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Here is the mama kitty, my little girl. Her name is Snowshoes, but when she was little, she ended up with the nickname "Poochins" and I've called her that ever since. She is absolutely my baby, she is so spoiled. Actually, both my cats are. :) Snowshoes is 1 year and 4 months old. She is extremely petite, however, she looks like she's about 8 months old. She looked so funny being pregnant, her belly was enormous and she was always laying around because she could barely walk. This is her first litter, and although it was an accident, I am extremely happy for her. She is doing a wonderful job as a mother. There was a 5th kitten, but it was born 8 hours after the others and was stillborn. We didn't know she had a 5th one in there, she was alone in my room with the kittens when it finally decided to come. Snowshoes had such a hard time giving birth to it and cried until my mom heard her and came to help. After it was delivered, she tried desperately to bring it to life, but neither her or my mom succeeded. But she is raising 4 healthy little kittens right now, and I bet she can't wait for them to grow up and find new homes so she can be the center of attention again. :)