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This is big daddy, his name is Tiger (nicknamed "The Boob"). I swear he thinks he's a dog, he is so big and beefy and acts like a dog in every way. But he's afraid of everything from bugs to strange people to my pet rat! Tiger and his sister Mitzy had a rough beginning. They were feral cats at a resort my father and I worked at. Everyone knew their mother and knew where the babies were kept, in a bush out front. Their mother fell off the roof one day and died, so staff members all took a kitten or 2 home with them. My dad brought Tiger and Mitzy home, and they were barely 5 weeks old. These tiny, skinny little furballs didn't even look like they'd make it. But they did, and now they're a chunky 14 lbs. each (Mitzy's fat but Tiger is solid muscle)! Tiger is so affectionate, he meows and begs until you pick him up (which is a workout!) and then he kneads your shoulder and rubs on your face. He does one interesting thing that has become a habit in our household. Every time someone walks past him, they point their finger at him and say "Poke" and he pokes his nose on your finger and runs it down between his eyes and up his forehead. He'll do it about 20 time in a row, it's so cute! Tiger has the prettiest markings and pattern out of any tabby I've met. He's got short rough fur, and a combination of spots and stripes. His stripes form a cross on his back, almost like a donkey. He has a white neck, chest, and paws, and a white tipped tail. My parents didn't have him neutered, but we never thought it was a problem because when the females were in heat, he just seemed to never figure out what he was supposed to do. Well, when I moved back home and brought my little kitty, I guess he got it right. He seems to know that there are babies in my room and I think he knows they're his, but when he sees one he's not sure what to do with it. He seems indecisive between being friends with it or being afraid and running away. lol!

This is Tiger with one of our other cats, named Shadow. Yes, Shadow's tongue always sticks out like that, it's just too long for his mouth. :)