Name: Maiden
TS2: So innocent and so pure, the Maiden is the perfect sacrifice... TSFP: Two years have gone by and she’s still innocent and pure--I’ve no idea how she manages it
Appeared in: TimeSplitters 2, TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
Name: Male Soldier
No profile available
Appeared in: TimeSplitters
Name: Male Swat
No profile available
Appeared in: TimeSplitters
Name: Marco the Snitch
Marco's turned coat and switched sides far too many times in his short career of crime. Even he can't remember who he's told what to! Sick with worry, he lives his life in constant fear of mob retaliation.
Appeared in: TimeSplitters 2
Name: Meezor Mox
The Meezor hate everyone and everything, especially their close cousins, the Ozor.
Appeared in: TimeSplitters 2
Name: Milkbaby
Bullied as a child, Milkbaby honed her fighting skills in the dark streets of the Tek Quarter. Now she serves as a vicious foot soldier in Sadako's gang.
Appeared in: TimeSplitters 2
Name: Monkey
TS2: It's a monkey. TSFP: Yep, its still a monkey.
Appeared in: TimeSplitters 2, TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
Name: Mr. Fleshcage
Now that's got to sting a little. It's just not big or clever to have your flayed skin stretched taut on a wicker frame
Appeared in: TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
Name: Mr. Giggles
TS2 and TSFP*: Mister Giggles stumbled into a small English village when he was just a boy. Although he was adopted by a loving family, he was never truly happy until he ate them and joined the circus.
Appeared in: TimeSplitters 2, TimeSplitters Future Perfect