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Friday, 25 November 2005

wow. i really haven't updated. i've been really busy. keep meaning to but i keep forgetting. last tuesday was an odd day and we played volleyball i think. i don't remember. wednesday. even day. lalalala... thursday. the west ranch high school dedication cermony. spent half the day in heels. ahh! lol it was CRAZY. it was an odd day too. i think. and wow. it was SO cool. the confetti was SO awesome. i didn't go to French or PE that day. wow. uh. bad i know. Friday. was a kick back day. <3. english was pretty chill. euro was pretty chill. watched a fake video. chemistry. was chill too. notes. went to my cousin's house. and slept over there. saturday i was at my cousin's house again. yeaaa. and went home really late. sunday. went to the mall. woo! monday. french quizzes. eek! ran in pe. ehh. math test. O.O and i didn't get picked up till 5: 15. ehh. tuesday: which was today. was pretty good. delivered staff birthdays. went to English late. it was an okay class. went to brunch. didn't go to Euro. i worked on the Faculty Feast for the staff. and we set up during 4th period. and cleaned up after it. we also ate. it was good food. and i went to chemistry. i walked in at like 1: 40ish. and chelsea also pushed the soda thing into me. it was SO funny. lol. and the coke holder pees! lol. ding dong denise! my husband! lol. so i walk into class. and i get almost to my table when jerome tells me to turn around and so i do and i'm like what? and he says just kidding. so i went and put my stuff down. got all my papers and got a sheet of paper from mrs. zeringue and sat down. and then we listened to librarian give a lecture and then we got to use the computers in the pod thing. and my sister was in there. lol. and elgoog. that was cool. yessssss. it was a fun day.

Posted by crazy/like_you at 11:41 PM PST
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