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-;-Behind Blue Eyes Chapter Three-;-

"You're telling me, that Nick is related to whoever is playing the piano?" Brian leaned forward, "And, not only is he related, but the phantom piano dude is a ghost?"

It had been three days since Kevin's encounter with the lady. He was finally able to talk to AJ, Brian, and Howie alone when Nick had left the house to do some quick errands. Nick had yet to hear the mysterious piano sounds. Or if he did- he was doing a good job at hiding it.

Kevin nodded, "Yup, that about sums it up."

"That's horse shit!" AJ exclaimed shaking his head.

"That's what the lady said!" Kevin leaned backwards on the kitchen chair.

"The lady’s a nut case. You gonna let 'er scare you?" Folding his arms, Brian challenged Kevin.

"Man, Brian’s right!" Howie established, "It's bull, let's just forget about it!" Kevin sighed.

"LUCY, I'M HOME!!" Rolling into the kitchen was Nick's voice. They heard the door shut and his footsteps in the hallway. Brian made a zip it motion over his lips and the guys nodded. Nick bounded into the kitchen and looked at them. "Hi!" He turned and ran upstairs.

"That was interesting..." AJ said raising his eyebrows.

"Very.." Kevin added sarcastically. The guys were silent for several minutes. Each trapped in their own thoughts and worlds.

"Dobbe doobe dooo..." Brian sang softly. The others looked at him strangely. "What?" He asked, an innocent smirk on his lips.

"Never mind.." AJ shook his head.

"It's back..." Howie said referring to the soft piano music that was now floating into the room.

"THAT'S IT!!" Kevin's fist hit the table and he stood," I'm finding this phantom piano player if it's the last thing I do!!" He stormed out of the room with the other four following more cautiously.

Racing up the stairs, the thirty-one year old reached the third floor where the music was louder. "Where the fuck is it!!??"

"Kevin chill!" Howie said trying to calm him.

"DON'T TELL ME TO CHILL!! I'M GONNA FIND THIS BASTARD!!" He yelled, clearly angry and in the mood for no games. He opened the attic door and the music became louder, his feet banged the stairs in rage as he ran up them. Kevin's eyes narrowed as he ran around looking for the answer. The others looked too. Howie walked over to a large tapestry and examined it. "Howie!! This is NO time to look around!!"

"Damn Kevin!" Howie touched the smoothness of the fabric and leaned forward slightly. Noticing that the tapestry didn't hit against any thing when he leaned on it, Howie punched it and it flapped open revealing the hidden staircase. "Uh...Kevin? Guys? You better come look..."

The others walked over, shocked at what they saw. AJ ran up the stairs and into the room. Kevin, Brian and Howie followed. They all gasped when they entered. In the corner of the room, sat a huge grand piano and at it sat Andrew Cartelle. They all just stood there and watched as Andrew's fingers ran easily across the keys.

Finally Howie took a step forward. Then another. And another. Soon he was standing right behind Andrew. AJ, Kevin, and Brian watched in horror as Howie put his hand on Andrew's shoulder. He stopped playing and spun around standing up and knocking the bench over. It hit the floor loudly, echoing in the room.

"Howie?" Andrew knew his name! Howie stepped back then ran out of the room the others not far behind him leaving Andrew speechless at the piano. "Howie?! Guys? Wait! Why are you running??!!" Andrew's voice rang through their ears.

They nearly flew down the steps and reached the backyard in what seemed like record time.

Out of breath, Kevin, AJ, Howie, and Brian fell to the ground. After a moment of thought AJ said, "Guys, you know what I just realized?"

"What?'' Brian asked.

''You go through ghosts right?''


''Then tell me this; why DIDN'T Howie go through Andrew when he touched him?''

''Shit man...'' Howie's eyes grew wide, ''You're right!''

''Which just means,'' Kevin started, ''That whoever it was playing the piano, was alive...or put more realistically, IS..''

''Nick!'' They all said in unison. There was a brief moment of shock before the four boys took off back into the house and into the hidden room. Nick sat at the piano, tapping out a few meaningless notes. The notes turned into a beautiful piece by Mozart.

"Nick?'' Howie said, ''Nicky?'' The music stopped and Nick turned around, looking bewildered. ''Sorry about before bro...'' Nick looked even more confused.

And then a voice behind them that sounded just like Nick's said, ''Why?'' The guys spun around only to be faced with another Nick.

''Nick!! But you're over there! By the piano! You were playing it before remember?''

'’Before I was yes..when Howie tapped me...not just now..'' Nick seemed completely confused.

"Well, if that wasn't you," AJ said, "then who was that?" He, and the others, turned around to face the piano.

Nobody was standing there.

