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~~~Love Is Patient with a Life~~~

Love is patient with a life
That brings its share of pain.
We know sometime there is an end
To the most stubborn rain.

We know the sun comes out again
On a world that's fresh and new,
And all the gifts we freely give
Somewhere, sometime accrue.

We know sometimes we have to wait
For life to come around,
And sometimes that it won't, but still
There's some good to be found.

And even when things happen that
Your soul can hardly bear,
Know that I'll be next to you;
My love is always there.

**A list of my other pages**

LiL_Sis Hide Away
Broken Spirit's Place
Broken Spirit's Blues

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Page made by Rooster

©Copyright Rooster's Creations.
All rights reserved.

The songs on this page are for my pleasure only,I receive no financial gain,
please support the artist by buying their cd.

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