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Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamster
Length: 10-12cm
Colour: Various colors
Breed: Dwarf Campbells Russian
Other Names: Furry or Hairy Footed Hamster Djungarian Hamsters

The Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamster is approximately 10-12cm in length when full grown, with males being larger than females. The Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamster has a plump rounded body and expandable cheekpouches. Russian Hamsters have furry feet and are sometimes referred to as the Furry or Hairy Footed Hamster.

The Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamster is sociable and will live with others of its own kind in single or mixed sex groups provided that hamsters are introduced at a young age. The Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamster is nocturnal but can be quite active for short periods during the day. The Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamster can also be less tolerant of clumsy handling than the bigger Syrian Hamster and more prone to nip when annoyed. They are able to squeeze through the bars of some hamster cages and so cages designed for mice, glass or plastic aquariums make more suitable cages.

The Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamster makes a good pet although because of its small size it can be difficult for small children to handle. The average lifespan of the Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamster is 11/2-21/2 years although they can live longer.

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