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Mickey is a three year old male Sable Ferret. Which means he has a light tan undercoat with dark brown guardhairs and a "raccoon" mask. Like other carpet sharks, this little guy has his own personality and odd quirks about him.

For example, my guy doesn't like to take baths. And he tries to escape the water, to no avail!

And believes that if he poops in the water he will be allowed to get out of the water. You'll note the proud grin on his face here.

He isn't happy when we drain and rinse the tub and fill it up again.
If you're lucky, and you have a fixed and descented ferret like I do, they only need a bath once a month.
Remember if you want to bathe your ferret in the tub, do not fill it so high that the ferret feels it has to swim.
Just high enough that the ferret can still walk on the bottom of the tub and have it's head above water is plenty!
Though some ferrets like to snorkel (as I have recently discovered with my guy)!

My daughter has just put a cup in the tub. He's investigating.

He's still thinking about it....

He's getting closer....

Like other predators of the plains the ferret...No, just kidding! He's decided to see what's inside the cup!

He found nothing of interest.

Ferrets have a pretty short attention span.
I've often heard people compare them to a toddler, or claim that ferrets have A.D.D.,
this could be true. Considering the attention span of my guy LOL.

Before we look at my drowned rat and send me hate-mail telling me that I should feed him more,
this just goes to show.. He eats. He eats a lot. Anyone else feel bloated? Ferrets have a very fast metabolism!
They have to potty as soon as they wake up from a snooze, and they eat at least every four hours.
It's important to keep food and water in his cage at all times.

Speaking of cages... This is the cage my guy resides in.
While there is room in this cage for two, possibly even four ferrets,
my guy lives in his alone with no complaints on his end.
It's important to remember that ferrets get bored very easily.
They must have playtime for at the very least two hours per day, if not more.
If you see your ferret laying flat in his cage looking at you through the bars,
he's probably signalling that it's playtime!

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Ferrets aren't exactly solitary animals, but we didn't know that!
He's very well entertained between my three children, but when buying ferrets you should
consider buying in pairs or more, as many people in the MSN group Ferret Lover's will agree!

Ferrets can eat different brands of cat food, though the food should have taurine in it.
Lots of protien for these little guys. I use Purina Cat Chow.

They also use cat litter. DO NOT use a clumping litter, or a clay litter
because ferrets like to burrow, clumping or clay litter can get in their nose and eyes and can possibly cause an intestinal blockage.
The dust from these types of litter can also cause respiratory infections. Don't use any type of bedding whether it says it's safe for
ferrets or not. The oils in certain types of bedding (such as those used for hamsters and gerbils) can also cause respiratory problems.
I use Yesterday's News, which is a pellet type litter made from recycled newspaper. Very absorbant.
Litter should be changed once a week, more often if you have more than one ferret.

Because ferrets back into corners to do their business,
a regular litter pan will not do. A high backed, or high corner litter pan is the best to use.
That is...unless you WANT to clean up every time your ferret over shoots the litter box ~_^

Ferrets can use water bottles, as well as standing water in a bowl, like these...
These types of bowls can be used for food and/or water make sure that your ferret has plenty of both at all times!

Water bottles are easy, almost completely mess-free
way to keep your ferret hapy and hydrated. Keep them filled with fresh cool water
at all times! In Mickey's cage I have a bowl of standing water, as well as two water bottles.

Hammocks.. Oh you can never have enough hammocks!
You can buy them, or make them, either way, ferrets love hammocks!l

And blankets.. My buddy loves blankets and warm towels! His favorite is a thermal receiving blanket, like this one.

However, those of us who have small children normally have an abundance of these
receiving blankets. And if not they're cheap, easy to find, and even easier to take care of.

While Mickey takes his bath (this process can take up to twenty minutes)
I warm towels in the dryer. Whe he is done with his bath I open the dryer and TEST IT TO MAKE SURE
IT'S NOT TOO HOT ON THE INSIDE and allow him to burrow in his warm towels and dry off.

He rather enjoys this part.

Unfortunately, like all other animals Ferrets tend to..lick themselves.

Can't stop them from doing it, just watch for hairballs.
Like most other animals, ferrets shed (spring and fall) and like cats can get hairballs.

Just let them do their thing. That's all you can do. This applies to licking, dooking, war dancing, and *icks* feces eating.

Ferrets are also very curious animals.
Curiosity didn't kill the cat, curiosity killed the ferret.
You must be sure to ferret-proof your home. Do not allow your ferret access to electrical cords of any kind.
Do not allow your ferret to go under the fridge or dishwasher, I find it best to just block off the kitchen completely.
Fans and other such things inside appliances can cause serious injury or DEATH in ferrets.

Yes, ferrets have very sharp teeth! When they are babies it's important to train them not to bite.
We used a bitter apple spray, which tastes nasty and is made to keep dogs from chewing.
It worked well for Mickey too. We put it on our hands and he soon learned not to bite the hand that feeds him.
A special note here: If you have smaller animals, such as hamsters... Do NOT let your ferret play with a completely exposed hamster!
I learned this the hard way. No I did not just throw the hamster on the floor and let Mickey go at it. The hamster escaped from it's cage and met up
with Mickey later. In Mickey's defense, he didn't eat the hamster.. He just chewed on it's head and it died of fright..yeah..that's it..self defense...

And finally.. sleeping. Ferrets can sleep for several hours at a time.
This is especially true for Mickey.
He can sleep a 6 hour stretch at a time.

In short, if you do not have lots of time to devote to your ferret, don't get one.
Ferrets can be tempermental (like Mickey, who dumped his food if it wasn't
soaked in warm water for the first 2 years), and at times can even be just too
much to handle. If you can't devote the time to play with your ferret, even on those
days where you "just don't feel like it" or when you've been at work for 14 hours
don't get a ferret. Remember, you were at work for 14 hours, but your ferret was
locked up for that time you were gone. Ferrets need love and attention too!

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