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The Ventings of a Girl
Wednesday, 31 January 2007
We Have Long Been Established, So Just Shut Up
Mood:  sharp
Here lately, it seems that everyone and his brother are getting to reap the benefits of this country, except for Americans. Now, keep in mind that I don't mind where you come from as long as you come here legally and obey our laws. Accept that English is our language - learn it, use it. Come here knowing that you are a foreigner and this land has already been claimed, settled, and established long before you showed up. This means that when you come here, you accept our rules, laws, and the fact that our country was based on the principles of GOD, not Allah or Buddah or anyone else. You also need to recognize the fact that if you are not a legalized American, the Constitution is not for your use. It is to be used by all American citizens, not felons who think they can pick and choose what they want to use out of it to help furter deconstruct our counrty. If you are not legal, you have no rights, so sit down, shut up, and get out. If you want to have a say in something, then become legal. My question to you is this: If you have nothing to hide, and you are doing nothing wrong (this includes that you are not trying to evade paying taxes), then why not be here legally? Is the process too much for you? You think you are better than everyone waiting in line and paying money to come over here? My step-father is from Australia, so I know first-hand that the process is not easy. It takes time, effort, and money to become a part of the U.S. But to those who are willing to pay all of those things, I welcome you with open arms. To those who want to grease their way in and cheat everyone who's come before them, Screw You! We don't want nor do we need you here, so go home.

Posted by crazy/crazyusa at 11:42 PM EST
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