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11:09 AM 12/26/2006 - I hope everyone had a good Christmas. As for our site, our remodeling and rewriting continues. I expect to have the TimeSplitters and Second Sight pages done today.

On another note, congratulations to one of our writers, Welsh Dragon Hellfire, for getting his review of Star Ocean 3 into PSM3 Magazine! Click here to view the article!

4:18 PM 12/22/2006 - Well, I've been true to my word so far, and unintentionally too! Actually, I was fixing our little pip problem on the forums and eventually I started reformatting some of our pages. Check out the Links and Download pages to see how the whole site will look soon.
4:41 PM 12/14/2006 - I swear to God I'll write some FAQs over my Christmas break in a week or so. Until then, take a look at the site of our new affiliate, TimeSplitters Resource. Enjoy!
11:14 AM 12/2/2006 - Well, it's been quite a while, hasn't it? And believe it or not, we're actually almost a year old already! We'll throw a party on the forums. Anyway, I'll be doing some minor updating and finally getting some new articles up. Keep checking back every couple of weeks.

3:33 PM 10/15/2006 - Haven't had much time for this site this weekend, though I added some new banners to the Link To Us page courtesy of Gizmo.

4:12 PM 10/6/2006 - Well, we're just about done with the reconstruction of the page. The index page is done and pretty soon the navigation will also be in frames. Also, the forum has a new skin. Stay tuned. Once this is all done, look forward to new TS articles, as well as some coverage of Haze and...Star Wars Battlefront 3, which FRD is developing!

10:49 AM 9/30/2006 - It's been 1 day short of an entire month since I've updated. How time flies. Anyway, expect a more "professional" look soon, as well as some new content (I know, we don't have much still...). Anyway, hang in there for now, and continue to check up on us once a month or so. Thanks!

3:13 PM 8/31/2006 - I've put two videos up on the TS2 Interesting Things page, thanks to YouTube. Forgot all about them until now actually. But now they're there for your viewing pleasure! Enjoy.

11:25 AM 8/19/2006 - Damn, it's been a LONG time, hasn't it? Sorry about that. I've been so busy lately I've barely had time to do anything to this site. We'll change that, eh? Expect more profiles and articles in the coming days.

11:03 AM 6/25/2006 - Hey guys, sorry it's been a while since the last update. I've been pretty busy and haven't had too much of a chance to update. I'm currently working on an FAQ for TS2, complete with pics to guide you through! Hopefully I'll have Siberia done soon.

And for those of you involved with the Wikipedia project, sorry to be an ass, but let me make this explicitly clear:


Thanks. And sorry, the main reason for this is that I don't want my site's content all on Wikipedia (though this counts for any other site as well). It really eliminates the reason for coming here, doesn't it?

1:24 PM 6/8/2006 - Sorry about the amount of time it's been taking to get new stuff up. But luckily for you I got this up. It's a Second Sight interesting things guide!

3:08 PM 5/23/2006 - Sorry once again for the long time between updates. I've had a lot of stuff going on lately, what with final exams and all. But tomorrow is the last day of school, and as luck will have it, that means a lot of new things for this site over the summer. Within the next week or two I'll fix 5thHorseman's review, update the profiles, and add lots more to the site, and maybe even write an FAQ or three. So stay tuned, and thanks.
EDIT: Fixed 5thHorseman's Review.

9:09 AM 4/26/2006 - Hey, I'd just like to point out that I won't be updating with one of these big old long speech things if I'm just updating a page. I will indicate it by using the last updated thing above. I'll only use one of these if I'm adding a new page or if the site is undergoing an overhaul or something. Okay?
EDIT: Added 5thHorseman's TS Review

10:33 AM 4/14/2006 - It's up! There's not too much there but I have some FAQs and such coming on the way. Stay tuned.

12:30 PM 4/11/2006 - The Second Sight section of the site is nearing release (tomorrow if we're lucky, Friday at the latest.) In the meantime, feast your eyes on this.

11:50 AM 4/10/2006 - I'm not doing much today after my huge update yesterday. But I did revise the FAQ a bit and I added to the Pop Culture References. Come back in a few days and I'll have something good for all of you.

12:10 PM 4/9/2006 - If you want to link to us, go here to get an image to do it with. Also, the Second Sight section of the site will be up and running by Wednesday or so, so check back then.
EDIT: I also think I've fixed the Gun History page. If it still does not work, please post in the Errors thread in the forums.
EDIT 2: See that thing that says Cbox up there in the nav bar? It's a tagboard, kind of like a chatroom only you can post when no one's there. It's kinda cool I guess.

12:28 PM 4/8/2006 - I made a few updates to the links page. I think we probably have one of the most comprehensive TS links pages on the net, so check it out.

10:08 AM 3/26/2006 - I actually bothered to write an article about the pop culture references in the series, which is far from complete, but my Internet is running unusually slow today. It will be much better soon.

10:36 AM 3/25/2006 - Is Cortez gay? I say no, but read SBB's hilarious article on the opposing view here.

11:57 AM 3/21/2006 - Well, I've made a few minor changes, the first of which you've probably noticed is the banner. And the forums are acting a bit screwy right now, but it should be sorted before too long. I also added an FAQ which is at the bottom of this page, and updated the profiles. I'm sure you can find that all on your own though, right?

3:26 PM 3/16/2006 - Well, first things first, I'm sure you've just noticed the new name. "Drifting's TimeSplitters Fansite" is a bit generic, and I thought this one makes the site seem a bit more interesting. This is just the first of many new things to come (but first I need to get off my lazy ass and update the profile page!) Oh, and SBB made a new article, which you can read here. I thought it was his best piece yet, so you should take a look. Until next update, adios.

8:33 PM 3/11/2006 - Man, Welsh is doing so much lately I'm starting to feel lazy! Check out his latest article here.

11:19 AM 3/4/2006 - Alright, I've filled the job positions, so if you haven't gotten one already, you aren't going to. Our new staff consist of myself, Headsprouter, Welsh, and SentryBotBuddy. And Buddy's already given me an article showing the similarities between real guns and the ones in TS. I seriously suggest you check it out here.

11:46 AM 2/26/2006 - As this site gets bigger and bigger, I realize that I can't do it alone. I know this site has been up two months now and I'm still lacking in many basics, such as FAQs and the such. If you're bored and in love with TS, please check this out. Thanks in advance.

12:43 PM 2/25/2006 - Imp was nice enough to take some time to compile a list of interesting things from TS2, which you can check out here.

12:33 PM 2/18/2006 - I've got quite a few more profiles up now. Check it out. I'd like some more feedback on the forums, and also if anyone who has played TS1 would like to write a profile for the TS1 Characters, I'd sincerely appreciate it (I've never played it).

5:32 PM 2/5/2006 - I reorganized the profile page, as you might have noticed. I figured making a separate page for every character would be tedious so I'm just putting all the profiles in alphabetical order, with one letter's worth a page.
EDIT 5:00 PM 2/13/2006 - I've added a crapload of new profiles. If you'd like to comment on them, feel free to e-mail me, or just PM me on the boards.

2:27 PM 2/4/2006 - I'm currently in the process of making a character profile page, with pics, descriptions from the game and my own personal analysis on each character. If anyone would like to contribute with the pics, I would appreciate it. I'll put up a URL to the page once I get 30 or so profiles done. So far I have about 10 done.
EDIT: I've got a few done. If you want to see a rough draft of what it will look like, go to here (Note: Link inactive)

5:04 PM 1/24/2006 - Urgh! My hard drive decided to die on me a while back, which means all the articles and pictures I was going to put up are gone forever. So, if you'd like to contribute something, please send it to me at my address (below). I'll get started on making content...again.

1:19 PM 1/13/2006 - Sorry about my huge leave of absence. After Christmas, I basically forgot all about this for a few days...(more like a half a month. Oops. '^_^) I'll get some new stuff up here shortly, so stay tuned. Update: Changed the background color to black. I'm going to make a CSS pallette tomorrow.

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