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Let Q be a trajectory beginning with x0 :

Q = {xk}, k Î [0,s¥(x1)], xk+1= T(xk)

We note Qi the partial trajectories :

Qi = {xk}, k Î [0,i]

And ti the associated thread :


P1 :

A trajectory takes values on positive or negative integers only depending of the sign of x0

P2 :

Click here for a demonstration

Repartition in modulo 2 classes

The repartition of the xk among the congruence classes modulo 2 is O(x0) odd and E(x0) even :

p0,2 = O(x0)/s¥(x0) = c

p1,2 = E(x0)/s¥(x0) = 1-c

Repartition in modulo 3 classes

To evaluate the repartition of the xk among the congruence classes modulo 3, let us look at the forward steps for congruence classes modulo 6 :

The probabilities are such as :

With :

Solving the system we have :

Of course, this repartition is for infinite (or very long) trajectories, for real (or smaller) trajectories we musttake into account that they can begin with one or several numbers in [0]3

The first number as a probability of 1/3 to be in [0]3, the next of 1/2 if the first is in [0]3 and so on.

The average quantity of numbers in [0]3 in a trajectory is then :

The probability to be in [0]3 is then n0,3/s¥ and as the height, the Total Stopping Time and the completeness verify,

The probability to be in [0]3 is :

The repartition for a given height and a given completeness is then :

For example, the trajectories of numbers between 10000 and 20000 gives the real repartitions and the model as follows :

Figure 1 : Equivalence Classes modulo 3
among trajectories of given completeness c