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Welcome to my little nest!

Today's Date:
Tuesday, March 18, 2025

To begin with, I am pure Finn, 100% American.

As for my virtual web name, of Kissamew, Kissa is Finnish for a kitty and "mew" is what kitties do. So, a little bit of the cat's meow, enough to make my own virtual space, my web, my nest, yes? Mew...

I believe if you know something of culture and religion then you know a little something about a person. Because we carry what is within our blood, although we act of our own free will. I think it should humble us so, to know that each person can create a life...their own. To know your life and anyone else's is not as convenient as one might believe.

In a song, I once heard that in the end we all sleep alone.
If that would be true, I hope I sleep content.

Me...aka KissaMew

This is what the "new" 25,,, ahem,,, over 40 pure Finn, 100% American looks like.

Annette Cliff

Here are my Parents

Daniel Rachel Tamara Nicole Tiffany Kissamew's Craft Kissamew's Kitchen

Jojo the 17 lb. kitten

Jojo @ 14 months.

I am trying to learn html and Css on my own, aaargggh! So patience my dears! It seems I am one who has to always try to make changes to make it work the way I want it to, but I used FrontPage before and when I transformed it into something unimaginable and couldn't edit my pages at all, I just let it go and when I was ready, I began anew.

Virtual Finland

My Parents My Niece My Nephews

moon info

Ala' Chef KissaMew... (me)

Search Recipezaar: Where the Recipes Are Find recipes:

Heifer.Org - Give a beautiful gift that truly makes a difference

Homeland Security Advisory

Encyclopedia Mythica

The graphic set found 22JUN06 for this page
is courtesy of
Full Moon Graphics
The Little Gypsy Girl is part of the "Brown Cloud" collection and I found I just adore her. She looks unafraid and carries her own weight. Her clothes are her own unique style and colorfully sweet. She makes me wonder where her journeys will bring her and if she will ever settle down. The Font I've used for my pages is "Duchess" and it is a free true-type font. To show my pages in the way I've intended, please download it and install it on your PC, if you haven't already.

Full Moon Graphics