A struggle for power

The story I am about to tell may shock and scare you but as I tell it I swear to you it is nothing but the absolute and total truth!

A struggle for power (literally)

So there I was right, playing happily on my computer working on a new page for this very site! I came across some great material and wouldn't you know it that darn *Waol* thing pops up and messes up the computer so I can't do anything. (For those of you who arn't blessed w/ aol....haha *Waol* is simply an error message that occurs when there is an error in aol....hmmm) I tell ya I get these messages daily because I am lazy and just don't give a darn so I never fix the problem. Anyways THAT is another story :} So the only thing left to do was shut down and restart the blasted computer right? Yes I know I am not alone in my theory so anyways I turned off the utterly useless hunk of thing before me with it's great ability to be a waste of space on my precious desk. At that very instant the power shut off as well! What I am left to think you ask? Well I thought that, "I just blew a fuse or something, no big deal i'll just come over here and turn on this.....SHOOOT!!!!" (other words may be substituted) Yes boys and girls it hit me...that light was off too probably form the fuse...yes only me would think that, "I must try the others." Then I ran around the whole house trying every darn light there was desperately trying to find a light that worked. (At this point in my story....I mean retelling of the truth I bet you are thinking, "oh my goodness what a retard." and my friend you are absolutely correct!)
Anyways then it clicks in my little head that the power is off. So I run like a damned madman for the bathroom and luckily I only trip a total of four times and stub my toe twice. While in my beloved room that I like to call "bathroom" I stumbled upon what I needed to find, a lighter. Armed with a lighter in one hand and a candle in the other I mated them and made a "baby flame". Yes I actually thought that while doing the deed, I didn't care, I had a new friend, my only friend because I couldn't find the darn cat.
So I take my candle out into the kitchen (not tripping once mind you!) and lit another. I found a flashlight and then three more, God bless my grandmother, what a genius she is for putting a flashlight everywhere imaginable! I also found a lovely push light thing. (like the ones from the tv!) So I was ok now, or so I thought! Next I went to find the fuse box. (Oh what a good idea right? You would think that!) I discovered that I didn't know where in heaven the box was. (I was really upset but told myself that I could get online tomorrow but I never listen to reason) What to do next.....I had the perfect solution, I picked up my handy dandy notebook and began to write a story for this very site! I am still in the kitchen though and I get freaked out when I see any kind of reflection at night so naturally when I see my own in a huge mirror I scare myself silly. So I decide to go to the bathroom once more and finish it there. I take all my light sources and light that bathroom up! While sitting in my overly large tub with my pillow I proceed with writing my story. It's a very nice story...it's called Panty Thief, you should read it! Anyways after a very long night (it's around 4:00 am by now and I had spent over three hours in darkness) I decided to go to bed. So I bring my flashlight and trusty push-light into my bedroom. (along with a few pieces of cold pizza, some oatmeal pies and a diet dr. pepper) and I laid down to read a few short stories that I printed off the net. What happened next was the kicker. I went to my grandmothers room and picked up her little night mask eye coverer thing and made my way back to my room. On the shot journey down the hallway a thought crossed my mind.
"Why did I just get up in the dark to get this stupid thing?"
and I answered my self,
"I can't sleep unless it's completely dark!"
Then my stupid self went to sleep (thank God) and my struggle for power was over by 10:00 the next morning. My struggle for sanity and common since, however, is ongoing.

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