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4:20 PM 12/21/2005 - Well, I'm going to be busy with Christmas preparations over the next few days, so I'll just leave a Christmas gift for you wonderful visitors in case I can't make it back soon.
Merry Early Christmas!
It's Christmas Fred, the delightful little man that runs around your desktop in a Santa suit and does all sorts of crazy stuff. It'll annoy the hell out of your boss, teacher, whatever, trust me. Peace out. Add-on: Made a page with all the TS2 weapons reviewed on it. I think it's good myself, but you tell me.
3:38 PM 12/20/2005 - I made a little overview over TS to convince anyone who thinks they wouldn't like the series otherwise. Check it out. I'm too lazy to link it, but it's on the TS page. Also, there is a secret page afoot. See if you can find it. ;p
6:27 PM 12/18/2005 - So we now have message boards. Although I really shouldn't say they're new (they are leftovers from an old site of mine...). But hey, forums are forums! Now you can go critizize me about the slow progress of this site. Also, I have an "index" up for TS, though there isn't anything there yet. If you have any info, strats, etc. about TS, please (please) send them to my e-mail address (below).
11:15 AM 12/17/2005 - Alright, I have a downloads and links page up now. Tubular! (Okay, no more surfer talk...). Some actual TS content will be up very shortly. If you have any questions, comments, etc., feel free to send it to me. Add-in: I added the "disclaimer" today also. It's hilarious.
11/22/05 - Site started
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