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The Ventings of a Girl
Wednesday, 31 January 2007
We Have Long Been Established, So Just Shut Up
Mood:  sharp
Here lately, it seems that everyone and his brother are getting to reap the benefits of this country, except for Americans. Now, keep in mind that I don't mind where you come from as long as you come here legally and obey our laws. Accept that English is our language - learn it, use it. Come here knowing that you are a foreigner and this land has already been claimed, settled, and established long before you showed up. This means that when you come here, you accept our rules, laws, and the fact that our country was based on the principles of GOD, not Allah or Buddah or anyone else. You also need to recognize the fact that if you are not a legalized American, the Constitution is not for your use. It is to be used by all American citizens, not felons who think they can pick and choose what they want to use out of it to help furter deconstruct our counrty. If you are not legal, you have no rights, so sit down, shut up, and get out. If you want to have a say in something, then become legal. My question to you is this: If you have nothing to hide, and you are doing nothing wrong (this includes that you are not trying to evade paying taxes), then why not be here legally? Is the process too much for you? You think you are better than everyone waiting in line and paying money to come over here? My step-father is from Australia, so I know first-hand that the process is not easy. It takes time, effort, and money to become a part of the U.S. But to those who are willing to pay all of those things, I welcome you with open arms. To those who want to grease their way in and cheat everyone who's come before them, Screw You! We don't want nor do we need you here, so go home.

Posted by crazy/crazyusa at 11:42 PM EST
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Tuesday, 23 January 2007
What Are They Thinking?
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Just Pondering
What is going on in the minds of politicians these days? They are allowing illegals to use our rights; they refuse to back our Border Patrol guys; and there is a chance they will hand Dog Chapman and a greasy wetback who raped a 4-year-old girl over to the Mexican authorities. Really, what are these people thinking?
First off, BACK OFF of Dog. Andrew Luster raped 80-some women. And what has Mexico done for our laws? They sure don't help us enforce them. They were willing to harbor Luster and then persecute Dog for coming to get him. How backwards is that?!
Second, why the heck is it even up for discussion about the guy that raped the 4-year-old girl? See, this is why we don't need illegals. They are nothing but trouble. Our government is willing to give all of them amnesty and let them stay here, except the one that deserves to be drug 3 miles behind a pick-up. Yeah, they're seriously discussing letting this guy go back to Mexico and skip any punishment whatsoever. I swear, I WANT MARTIAL LAW! Let the military deal with disgusting trash like that guy. Atleast they still have some sense left..which is more than I can say for the rest of the people in our government.
Thirdly, WTH is going through Bush's mind not jumping on the gun on pardoning the Border Patrol men? These guys should have never been charged in the first place. And what IDIOT put the one guy in with the general population?! Geez! Is there no one with any intellegence anymore?!! It seems lately that the only thing our government wants to do is take the rights our forefathers set in place for us to use, and give them to illegal pieces of trash that disgrace everything our founding fathers stood for.

Posted by crazy/crazyusa at 10:39 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 9 February 2007 1:01 PM EST
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Sunday, 14 January 2007
Hogan Used to Know Best
Mood:  irritated
Topic: English v. Espanol
I just finished watching an episode of "Hogan Knows Best." I like the Hogans, I think they're a close-knit and humorous family. This particular episode deeply disturbed me, though. They've been living in Miami for about 3-4 months now, and apparently not a soul down there, except them, speaks the national language. They decided to adapt to a culture that is not the native culture of this land, and give in to further supporting the deterioration of our values and heritage. I'm sure they did not have that in mind when they decided to learn spanish, they only wanted to communicate with their community. The problem arises with the fact that that community is in America. Therefore, that community needs to adapt to our culture, our language, our way of life. If they still want to live as though they are in Cuba, then hop back aboard your dinky boat and row home. This country already has a people, a language, a heritage, a culture, and we don't need (or want) yours. Immigrants nowadays are disrespectful, despicable, disgusting, haughty, demanding, controlling, arrogant, stupid (not ignorant, stupid), and have a general mindset that they are owed or that they deserve something from America and her indigenous population. Mind you, not every single immigrant falls into this description; many are nice, respectful, they make effort to adapt to their new country's way of life. Unfortunately, anymore they are overshadowed by their disgraceful immigrating brethren. Kudos to all of you who have come here legally- paying your dues, supporting your new country, and keeping the true means of immigration alive. Kudos to you for realizing that you are leaving your country of origin for a reason and by doing so, you are saying that you will adapt to your new country and its previously established way of life. Shame be on those who try to slink across our boarders without paying the proper time and money, degrade our women, take jobs from our men, steal money from our entire population by evading tax collectors, spit on the graves of our passed-on Vets whose social security number they feloniously use, and disrespect all those who have come before them and paid their price to become apart of our country. Sadly, though, those who do the above-mentioned acts are incapable of feeling shame, further showing how stupid they truly are.

Posted by crazy/crazyusa at 1:57 PM EST
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