The Kitsune Pizzaria

     Welcome to The Kitsune Pizzaria!

          If you want pizza you've come to the right place! We've got some good, fresh stuff!! Pizza is our game! You may not have the time to run out and get some pizza, but you crave anyway, and for the majority of the population we do have a computer.....So, why not just order some pizza online? Our workers are standing by right now just waiting to receive an order from you!

A Little Notice For Those Curious Minds

          Yes indeed, The Kitsune Pizzaria is a fairly new project from which the owner concocted up over stewing the matter of food management. Born in March 16,2005, a year ago today, this wonderful place had finally made its way out. Please help keep The Kitsune Pizzaria a profiting company, and enjoy some more of our pizza!

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