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Fan's page

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Message Board

If you have any messages for me or other visitors, you may want to put them on my messages page. For that, you'll have to send me an e-mail with your message and, I promise, I'll put every message, that is sent to me, on my website.

Messages: -
Currently, no messages!

Fan's Websites

If you are a computer expert and have made a really cool website, you may want to put a link to it on my website. Again, you'll just have to e-mail me your website's URL and description and I'll put it on my website.

Websites: -
Currently, no websites!


I'm sure you are also addicted to chatting like me and may be you would want to chat with me or other visitors on my website at my Yahoo! Club or MSN Messenger. In MSN Messenger, we all chat in one window.

My Yahoo! Club                  - crazy_devol
Password                             - holidays
My Hotmail E-Mail Address -

This page is currently under construction..... I'll soon add some more exciting things to it.... So, watch out!!!

Send me your e-mails