<title> Deer Anatamy  </title>
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<h1 align="center"> Deer Anatamy</h1>
<p><span class="body_text">
<div align="center"><img src=" anatomy1.gif"></div>
The whitetail's antlers consist of two main beams 
        that grow out and backward from their bases and then sweep forward. Single 
        tines, or points, grow upward off these main beams, and there is a small 
        tine above the brow. The average whitetail stands between 36 and 40 inches 
        high at the top of the shoulder. Especially big bucks may be 42 inches 
        high. They have a total length of between 60 to 75 inches and an average 
        weight of about 150 pounds. The Florida Key deer seldom weigh more than 
        80 pounds, while the largest whitetail deer on record is 511 pounds. </span></p>
      <p><span class="body_text">Deer vary in color shadings from area to area. 
        They also vary with the season. All whitetails shed twice a year. In the 
        spring, they get a new coat that is a bright reddish-brown, the hair solid 
        and thin. As cold weather approaches in the fall this hair is replaced 
        by the winter coat, which shades from bluish to a grayish-brown. The winter 
        hair is long, kinky, and filled with air pockets providing excellent insulation. 
        I have often seen deer whose bodies lost so little heat that snow and 
        sleet did not melt on their backs but remained encrusted on the hair. 
      <p><span class="body_text">Despite regional differences, deer are colored 
        basically alike. They have a jet-black nose with two white bands behind 
        it. The face is brown, the eyes circled with white. The insides of the 
        ears, beneath the chin and the large throat patch are pure white. The 
        body is darkest down the middle of the back, shading lighter till it abruptly 
        reaches the white stomach. The upper portion of the legs on the outside 
        are brown and the insides are white. The top side of the tail is brown 
        with some having various amounts of black at the tip. The underside of 
        the tail and rear portion of the deer is a sparkling white. Like the pronghorn 
        antelope, the whitetail can erect and flare its rump hairs when alarmed. 
        However, bucks do not flaunt their tails as commonly as do the does. It 
        is thought that does do this to guide their young as they flee from danger 
        through the dark night or deep forest. When the deer clasps its tail down 
        tightly and keeps the rump hairs bent inwardly, it is almost impossible 
        to see any of the telltale white. </span></p>
      <p><span class="body_text">Halfway between the toes and the heel of the 
        foot on the outside of the hind leg, the deer has a metatarsal gland. 
        Of the three deer found in the United States, the whitetail has the smallest 
        metatarsal gland. The size of this gland is often used as a means of identification 
        if only the legs are available. Supposedly this gland also gives off a 
        musk; its purpose is not well understood. At the deer's hock on the inside 
        of the leg is the tarsal gland. This gland plays a very important sexual 
        role. In addition to giving off a strong musk, which is attractive to 
        other deer, both bucks and does bend their legs together and Curve their 
        bodies so that they urinate on the hair tufts covering the glands. In 
        front of the deer's eye is the lachrymal or preorbital gland. This gland 
        is used to mark bushes and over hanging limbs by bucks which also plays 
        a pivotal part in the sexual life of a whitetail. </span></p>
      <p><span class="body_text">Skeletal System: </span></p>
      <p><span class="body_text"><div align="center"><img src=" anatomy2.gif"></div> The 
        skeleton gives the deer protection, support, and movement. It's also a 
        site for calcium storage and the production of red blood cells. A deer's 
        skeleton is made of bone. <br>
        Evolutionists believe the ancestors of the deer originally had five toes 
        on each of their feet. Through evolution, the first toe corresponding 
        to our thumb disappeared entirely. The second and fifth toes diminished 
        in size and moved to the rear where they now function as dewclaws. The 
        third and fourth toes became enlarged and form the main hooves as we know 
        them today. Actually, the deer walks on its toenails instead of its toes. 
        This type of foot is very efficient for fast movement over well-packed 
        earth. Between the center hooves is the interdigital gland, which gives 
        off a yellow, waxy substance that marks the ground as the deer walks. 
        This enables the animals to track one another, particularly the doe to 
        follow a straying fawn. Of course, it also enables predators to track 
        the deer. </span></p>
      <p><span class="body_text">Buck deer have antlers for the main purpose of 
        fighting other bucks during the breeding season. Recent research shows 
        that the antlers may also be an erotic stimulant. Most bucks lose their 
        antlers during the months of December or January. They have nothing but 
        the antler bases, called pedicels, on their heads until April. During 
        this month, these bases start to swell with the growth of new cells. Horns 
        that are not shed, such as those on mountain sheep, have a center core 
        filled with blood cells which foster growth. Antlers of the deer are solid 
        and nourished externally by a network of blood vessels called &quot;velvet.&quot; 
      <p><span class="body_text">Musculature System: </span></p>
      <p><span class="body_text"><div align="center"><img src=" anatomy3.gif"></div> Muscle 
        and Meat Content: The water content of fresh deer meat was found to be 
        77.8 percent, and protein content varied from 21-24.3 percent. The glycogen 
        level was found to be relatively high--0.491 percent. Also, muscle fibers 
        are finer than those of any livestock. </span></p>
      <p><span class="body_text">Fat Deposits: Fat levels in deer depend on nutritional 
        and social conditions, and sex, age, and season. Fat is stored first in 
        the bone marrow, then deposited around the kidneys intestines, and stomach 
        cavity, in that order. Mobilization of fat reserves should follow in reverse 
        order. Fat that infiltrates bone marrow changes the color and texture 
        of the marrow, making it possible visually to estimate the grade of fat 
        present. Femur marrow generally is used for fat analyses. According to 
        the study of Stockle et al. (1978), measurement of bone marrow fat can 
        be improved using the ''Hobart Percentage Fat Indicator.&quot; Marrow 
        fat itself was not found to be a reliable indicator of physical condition 
        in deer. </span></p>
      <p><span class="body_text">Circulatory System: </span></p>
      <p><span class="body_text"><div align="center"><img src=" anatomy4.gif"></div> With 
        respect to management concerns, there are three important organs of the 
        deer's circulatory system that deserve particular attention--the heart, 
        lungs, and spleen. </span></p>
      <p><span class="body_text">Heart. Whitetail Deer, like most mammals, have 
        a four chamber heart which circulates blood through the circulatory system. 
        It transfers oxygen and nutriants throughout the body and carries away 
        carbon monoxide and waste materials for disposal. </span></p>
      <p><span class="body_text">Lungs. The Whitetail's Lungs perform the same 
        function as in all mammals, transfering oxygen into and carbon monoxide 
        out of the blood circulated through the alveoli. </span></p>
      <p><span class="body_text">Spleen. The spleen is an important producer of 
        blood cells--primarily Lymphocytes. Erythrocytes can be stored in large 
        amounts. The spleen of deer belongs to the blood-storing type, which is 
        characteristic of endurance runners. Therefore, spleens of animals that 
        die minutes after being wounded will be of much lower weight than spleens 
        of animals that die instantly. <br>
        Digestive System:</span></p>
      <p><span class="body_text"><div align="center"><img src=" anatomy5.gif"></div> Members 
        of the deer family, unlike most mammals, do not have any teeth in the 
        front of the upper jawbone. Replacing the teeth is a resilient pad that 
        makes contact with the lower incisors. Deer have 32 teeth: 8 incisors, 
        12 premolars, and 12 molars. They usually do not have any canine teeth. 
      <p><span class="body_text">The members of the deer family are ruminants, 
        having a four-compartmented stomach, which allows the deer to feed very 
        rapidly, chewing its food just enough to swallow it. This partially chewed 
        food goes into the storage section of the stomach known as the rumen. 
        A feeding deer is at a disadvantage because while feeding it cannot be 
        alert to danger. Not having to masticate its food thoroughly, the deer 
        can fill its paunch rapidly and then retire to a safe place to do the 
        job properly. When the deer is ready, it regurgitates a ball of partially 
        chewed food about the size of an orange and re-chews it, then re-swallows 
        the food, which now enters the second section of the stomach, the reticulum. 
        From there, it goes into the omasurn, then through the abomasum into the 
        intestines where digestion is completed. </span></p>
      <p><span class="body_text">Deer do not have a gall bladder on their livers. 
        This allows them to eat vegetation that would kill domestic animals. </span></p>
      <p><span class="body_text">Deer are ruminants, meaning they are equipped 
        with a four-chambered stomach. An interesting characteristic about the 
        ruminant's stomach is that it allows the animal to gather a lot of food 
        at once, then chew, and digest it later. The four chambered stomach is 
        needed to process the large quantities of low nutrient food the deer eat. 
      <p><span class="body_text">Depending on the type and abundance of food, 
        the deer can fill its stomach in about one or two hours. When a deer eats, 
        food is moved by the tongue to the back of the mouth, where it is chewed 
        just enough to swallow. The food then passes down the gullet into the 
        stomach. <br>
        The four sections of a deer's stomach are the rumen, the reticulum, the 
        omasum, and the abomasum. First, the food goes into the rumen which stores 
        8 to 9 quarts of unchewed food and acts as a fermentation vat. Most of 
        the digestion occurs in this area of the stomach. Deer depend on billions 
        of microorganisms that live in its stomach. These </span><span class="body_text">microorganisms 
        break down the fibers, cellulose, and other basic plant components, and 
        convert them into materials that can be used by the deer's digestive system. 
        The lining of the rumen has small spaghetti-like fringes called papillae, 
        which vary in length from 3/8 to 1/2 inch. Over 40 percent of a deer's 
        energy is derived from the acids absorbed through the papillae and the 
        walls of the rumen. </span></p>
      <p><span class="body_text">After the deer has filled its paunch, it lies 
        down in a secluded place to chew its cud. After chewing its cud for awhile, 
        the deer re-swallows the food, which then passes to the second portion 
        of the stomach, the reticulum. The reticulum has a lining that looks like 
        a honeycomb. The reticulum holds the food in a clump, which can grow to 
        the size of a softball. The main function of the reticulum is to filter 
        out any foreign material. After about sixteen hours, the food passes to 
        the third chamber, the omasum, where intensive digestion and absorption 
        take place. The omasum's lining has forty flaps of varying heights, which 
        absorb most of the water from the food. </span></p>
      <p><span class="body_text">The last compartment, the abomasum, has a very 
        smooth, slippery lining with about a dozen elongated folds. The abomasum 
        produces acid to break down the food pieces for easier absorption of nutrients. 
        The food eventually passes through 67 feet of intestines, where most of 
        the liquid is absorbed, leaving an impacted mass of undigested particles. 
        These particles are passed out as excrement. A deer goes to the bathroom&quot; 
        an average of 13 times every 24 hours. Usually 65 percent of the food 
        will be used by the animal, and 5 percent is lost as methane gas, 5 percent 
        as urine, and 25 percent as feces.<br>