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Black and White Female

This is the black and white female. She is black with white front and rear paws, and a white tummy and chest. She is the spitting image of her mom, only missing the white mask. She does have white whiskers, which contrast her dark face and are gorgeous. Her eyes are blue, as all baby kittens start out with blue eyes. They are now gradually turning to a greenish-gold color. This little girl is just so funny. If you can't tell by her picture, she's Ms. Social, always posing for the camera, one of the first ones to come and greet you when you enter the room. The expression on her face with those whiskers is always one of "surprise" and happiness. She's a complete stitch, I can't stay in the room for 5 minutes before she's got me busting out laughing. She gets so hyper and wild and will run and literally bounce around the room like a bunny. When she gets super wild, she poses like a halloween kitty with her back arched and tail puffed, and will hop around the room sideways, while staring at a toy or whoever she's playing with. When she's not being absolutely silly, she's the sweetest little girl. She also sleeps with me at night, and likes to wake me up in the morning. She'll crawl up the side of my bed, push her way under the covers and snuggle on my chest and lick my nose and mew. When I sit up, she curls up in a ball in my lap and purrs. She also gets excited to see people when they enter the room, she beelines right over to them with her tail up and her voice just crying away until someone pets her or picks her up. She cracks me up, because she reminds me so much of her mama kitty when SHE was a kitten.