[02 Jun 2006 | Friday]
la de da!
Current mood:
woot i am in my new apartment & it rawks!
i have
most of my stuff in... cept
the entertainment stand and dresser and hutch so let me know if anyone is
willing to help move the last bits.
emily and
i moved my freaking HUGE bed last night but i was so happy to be able to sleep in it.
i am
going to spend some time with jensie today cleaning
and then getting some supper hopefully... i miss him
and my heifer and napolean already!!
ho hum my fitted sheet is too small
and i am thinking my bed is larger than i thought... oh well
emily and
i hung out with chad, kasey, matt and mike last night it was so funny they are
making a new video. its really great!
i hope we
can have our housewarming party soon... i will be
sure to post what day and time when i know more.
i need to pay rent lol i freaking got it out of the atm last night and now the guy isnt
there... bah.
yayness! everyone you can call me at the same old number...
i live on
campus right on the hill so give me a call and stop by if you want to!!
bah i
start work sunday morning lol...
[30 May 2006 | Tuesday]
like what comes out of my peehole,
Current mood: happy
lol chad pieper and his one liners...
my body of work, so to speak is
booming! woot!
ask about mandy
kane's porno titles coming soon to a tv near you!
i can't
wait to move and start work and begin my new awesome life!!!
[24 May 2006 | Wednesday]
x rated!
Current mood: damn
ok not really just letting you all
know i am going to try to coordinate a time for xmen that we all can make...
ok i am
thinking we should all get tickets tomorrow (thurs)
and shoot for the 5:05 showing as it is later but also a matinee and most
people can go then. sorry emily
i will MISS YOU!
and so lets see how that works
ok and i
want to do something saturday just to hang out and
relax with the people i care about... you can come
too, lol.
so let me know. sami will be in town and she thinks that she needs to
be entertained... so yah we will let her believe that!
ho hum
vacation time brothers.. vactation time!!
woot i am full of energy... i walked
to the library today.
but yes everyone please let me know
if xmen at 5:05 is ok... i
think it is on the big screen so it should be great!
love ya bang yur dead!
[22 May 2006 | Monday]
moving on
Current mood: hopeful
i am so excited about moving into
my new place, even if i can't take my kitty (i cried for like 20 mins after
finding that out) i will make jens
let me visit at least once a week lol.
let's see... sami is moving back,
YAYNESS and in with katie, angie
and lisa who are all very nice girls... ok some are
more interesting than nice lol, you know who i mean! but it will be so kewl... she is also learning to drive so that is even more
awesome. i hope it's what
she really wants to do... you know but i think you
have to make the best of any situation and sami has
always been good at that.
so anyway i
am extremely happy and in a great mood. i
am going down to
sami and i have talked about this chad
situation and have decided that nothing will come of it but it is still fun to
pretend lol. and it is fun
to have a crush i feel like i
am in middle school again!
my finances are not what they should be but i am making it through just fine... as soon as i start my job i should be
set.... i am thinking that 20ish hours is a little
too few for summer but 17 is great for fall because i
am taking 15 credits and i want to do well in school,
hence me being there and paying money to take classes hehe.
yeah i am
a little upset at davey, since he never calls me or
wants to hang out anymore and with this sentance we
shall see if he even takes time to read about my life... blah.
i can't
wait for kate to return... muahha!
we shall have a homecoming-visiting-mandy party!!! woot!
ho hum. i am bummed that my mum is such a loser... i should be used to it by now eh? she
just keeps asking me for help and i am trying to help
but anyway everyone let me know
what is going on and if anyone is free the 1st-3rd i
will be moving and so will emily and jens so we all could use the extra help!
oh on a sidenote,
we went to mike's the other night to party with teaya,
ashley and derrick it was really fun and we learned
the greatest game ever! moew... hehe.
now my tummy is grumbling! oh btw i start work on the 4th and
i have training this thursday!!!
[14 May 2006 | Sunday]
kiss kiss fuck fuck
Current mood:
no idea on the title actually,
sorry. this is a rant about chad
so if you don't want to read it or if it is your relative... lol emily i
suggest reading something else...
ho hum i
am in a sad state... i am in... lust/er luv? i dunno what to call it. basically i am infatuated with chad. *sigh* and it isn't as though he doesn't give me the
time of day it's just ... he's not as keen to see me as i
am him most often but we talk and hang out and have fun together with other
people i mean.
i havn't felt this silly since middle school. here i am once again reaching out
for the unattinable person and as always they are
very nice about it, so nice i feel bad for even being
i can't
help it i just melt when he sings, i can feel his emotion through his voice and it intices me, moreso than any
possibly more attractive guy. he is mysterious, i frequently have no idea what is going on in his head. he is so sexy i can't help myself
from saying that but alas i know it probably won't
happen between the two of us.
we did have that one night that was
wonderful. i havn't felt that way towards someone since jens... i just was happy and
excited and i really really
like him.
i am
thinking over a letter to him... i might possibly
post bits here to get some advice. i just don't
know... i need an unbiased opinion... someone who
knows the both of us but isn't related or more directly involved with either of
us to sort of tell me what they see.
it is probably just me being a
stupid girl and wanting to love someone... i mean there
are so many things i could say in opposition to
dating chad but none of them matter when he is
looking into my eyes...
oh this is rubbish!
chad pieper i think you are a doll and
i would love to take you home
please don't hate me or think i am crazy...
[08 May 2006 | Monday]
Current mood: worried
ok my week has been seriously
confusing. i wish it would
be either all crap or all good because the back-and-forth
give-me-something-to-hope-for thing is really pissing me off lol.
ok let's start with the bad things
to get them out of the way:
#1 i cut my toe open and it hurts
#2 i don't know if my apartment
allows cats
#3 sami
isn't moving in with me
#4 i can't talk to my mum for like
2 months at least
#5 i am broke
#6 i have no boyfriend
#7 & on top of it doughy joey's
"let me go" so that they could hire more people who could work more
just because i was honest with them and told them
that i got a second job for june
and guess what, now i am out of work for a month! yay. next
time i am just going to lie and say nope, no
conflicts, yeah i love this place i
am staying foreevverrr!
ok now with the good:
#1 jens
and fandy and i watched
good movies last night and got ice cream. i
love the movie "stay" it is a mindfuck! yay.
#2 i got to hang out with jens and osty
the other night and we saw hoodwinked and went to walmart
and steak-n-shake for some 3am yumminess!
#3 sami came down and we went to braden's and got "felt up" lol
and then we all went to emily's house and chad came over... ::fantasizes:: oh and sami
lit my freaking hair on fire! that should really go in
the bad things but it is so funny.. you're on fire!
#4 i do now have a 6.50/hr job at
school starting in june
#5 i do have a nice apartment and
get to room with emily &
we have a lot of kewl stoff
for our apartment already!
#6 my mum is getting help in rehab and looks a million times
#7 if i don't get a job i can concentrate on getting help for my mental state ie go to get checked out at the mental health place and see
if i can get any help for my anxiety & or
now i
guess there is just as much bad as there is good so let me add one more good
# 8 i can finally let my muse
speak to me and start working on my writing again! it
is the perfect excuse! i
need a few days to let the spark hit me and then for the first time in my life i will have weeks to literally do nothing but read and
write if i want to. so long
as i stay in i shouldn't
need much money and also i can pack and do helpful
things for myself. i can
give my mind a rest and hopefully find something that makes me happy. also we can do drugs lol.
you may all donate to the help-mandy-get-her-life-togeter-program
your assistance can be in the form
of money, love, friendship, or even pity sex, all assistance is non-refundable.
[03 May 2006 | Wednesday]
no need for a title
just a quick little update... i
got up, took my final, turned my books in (for a mere 50 bucks) went to the
bank, paid my credit card bill and then some and set up and interview all
before... 11 am!!!
i am so
accomplished lol.
my finals are almost over i can see the end! let me know if
anyone wants to do something saturday or something. i work but not too late.
stay fresh, stay clean
stay the hell away from meh!!!
[01 May 2006 | Monday]
i just wanna...
Current mood: crazy
i am much better now, thanks for listening!
i swear i hate looking for jobs more than almost anything. i would rather have teeth
pulled... grrr.
anyway i supose that my week could be worse. i am busy but i know i can get through it. i just hate
getting sick right before finals but on the upside i
only have really two finals to worry about and one of them isn't going to be
bad. i will pull all A's and
B's by my calculation so my GPA is going to be OKAY lol.
sorry i
just freaking love that... WHAT?
did you hear what i said? you did? OKAY!
is mandy
a freak? YEAH!!
DUDE mooner took jens and i
out for pie... it was the most delicious pie i have
had in a while yummy yum yums.
grr i
hope i don't have to work anytime this week... until
like thursday i just need
to study...
blah blah
i am
having irrational fears about moving into my new place:
like what if i
can't have my cat. i think i would die!
and like what if it burned down to
the ground with all of my possessions in it! that
would suck i think i would
what if i
were in it when it burned down! OMG!!!!
what if we all die!!!!!!
::looks to the left:: ::looks
right:: i always feel like somebody's... *copywrite* lol...
[25 Apr 2006 | Tuesday]
"Life is what
happens to you while you're busy making other plans”
Current mood:
life is happening to me. finals are fast approaching... my apartment is going to be
ready in june...i just had
a *hopefully successful* job interview at pcr and i am becoming aware of just how i
want to continue living.
i want to
go to
i want to
study abroad for a semester at least and i think i want to go to
anyway i
am at a crossroads so i will let you know what i decide and what i think...
[24 Apr 2006 | Monday]
Current mood:
i am in a
mood of the "woot" persuasion! today i had such a hard time waking up but i
knew i had to... and i went
to my first class and all we did was hand in our paper and i
don't have that class wednesday or friday! then we got to leave after like ten minutes and i found out my friend is going to be in my mulitcultral literature class and she is awesome... and i get to dink around in the library... i
found out that i had a "book overdue" which
really wasn't true because i asked them and they
looked and found it so ... no fine! yay.
i saw silent hill this weekend and it was so good and
jensie has the weekend off so we can party (even if i work cuz we can party when i get home from work and he can still have plenty of time
to do what he needs to do) and sami is coming down
the weekend after that! and we are going to have a
06.06.06 party lol. guess
when that is?
but anyway i guess i have been stressed but soon that stress will be much less
and today i have to impress because i have a job interview at prc
that starts at 8.50/hr and that kicks ass!!!
oh and happy late birthday to my
new friend zach, who is hilarious when he gets drunk lol.
i just
had a thought right now... maybe my life is going to be ok.
[20 Apr 2006 | Thursday]
Current mood: crazy
titanic, what a good movie i mean
wow, big boat, slightly skanko kate
winslut (sexily skantaly
(sp?) clad) leo finally dies and i
get to hear that freaking song for freaking 10 years after that damn boat sinks
try to be it more often, then
people might know what to expect.
i am
i am
i am
and its only 11:50 am ... i have to work tonight (crap) but that means i get $$$ (yay) but prolly on this much $$ (-$$$) lol
so its BAD.
i want to
wish jenny penny a happee birthdae!!!
and as for everyone else its 4.20
(you do the math my friends, if you can!)
i need a
male friend, nay make that male genitalia for pleasure and fun and maybe a
little sects muhahaha. see how i
spelled "sex" like "sects" to make it less naughty and euphanism-ish.
lets add ish
to many words for no RAISON (LOL FUTURAMA)
[18 Apr 2006 | Tuesday]
Current mood: nervous
today is going well, emily and i are looking at
apartments tonight and i don't have to work til thursday which is good
because i have homework to catch up on. i have friday off so let me know
what's going on... i think i
am hanging out with jensie so maybe a movie night, i don't feel like partying i
think i will save that for saturday.
ho hum
i am
nervous i am supposed to give that guy i like my note today. ::nervousness::
i like him and think it would be nice to meet some
new people. *calms down* the worst he could say is no, or i
have a girlfriend. but i
like him ::wahhhh::
anyway i need to find a new job i was thinking about asking around the hospitals or
something i just need full timeish
for the summer and part for the fall... i like doughy
joey's but there is no way i
can make it on 2 days a week. i
need $$ a whole lotta spendin
$$ lol i love you george... *a moment of adoration for the quiet beatle*
dude i am
the walrus was totally on radio the other morning i
was rocking out!
i have to
go now talk to ya later ya hosers!
but first....
a little inspiration via mandy's quote orgy...
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person.
Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." Oscar Wilde
"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things
which escape those who dream only by night." Edgar Allan Poe "Eleonora"
“All that we see or seem, is but a
dream within a dream”
The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of
the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those
dreams come true
[17 Apr 2006 | Monday]
movin on up
not yet exactly but getting there. emily and i
looked at apartments today and found some good finds (well derr)
but yeah so all we need to know is if samantha wants
to move down with us. i also
scheduled for my classes today i am taking:
visual inventions (art class)
multicultural literature
survey of english literature: romantics to post-colonialism
and beginning poetry & fiction
so its 15 credits and the times are
nice so i can have plenty of study time and what not
so yeah
but emily
is back so i have to go now!