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Jon's Rules for Trading:

1) I DO NOT TRADE TAPES FOR MONEY! That is ILLEGAL and if you send me an email for me to send you a tape for money you will be blocked from my email address  AND you will be on my "Black list". Also, I DO NOT TRADE FOR MULTIPLE BLANK TAPES!!!

2) Tape Trade lengths can be from 2 hours (SP) (min.) to 18 hours or 3 tapes (max.).

2a) I can usually fit anywhere between 14 and 15 half hour episodes on a 6 hour tape (when every show doesn't have commercials). And on DVDs (depending on the length of the show and commercials or not, I can typically fit 4-5 episodes (SP *2 hr* mode) and 8-10 episodes (LP *4hr* mode) per disc.

2b) NO TRADE RATIOS!!! I hate that. If I send you 12 episodes (6 hrs) you send me 12 episodes unless theres extra room then we both agree to dub more). Same for SP trades, 5 episodes for 5 episodes 4 episodes for 4 episodes etc.

3) I pretty much will take anything. Just lemme have a look at your collection VIA a website or WORD doc and the I will let you know if I wanna trade.

4) I only send tapes to people in the USA/Canada

5) AMENDED 4/14/08: When you send a tape to me, I send either First Class or Priority mail. I usually try and do Priority but, sometimes budgeting just doesn't allow it. Delivery Confirmation is preferred but, not necessary. Please do not send Media Mail. I usually send all DVDs First Class and VHS I try and send Priority but, since, like everyone else, everything going up, i may go with whatever is cheaper.  
If I HAVE traded with you before (or if you are a trusted trader): I will send out your tape when its done
If I have NOT traded with you before (or if your a new trader): I must receive your tape before I send yours out. Sorry, but hearing that someone is enjoying the tapes you sent them and you not having your end to watch for 18 months really stinks.

5a) Stuff happens. If something suddenly comes up (other than school/work) please let me know ASAP so we can make arrangements for shipping.

5b) In transit, if the tape breaks or snaps I will mail you out one (1) replacement tape with the same shows dubbed on them as a nice gesture. OR If  Me/You forget an episode on a tape then, that person is entitled to a 2 hour make up tape with the episode not dubbed and 3 more shows of their choice (to fill up 2 hrs)

6) I request that you send me my episodes on a NEW Maxell, Sony, TDK tape or DVDs of those same types; I will do the same. I either use Maxell or Sony Tapes and I always use Maxell/Memorex DVDs. Go spend the $1.65 (or whatever!) they cost to get one of those types of tapes at your nearest retailer.  Also, Fujifilm tapes I don't like and don't accept because I know of many traders that have had problems with them. If you send me a Fuji, your automatically on my BANNED Black list.

7) I do put an episode list in with your tape or email the list before I send it out (so you know what episodes are on the tape in what order). I ask that you please do the same if you can or send me an email with the episodes in order as they are on the tape.

8) If you are sending me episodes with old commercials during the breaks please leave them in (anything aired/re ran pre 1999)! I will do the same (if acceptable). If your show was taped from GSN or GaS please exclude the commercials on my tape. I will also exclude those commercials on your tape unless otherwise noted.

9) If there is bad edits or missing opening/closing sequences, Black and white spots, whatever, and it DOESN'T mention it on your trading site,  just let me know so its not a surprise. I hate tape surprises. I may want to pick a replacement episode.

10)  One last thing when I finish making your tape, send it out and receive your tape I ALWAYS send emails letting you know those things and I hope you do the same for my tape.

11) And let me re-iterate: I DO NOT TRADE TAPES FOR MONEY! That is ILLEGAL and if you send me an email for me to send you a tape for money you will be blocked from my email address  AND you will be on my "Black list". Also, I DO NOT TRADE FOR MULTIPLE BLANK TAPES!!!


Last Revised 4/15/08