimp does…you just don’t love me.” he said sounding sad himself. “I don’t love you because I love him, because you’re evil, because…” she paused and sighed, “Because you’re almost as bad as dad.” “But that’s good! That means that I’ll finnaly show him that I am as evil!” he was interrupted by Jemima, “No! That’s not good! I know for a fact the sadness that what we did causes people!” “I don’t care what you think! I am going to follow in my Godfather’s footsteps!” he said grabbing her arms, “Godfather?” she said confused. “Yeah! My dad and your dad were best friends! When my dad died he took me in…and that’s why I must follow him.” he said, “But,” she was interrupted by him, “I don’t care Jemima! I don’t care. Listen you belong to me! No one else, so I think it’s time we go home!” he then dragged her out of the house as she watched Pouncival lying unconscious on the floor.

Chapter 13 All around sadness:

The next morning at Demeter’s house… “Ah! Help me! Munkustrap!” she screamed. Her children all ran to the door to see what was going on. “Mommy?” said a worried Meter. “Honey go get daddy!” she told her, Meter and the others hurried to find their father, but they didn’t know what to tell him. “Daddy! Daddy!” shouted Meter as they ran up to Munkustrap. “What is it, Meter?” he said smiling, “Mommy’s hurting!” he immediately started to run towards the room that she was in. As soon as he got near the door he heard the screaming, he entered the room. “Demeter? What’s going on?” he said as he ran to her side. “Munku, they’re on their way!” she said breathing hard. “Oh, my! Kids go get aunt Jenny!” the children started to run but were stopped by their mother, “No time we’ll have to do it now!” “Do what mom?” said Aphrodite, “Your siblings are on their way!” she said screaming. “But mom!” said a confused Augustus, “You said that they weren’t going to be here until two weeks from now!” “I know that!” she said in pain, “Just go get Jemima!” “But mom, isn’t she supposed to be on her honeymoon?” said a equally confused Aphrodite. “Just go!” shouted Demeter crying because of the pain. The Children then left their mother with their father, they went to go get Jemima. As they neared the house Meter asked her brother, “Augustus, I thought that Jemima was on her honeymoon.” “I know,” he answered, “But mom said go get her so we have to try at least.” they then reached the house. There was this uncommon silence about it, “Jemima!” shouted the children as they ran into the house, “Jemim..ahh!” screamed Aphrodite as she saw Pouncival’s, at first glance lifeless body was on the floor. “Great Heavyside!” said Augustus running up to him, “Meter stay back!” “Stay back from what?” she asked unaware of what her brother and sister were so upset about. “Just stay in there!” he then turned his attention back to Pouncival, “Pouncival! Speak to me!” said Aphrodite crying, “Is he?” she was stopped by her brother, “No, just unconscious he’ll be all right.” “The question is where’s Jemima?” she said worried for her sister. “Ugh, my head.” said Pouncival regaining consciousness, “He waking up!” said Augustus shocked, “Ugh, ah!” he said opening his eyes wide, “Jemima! Where are you?” he then noticed that they were there. “What are you doing here? And Where’s Jemima?” he said confused. “For one, we’re here to find Jemima, second, we don’t know where she is! We thought that she’d be with you!” said an also worried Augustus. “What happened?” asked Aphrodite. “Well it’s hard to remember, let’s see… we came home from the wedding and we opened the door and, I remember now!” he said as he jumped up off the floor, “Remember what?” they said confused, “Quaxo!” said an enraged Pouncival. “Who?” said Augustus, “One of Macavity’s men, but he was chosen by Macavity to marry Jemima.” he said disgusted. “What! And what would he have to do with this story?” asked Aphrodite. “Last night he came here wanting Jemima to come with him, I tried to fight him but he was too strong!” starting to cry he continued, “He must have knocked me out and taken her.” “Oh, my gosh!” said Meter out of nowhere, “Mom and dad are waiting for us!” realizing that she was right Augustus and Aphrodite quickly started to dash out the door, “Wait! What’s going on?” said Pouncival raising an eyebrow. “Mom’s having her kittens!” they said running out the door, “What why didn’t you tell me?” he said catching up with them. “Because it seemed to us that you weren’t alive!” they said kidding, “Ok, I get it, but weren’t the kittens supposed to come in two weeks or something?” he said, “We know!” they said together. They kept running never stopping until they got to the house, when they entered they saw a lot of friends, but they were all crying. They went inside where Demeter was the last time they saw her. Now there were four people in the room Demeter, beside her to the left Munkustrap, on her right Cassandra, and on the bed with her was Bombalurina, they too were crying. “Mom,” asked Augustus, “What happened?” “There were three of them,” she said crying, “Three beautiful little kittens.” she then burst out in tears and leaned over to cry on Munkustrap’s shoulder. Realizing what she meant he turned around and said, “Meter, I think you should go outside,” he was interrupted by Meter, “No! I know what she means, just because I’m the smallest doesn’t mean I don’t understand death!” “I’m sorry Meter,” said Augustus, “I just didn’t want you to know,” “But I do so it’s ok.” she said hugging him. “Demeter!” said Jennyanydots coming from the other room, “The small one! She’s breathing!” Munkustrap then rushed into the room where she was, to see for himself. “She’s right!” he said from the other room, “She’s alive!” he then reentered the room holding a towel with something inside of it. It was the only kitten that had survived, for the other two had died right after birth because they were too early. Munkustrap then handed the small kitten to Demeter. “She’s beautiful, hello my little Amanda.” she said playing with her newborn. “Is that it, Amanda?” said Munkustrap crying tears of joy. “Amanda it is then.” he said hugging his mate. “Hey dad,” said Augustus attempting to get his father’s attention, “Can you come in here?” “Sure what is it?” he said walking towards him. “It’s about Jemima,” he said sounding sad suddenly. “That’s right she’s not here is she?” he said just noticing that she was not there but Pouncival was. “No, Munkustrap we need to talk.” said a serious Pouncival. “Ok, I’ll be right back honey!” he said to Demeter, then followed them outside of the room. Outside Pouncival and Augustus explained about Jemima. Munkustrap started to return to tell Demeter, “Do we have to tell her now?” asked Pouncival, “I mean after all she’s been through today.” “She has to know Pouncival.” he said opening the door. “Demeter,” started Munkustrap as he entered the room, “Shush” she said as she handed her asleep kitten over to Jennyanydots and Jellylorum to take her nap. “Yes Munku?” she asked turning her attention back to them. “It’s about Jemima,” “What about Jemima?” she asked confused, “She’s been, she’s been, catnapped by one of her father’s henchmen.” Munkustrap uneasily. “What!” she shouted, “She’s been catnapped!” “I know it’s horrible but it’s true!” he said, “But how! How could this happen?” she said she then saw Pouncival and became enraged, “You! Why didn’t you protect her, you could’ve stopped him!” “I tried Demeter, I really did try. But he knocked me out, I couldn’t have done anything!” he answered. “We’ll send out a search team, immediately Demeter, we’ll find her.” said Munkustrap, “But we have no clue where he is!” said Demeter, Pouncival then piped in, “Actually I think I might know someone who knows where to look.”

Over at Macavity’s lair Quaxo’s room:

“I’m not your mate Quaxo!” said Jemima angered as Quaxo approached her in her old bed. “Yes, you are.” he said evilly, “At least you were, but now you’re back and everything will be the way it should be.” “The only reason I’m here is because you dragged me here.” she said under her breath. Ignoring the remark he continued onto the bed. He went into kiss her but she turned her head out of disgust and said, “I’m not going to kiss you, Quaxo!” “I think you will if you want your so called mate to live,” when he said this, she stopped and turned around. “You wouldn’t, would you?” she said concerned for her mate, “I mean you’re not that evil are you?” “Maybe.” he said. Realizing that he was quite serious she scooted towards him and said, “Do what you want with me, just don’t hurt Pouncival.” he laughed evilly and said, “That’s more like the Jemima I know.” he then kissed her, even though she did not want to she felt compelled to return the kiss. All through the night she thought to herself, “It was all for love.”

At Amity’s new home:

“What!” reacted as she sat with her tom friend Plato, Pouncival had just told them what was going on. “And what do you need with me?” she asked, “You’re the only one who knows where Macavity’s lair is. Listen Amity, all our prayers are on you now. Jemima’s freedom is at stake.” at this time Amity regained her confidence and stood up. “No one should have to live life like they’re being held prisoner. I should know, I lived a lot of my life like that. I’ll do it.” “Great we’ll start off in the morning.” said Pouncival. “No,” disagreed Amity, “We need to go at night. If we go in the day then we will not succeed our mission.” “Ok, then we’ll leave now then. Everyone’s waiting outside come on.” said Pouncival. “Plato, darling are you coming?” she asked Plato who was still sitting down. “No I’d probably just get in the way, you know how horrible I am at following instructions.” he answered playfully. “Ok, I’ll try to be back as soon as I can.” she then went up to him and kissed him on the cheek. This made Pouncival sad to think of Jemima. They then left for the rescue attempt of Jemima. As Jemima slept she tossed and turned in her nightmares. She dreamt this, She was running away from Quaxo and she came to a dead end, but then three doors appeared out of nowhere. She opened the closest one to her, but when she opened it, she saw that there was nothing but a concrete wall. She then went to the next door, again when she opened it there was nothing but a wall. Finally it came down to the last door, she looked back to see if Quaxo was still chasing her. She didn’t see or hear anyone so she continued to open the door. When she did she expected to find another wall, it was worse. There in the doorway stood Quaxo, smiling evilly and said as walked towards her, “No use in running Jemima,” she tried to block out his voice but she still heard him calling her name, “Jemima, Jemima, Jemima…” she then was starting to wake up but she still heard her name being called, but by someone she was glad and confused to hear. She sat up and looked around and at the doorway she saw three heads, it was her little brother Augustus, her best friend Amity, and the one she was most glad to see, her mate Pouncival. “Jemima, come on!” whispered Amity, “We knocked out the guard but who knows when he’ll wake up.” “Ok, I’m coming.” she then started to get off the bed, but she saw Quaxo sleeping and said quietly to him knowing that he couldn’t hear her, “Why did you have to be so bad? I actually loved you once.” “Jemima come on! We don’t have much time!” urged Pouncival. She then continued her way off the bed. As she reached the door, she had the sense that something really bad was about to happen. As they ran down the hallway it seemed just too simple. “It’s quiet.” said Augustus almost as quiet as the hallway itself. “Well everyone’s asleep, unless they’re noisy sleepers I think they’re supposed to be quiet.” said Amity joking. “No I mean too quiet, like something’s about to happen.” he said seriously, “Oh, come on Augustus give it a rest already!” said Amity annoyed, “Look we just have to go through this door and then we’ll be home free.” she reached to open the door. When she opened it, there was Macavity and his men waiting for them. “Trying to breakout daughter?” he said evilly. “Wrong door!” said Amity, she then slammed the door behind her as she turned around. “Lets try this way!” she then led them to the other side of the room to another door. She swung the door open, but again another troop of Macavity’s men waited for them. As they ran to the other side of the room, they saw that Macavity and his men were coming from that side. So they turned around back to the other door, again Macavity’s men were coming from both sides, they were trapped. “Ok, I think that if we split up we have a better chance of escaping.” said Pouncival, “Ready?” “Ready!” they all replied. “Go!” they then all ran off into different directions. Pouncival and Jemima tried to stay together, but were soon separated by the constant flow of men charging towards them. Amity had led Augustus out of the warehouse by now(she knew secret passageways because she had lived there for so long) and Pouncival wasn’t too far behind them. Jemima on the other hand was quite lost, she had made so many turns she had wound up somewhere she’d never seen before. She came to the end of the hallway where there was a door. “Please be the way out,” she held her breath as she slowly turned the knob to the door. When she opened the door she nearly fainted, there was Quaxo standing like he had been waiting for her. “So you once loved me ay?” he said still standing in the doorway. “You heard that?” she said embarrassed. “Every last word.” he said smiling. “So you’re not trying to stop me?” she asked confused, “Nope.” he said calmly. “After what you said I thought about how much I love you and how much I missed you when you left. I also thought about how much he must have missed you, and I decided that if I really loved you I should let you go.” he said stepping close to her. “Oh, Quaxo that’s so …nice.” she said hugging him. “Yeah thought that I might want to do something nice for once in my life.” he replied. “I’ll always be grateful to you for this.” she said shedding a tear or two of joy. She then kissed him on the cheek, as a thank you for helping her escape. He blushed and said, “Come on we need to get you back with your friends.” he then led her in to the dark hallway. They walked in the almost total darkness for a while until they came to a large door. Quaxo pushed down hard on the rusty looking handle and pushed. There was the outside, and there were her friends waiting for her. “Thank you, Quaxo.” she said as she hugged him tightly. “Yeah, your welcome Jem. Go on and live your life.” he said trying to hold back his tears. “Bye.” she said as she started to run towards the group. “See ya little Jem.” he said as he backed away back into the warehouse. They then went their separate ways, “Pouncival!” she said as she ran up into his arms. “Jemima!” he said overjoyed to see her. “Come on the others will be glad to see that we succeeded in our mission.” said Augustus happy to see his sister alright. “Yes, it will be good to see mom.” she said also happy. “So how’d you find your way out?” asked Amity as they walked back towards the junkyard. “Lets just say a friend helped me.” she said secretly. “Whatever, it’s great to see you ok.” said Augustus, “Yeah, I was kinda worried that no one was coming to get me.” she said laughing. “Here we are!” said Amity stopping in front of the old rusted gate of the junkyard. They entered and Jemima saw her mother and her sisters waiting for them. “Jemima!” said Aphrodite and Meter together, “Aphrodite! Meter!” she said as she ran up to them and gave them a hug. “We were so worried.” said Aphrodite. “Yeah, and I missed you guys so much.” she said letting go of them. “Mom, how are you doing?” she said walking over to her mother who was sitting on the tire, and she was holding Amanda. “Mom, who is this?” she said sitting down with her. “Your sister Amanda.” she answered. “But I thought that they were supposed to come later.” she said confused. “I know. She was the only one left.” she said with a sadder tone. “Oh, mom. I’m so sorry.” she said hugging her. “It’s ok, we’ve got Amanda, our little miracle kitten.” she said smiling. “Yeah, you’re right.” she said also smiling now. She was then hugged by everyone, and was happy to see that she was loved by so many people. “It was good seeing you all.” she said as Pouncival and her prepared to leave. “Bye!” they said as they exited the junkyard. “Bye!” replied the crowd as they left. “Oh, Pouncival.” she said as they walked home, “You were so brave to fight him like that.” “You would have done the same for me.” he said holding her hand. “You’re so right.” she said and kissed him on the cheek.

The End:

Jemima and Pouncival never had any more threats from Macavity, or Quaxo. No they lived peaceful lives and eventually her sister Aphrodite did marry Adonis. Augustus finally married the adorable Pettipaws. Meter married Mahees, Illusion married Nuada. And Artemis and Fiddlestix were married last. Amanda grew to be a very beautiful kitten. Looking almost exactly like her mother, she was the prettiest girl in her neighborhood. Demeter and Munkustrap watched their children grow and live honorable lives. As for Amity she had two cute kittens, one was a boy and was named after his father, Plato the second. The other was a girl who was named Harmony. And for Jemima, she and Pouncival finally had their own kittens and their names were, Kvitter and Blaze. They were both girls, the older one was Kvitter she was brown and white like her father. Blaze on the other hand was like her mother, red, yellow, but she had more black than her mother. Kvitter had the personality of Bombalurina, a show off. Blaze was a shy little kitten and she wasn’t much of a talker, but when she said it she said something worth while. Kvitter didn’t like the idea of having a collar on her neck so she took her collar and put it around her tail. Blaze plain just didn’t wear one. No one can tell now but maybe one of them will be the one to follow her grandfather’s pawprints. This is the end of our story, we know that there is still plenty more to tell but that’s another story for another time.

Author: Cassandra

Illustrations by: Cassandra

Special thanks to: Demeter for ideas, Jellicle Chronicles for names, Luna for computer technical help, and Amity for editing help.

Disclaimer: I do not own CATS nor do I own all the names used in the story, the names Rum Tum Tugger, Demeter, Cassandra, Bombalurina, Pouncival, Jemima, Sillabub, Jennyanydots, Jellylorum, Plato, Tumblebrutus, Electra, Victoria, Etcetera, Coricopat, Tantomile, Old Deuteronomy, Munkustrap, Macavity, Quaxo, Skimbleshanks, Mistoffolees, Asparagus and Grizabella are owned by T.S. Elliot’s Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, and Andrew Lloyd Webber who created the musical.

Other names such as Augustus, Aphrodite, Amity, Kvitter, Adonis, Mahees, Nuada, Leona, Artemis, Amanda, Pettipaws, and Fiddlestix are owned by Jellicle Chronicles a CATS website, and I have been granted permission to use their names in the story but do not use them with out permission.

Other names as Meter, Illusion, Mirage, Blaze, Harmony, Plato the second, and Apollo were created by me, so please do not take them without asking first.