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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 Initial meeting with Jones Inc. on a new Web site 1:30 p.m. 2 3 4 Dept. meeting 3:00 5
6 7 Planning meeting w/ Chuck 10:00 8 Follow up meeting with Jones Inc. 9:00 a.m. 9 10 11 Dept. meeting 3:00 12
13 14 Planning meeting w/ Chuck 10:00 15 Strategy meeting on Jones account (gathering company information) 16 17 18 Dept. meeting 3:00 19
20 21 Planning meeting w/ Chuck 10:00 22 Logo presentation to Jones Inc. 23 24 25 Dept. meeting 3:00 26
27 28 Planning meeting w/ Chuck 10:00 29 Final contract negotiations with Jones. Inc 30 31