The Element of Earth is attached to the Signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, and it also rules the Second, Sixth and Tenth Houses. All the earthy metaphors are appropriate here: salt of the Earth, feet firmly planted on the ground and so forth. Those graced by an Earth Sign in their horoscope are practical, grounded and dependable. These folks aren't taking big risks, much preferring a sure thing.
Much like the Elements are considered the building blocks in nature, Earth Signs are the builders of the zodiac. To these Signs, creation is a tangible proposition. Whether it's building jobs or homes, or creating comfortable rooms within that home through the acquisition of possessions, Earth Signers are about all what is solid around us. Those influenced by this Element feel best once they have accumulated a goodly number of worldly possessions. The risk inherent in this, however, is that these individuals may become greedy and far too materialistic.
The Element of Earth also confers a sense of duty, responsibility and reliability to those in its sphere. These are the people you can count on to be there when you need them. Those influenced by Earth also tend toward caution and conservatism, in both desire and approach. That said, they are sensualists, certainly in that they appreciate a good meal and fine wine better than anyone else.
The logical mind of an Earth Signer is always appreciated. In keeping with this measured approach, these folks also display considerable recuperative powers. On the flip side of things, however, those supported by Earth may be so caught up in their objectives that they might overlook the feelings of others. It is a big picture, after all, but these folks may be more concerned with the finish line than the journey they are taking.
Earth Signs are dependable, practical and conservative, yet fairly materialistic. They have their feet on the ground but their eyes on the prize.
Virgo Beauty Profile
Sweet Virgo. You get so tired of reading about how good you are, right? Just once you'd like to hear how secretly bad you are. Well, when it comes to beauty, that's just not the case. Lurking behind your mask of perfection is … even more perfection! You carry yourself with such dignity that it would seem something sinister MUST be going on behind the scenes (you've got to wonder how Sophia Loren still looks so amazing!). Really, though, Virgo, it's just a well-regimented beauty routine and diligent good grooming.
It's this Mutable Earth Sign's natural dedication to the small details that keeps you looking so stunning. Your vanity or medicine cabinet is well stocked, as you have a product for everything! Your nails are to die for, and your skin is blemish-free. You pride yourself on keeping up appearances, and delight in name-brand cosmetics that withstand the test of time and trends. Motivated as you are to present a perfect female image, you don't skimp on quality, but quantity is another story.
You prefer light, feminine scents and soft, muted earth tones. Your beauty comes from your dedication and reverence of perfection and of beauty itself, as well as your pure-minded yet realistic attitude toward life
If you're a Virgo, you might be a little bit shy around strangers, but with those you know and love you're sweet, warm and sympathetic. Virgo is an Earth Sign, which means you're honest, reliable and down-to-earth. You like facts, both analyzing them and challenging them! You might be a bit picky, too. Your parents may call you a fussy eater. You know what you like and that's that! You might like to be alone more than other kids. You thrive when you're left alone to read, think or do any other quiet, solitary activity.
If you ever need a designated driver for a night on the town, Virgo is the one to call. Not only will they show up for any and every important occasion, they'll be early enough to take care of last minute details and put everything in order. The Virgo is the most helpful friend you'll ever have. They'll help you work out at the gym every day, they'll help you remember not to gorge on junk food, they'll remind you to brush your teeth at least twice a day, and they're there to assist in the planning of the minute details of your life. All this helpfulness might drive you batty. At the same time, if you ever actually do need something, Virgo will be right there for you. They give excellent advice and are fast on their feet in crisis situations. Their practical outlook will help you through the rough times, so long as you don't embarrass them with any big displays of emotion. If you can handle your Virgo buddy jumping up to do the dishes as soon as dinner is over, you'll have a loyal, intelligent and interesting friend for a very long time.
Best Friend Bets: Cancer, Scorpio