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Black Female

This is the all-black female. She is completely jet-black, and so beautiful. Her eyes are blue, as all baby kittens start out with blue eyes, but they are now turning to a deep gold color. This little girl is the smallest and youngest of the litter, she was born last. She is very petite, but boy does she hold her own. She roughhouses and wrestles with her brothers, and often times she wins! My nickname for her is Evil, because she is the most mischievious one of the litter. She likes to explore, get into everything, walk on everything, and her favorite thing to do is crawl up between my comforter and my sheet and chase my feet while I'm sleeping. She makes me laugh because she is so dark black that she thinks she's like a stealth bomber and no one can see her. She likes to play peek-a-boo around corners and around blankets, it just amazes her and drives her nuts how one minute she can see you, one minute she can't. She loves to be kissed and pet, but her favorite thing is to sit on your lap and observe what everyone else is doing. She is going to be the biggest lap cat anyone can find, I'm telling you. She does like to play with you as well, but as long as you leave your lap open for her, she's yours. My mom is particularly fond of her, but she already has 5 cats and can't keep another.