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Chapter 1

Ezmi Tonks, aged seventeen, sat on her bed reading Standard book of spells grade six. After fifteen minutes she put the book on her bed and tried to sleep. This year would be her first year at Hogwarts and of course, Ezmi would be taking her NEWTs. She had been transferred to Hogwarts from Salamanders, school for Witches, which had been in America. She couldn’t believe that next week she was going to be in her new school. Thoughts about her new school rolled into her dreams several times and she squirmed in her sleep so much that the teddies (which were too precious to her to throw away) fell onto the ground with a faint thud.


Ezmi woke up the next morning, feeling very drowsy. She didn’t want her eyelids to open so she attempted to go back to sleep.

“Ezmi!” called Mr. Tonks from downstairs. “Get up Ezmi; we need to go to Hogsmeade. Hurry up. Don’t keep Nymphadora waiting.”

Ezmi grumbled and changed into her dark blue shirt and jeans and brushed her hair before going downstairs. There she saw her father, her mother and her dear aunt Nymphadora, whose hair was again bubblegum pink.

“Watcher Ezmi!” Said Nymphadora

“Hey Nymphadora!” taunted Ezmi, remembering how much her aunt hated her name.

“Don’t call me that! Tonks. Call me TONKS!” said Ezmi’s aunt, annoyed. Ezmi guessed that she had managed to wind up her aunt as easily as ever. Nymphadora made her eyes large and glitter with tears. She even made her lip as big as possible to make Ezmi feel sorry for her” Please….?”

“...Can I call you Nymph?” Ezmi had given in and Tonks’s face changed back to normal, grinning widely as if Ezmi had just complemented her looks seven hundred times over. Tonks agreed that Ezmi would be able to call her Nymph.

“Now, Ezmi. Tell me. Do you think I should change my hair?” Tonks patted her short bubble gum pink hair as she spoke.

“I dunno- I like the bubble gum pink. Maybe you could make it a little longer.” Tonks’s hair grew down to her ankles and she stuck out her tongue dumbly.

“Err- too long.” Tonks’s hair shrunk and stayed at her waist. Ezmi smiled brightly and gave a thumbs up and Tonks smirked coolly.

“Tonks, could you go upstairs with Ezmi and help her pack her things?” asked Mrs. Tonks kindly. “I doubt she’s packed. And if she had-I doubt she’s packed much.”

“Gladly Sarah. Ezmi, come on!” said Nymph sweetly as she began to run upstairs but then slipped and fell back down to the bottom, knocking down an ornamental vase which broke as soon as it touched the floor.


“Nymphadora!” Cried Mr. Tonks who ran to help Nymphadora up.

“I told you… It’s Tonks. And if it’s not Tonks… It’s Nymph.” Smiled Nymph rubbing her sides.

“Are you alright?” Asked Mrs. Tonks with an anxious, worried voice.

“Yep! Ezmi. C’mon. Gotta pack don’t we.” She started up the stairs followed by Ezmi. When they got into Ezmi’s room both Tonks’s took out their wands and together the packed Ezmi’s trunk and tidied up the room. “My mum had the knack making things neat and tidy. I’m getting a little better though. Ezmi- you’re of age to do magic out of school, Show us some magic. Don’t do anything too exciting. Just bring something to you.”

“Okay- Umm… Accio hat.” A purple sun hat flew out of Ezmi’s wardrobe and Ezmi caught it in her hand.

“Bravo. Anyhoo, we’d better get this trunk downstairs.” Tonks waved her wand and made the trunk float. She successfully got the trunk downstairs without breaking something.

“Sarah, Nymphadora-” Mr. Tonks was cut off by Nymphadora threatening him by saying she would jinx him with the bat bogey hex “Oh- alright then… Tonks and Ezmi, we’d best head to… err…Nymphad- Tonks, I've never been to this place. It’s different in America. What’s that place called again?”

“Diagon alley, Anthony…” sighed Tonks as if she has told him a billion times. “It’s as if you’re not even a wizard. If you go asking other wizards that question they’ll think you’re a muggle.”

“I don’t think muggle is a good word.” Said Mrs. Tonks quite randomly “It makes us sound like we aren’t as smart or significant as you magic folk are.”

“Let’s go then you lot. Were taking the train to the pub. Then we’ll go to Diagon alley from there. Alright come on.”

“Wait…” said Ezmi, stopping as she spoke. “ I can apparate and I passed the test. Cant we all apparate there?”

“It’s a good idea but your mum can’t apparate now can she?” Said Mr. Tonks who put his arm around his wife.

“Dear, we’ve got six days. I can meet you at the station.” Smiled Mrs. Tonks. “Go on. I need to sleep anyway.”

Mr. Tonks nodded and Ezmi gave her a hug. They all said goodbye and disappeared.

Chapter 2