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The University of Luzon: Where Skills and Values Meet for Bright Tomorrows
The University of Luzon stands as an imposing landmark at the very heart of Dagupan City, recognized as one of the major economic, political and academic centers of Northern Luzon.

UL recognizes and appreciates its vital role and duty as well as the right and privilege it has gained from the people in this part of the country, who entrust the education of their children to its portals.

Using its two-fold principle of “Perecias y valias” (skills and values), first as LCCBA then as Luzon Colleges, this institution has succeeded in producing a roster of professionals - educational and political leaders, businessmen, and accountants with outstanding achievements, successful nurses and medical technologists working here and abroad, and countless police officers, teachers, hotel and restaurant managers, I.T. professionals, engineers and architects.

As a testimony to its academic excellence, UL boasts of a host of topnotchers in the PRC Board Examinations apart from the thousands of board passers. In point of fact, it has produced a total of 13 top-notchers in the last 5 years, ranging from No. 2 to No. 20. The Hall of Fame of board passers of the University include eight (8) 1st Placers, fifty-seven (57) 2nd to 10th Placers and twenty-seven (27) 11th to 20th Placers in the last 10 years. This feat remains unsurpassed by any school in Northern Luzon.

With a highly qualified and competent faculty, a receptive administration, a student-friendly campus, state-of-the-art facilities, a productive research program and an adaptive and dynamic community extension service, UL continues its tradition of holistic education responding to the demands and challenges of the times.

Skills and Values: The Pillars of the University of Luzon

The founders of UL have always contended that education should be well-balanced. This entails not only honing specialized skills, but attention should also be given to cultivating proper set values. These values would eventually distinguish a responsible citizen from a mere ambitious professional.

As such, the core philosophy of “Perecias y valias” or Skills and Values has been surgically implanted in all institutional areas of UL. The curricula of its program offerings, the orientation of its teaching and non-teaching personnel and instructional systems, the orientation and focus of its dynamic research program, the administration and management, the campus lay-out and facilities, the on and off-campus learning activities, the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of both faculty and students and the socio-cultural and community-oriented extension services are all designed to cultivate these twin qualities essential in producing well-rounded professionals.

Adapting to the Times

The establishment of UL’s predecessors, the LCCBA in 1948 and LC in 1952 were a response to the perceived needs of the given era.

In post-World War II, industries and businesses were in need of rebuilding. There was also the reality that the existing schools for higher learning at that time were mainly located in Manila, far from the means of the people of Pangasinan and Northern Luzon. This need was fulfilled with the establishment of LCCBA, a specialized educational institution for commerce and business administration.

But its founders did not stop there. With a flourishing economy, new demands and opportunities sprung from the fertile land of Northern Luzon.

Proving its worth as an excellent academic institution by garnering a 100% passing rate in its first batch of graduates who took the CPA Board exams, the founders of LCCBA immediately seized the opportunity of expanding its courses. Education, Liberal Arts and High School were added to the program offerings. Thus, the Luzon Colleges was born from the womb of LCCBA.

The meteoric growth of Philippine society in the 50’s to the 80’s paved the way for further expansion into different course offerings including Elementary, Law, Nursing, Engineering, Graduate Studies, Medical Technology, Midwifery, AIMT, Criminology, Journalism, Architecture, HRM and Tourism, Computer Science and Pharmacy.

At the turn of the century, two new challenges presented themselves — Information Technology and Globalization. In response to these growing trends, the Luzon Colleges institutionalized computer education in its course offerings, establishing a state-of-the-art Computer Laboratory. Program curricula and instructional systems were also enriched to ensure world-class education, the result of which is that a significant number of graduates eventually became successful Overseas Filipino Workers.

Weathering the Storms

The true test of any educational institution is how it responds to the devastation of external forces beyond its control, for which it is not immune to.

The LCCBA, not merely survived the confusion and hardships of the initial stages of a post-war era, but on the contrary, flourished and reached greater heights.

The Luzon Colleges, on the other hand, withstood two great storms, one caused by political change, the other from nature.

The dark and turbulent years of Martial Law restricted democracy and the essence of truth in education. During these times, the administration, faculty and students of the Luzon Colleges were constantly on guard of being drawn into the hatred and violence that characterized this era. Towards the end, however, key personalities of LC figured prominently in the quest for Truth and Justice leading to the historic EDSA People Power Revolution in 1986.

In fact, one of the founders of LC, Atty. Liberato Ll. Reyna, the first elected mayor of Dagupan City, was appointed by then President Corazon Aquino as City Mayor in 1986. Consistent to its adherence to truth and justice, key personalities and students of LC voluntarily participated in EDSA II.

But the most telling blow received by LC came not from man but from nature, in the form of the July 1990 Earthquake. This single most devastating act of nature almost flattened the city of Dagupan, including a significant part of LC’s infrastructure and facilities. Together with the people of Dagupan and Pangasinan, LC rose from the rubbles and rebuilt an even stronger community built upon the solid foundation of dedication and resilience.

Like a bamboo tree, this educational institution bent and bowed to the powerful forces of change, but in the end, regained its posture, strength and grew even higher, stronger and more durable.

A Well-earned Reputation

The University of Luzon’s reputation as an excellent educational institution is as rich as its history.

As the LCCBA, its exceptional passing rate in the CPA Board Exams proved that, even in its infantile stage, it was at par with established institutions for higher learning based in Manila.

This tradition for excellence was continued through its entire history as the Luzon Colleges. In addition to this, LC boasts of one of the most accredited colleges in Northern Luzon.

To date, it has 3 programs with Level 2 Second Re-accreditation status from the PACUCOA currently eyeing Level 3 Accreditation, while 6 other programs have Level 1 Accreditation and currently applying for Level 2 status.

The long wait from 1993 to 2002 for the grant of University status was characterized by patience, determination and persistence. Being unanimously approved by the entire Commission on Higher Education is an achievement that was well worth all the effort and sacrifices of the entire LC community.

This achievement is a further testimony to UL’s reputation as an excellent institution for nurturing skills and values and turning promising youths into able, responsible and productive citizens.

New Challenges

Complacency is a term banned from the walls of the University of Luzon. It views universityhood not as a trophy but a great responsibility towards continued development.

As such, the quest for greater achievements in all institutional areas has all the more been stoked.

Concretely, the areas of Research and Publication, and Community Extension are viewed to be key focus areas. Further strengthening of the faculty and instructional systems is also lined up as a priority. These are viewed as preparations for its goal - full accreditation of all its program offerings.

The gradual development of the 12-hectare lot in Nalsian, Calasiao, envisioned to be the future Main Campus has already been programmed. This promising property, now housing some of the infrastructure of UL, will provide greater space and a truly campus-like atmosphere for more conducive and productive learning.

This expansion will also be translated into new and relevant course offerings, which are to be introduced into the University.

Information Technology and Globalization are acknowledged to be trends that will persist for years to come. As such, special efforts will be poured into upgrading existing IT-related facilities and instructional systems to ensure that the latest knowledge and skill will be acquired by students of the University.

In the same vein, Global competitiveness and world-class skills shall be honed among students and faculty. This can be achieved by fortifying the existing higher learning support system for the faculty and formal and informal partnerships with national and international academic institutions for the exchange knowledge and experience.

There is much to be done, and the entire University of Luzon is aware of this and is geared up for the challenge.