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My RP Characters

My Characters

Possible Children
More Possible Children
Even More Possible Children

A little about me: I am 21+, female, I have been RPing for 3+ years now. That is all I am willing to share until I get to know you better.

I prefer to RP Medieval Fantasy (mostly set in Japan) but will also do Modern, Realistic, and Supernatural. Romance is a key in any SLs I get into; that isn't to say that I will do just Adult Situations, if it comes up so be it, if not that's ok with me too. The romance aspect is just something that will evolve in the course of the SL. As long the SL has substance I will play most anything. Any SL we do I would like to be long term. IM me to discuss what type you would like to do. Do not IM me and just start an SL, I will block you. Also, do not expect only me to come up with the plot, I am willing to work with you but cannot come up with an agreeable plot all by myself. I do not want to just have characters that walk around with no goal in mind, looking pretty. I prefer detailed play. That doesn't mean that you need to write a book, just please be descriptive and have somewhat correct grammar.

This profile has several different characters, please look to the pictures for a small portion of their bio's. If you see any you like, IM me and I will tell you their complete history and we can go from there. If you have a SL in mind and one could fit into it, but needs a few changes, let me know and I will try to work with you. All of my characters are currently available, meaning they are single. I only play female characters who are straight. A bi or gay character does not bother me, I just prefer to play as I am. I usually play my own characters but if there is a character you want me to play, as long as I know them and feel comfortable with the role, I will give it a try. If I think it is not working out, I will tell you so. I will never just disappear and I do not expect anyone to do that to me. If you have any questions, feel free to IM me or email me at any time.

Ja ne!

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