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Name: Teeth Mummy

TS1: No profile available.

TSFP: Well at least they'll be able to identify him from dental records.

Appeared in: TimeSplitters, TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
Unlocked by beating timed secret for Tomb in TS1, unlocked in FP by default.

Name: Time Assassin Cortez

Black with buckles, leather straps and a hood! How cool is that? Bound to impress the chicks unless, of course, you get the eyehole misaligned and trip over a coffee table.

Appeared in: TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
Unlocked by beating the Story level You Take the High Road on Normal or better.

Name: TimeSplitter

No profile available.

Appeared in: TimeSplitters
Unlocked by beating Challenge 9-C

Name: Trooper Black

Trooper Black takes great delight in his work and is always first in line when Special Forces are deployed - as they frequently are.

Appeared in: TimeSplitters 2
Unlocked by beating Starship Whoopers with a Gold.

Name: Trooper Green

Trooper Green's gasmask is a great help with his hayfever on summer operations.

Appeared in: TimeSplitters 2
Unlocked by default

Name: Trooper White

Trooper White is a promising soldier in the Arctic Force.

Appeared in: TimeSplitters 2
Unlocked by default